An Opinion Editorial by California Biker and Motorcycle Lawyer Norman Gregory FernandezI have read several articles recently that governmental officials at the State and Federal level in the United States, and United Kingdom are contemplating laws that would require manufacturers of sport motorcycles otherwise known as “Crotch Rockets,” to install speed regulators on the motorcycles, that would limit their maximum speed to a pre-determined level. Some sport motorcycles can currently reach speeds of up to 200 miles per hour.

Although you will see articles from me condemning using these types of motorcycles to race on public roads, I am against governmental regulation that would cap the maximum speed of any type of motorcycle. There are already laws against speeding and reckless drivers.

There are many types of cars that can reach very fast speeds. Why is no one talking about putting speed regulators on cars? The end result of allowing such regulations would be more and more regulations. Eventually these regulations would cross over to cruiser motorcycles, and god knows what else.

Eventually with such regulations in place, big brother can and will take control of motorcycles and motorcycling. If I buy a motorcycle, I do not want some device installed that would limit my speed. Have you ever had a big rig truck tailgating you on the road while riding a motorcycle? Sometimes being able to speed up is necessary to be safe. In California there may be speed limits, but it is also illegal to not go with the flow of traffic.

The last thing I would want to be on is a motorcycle that is speed regulated so that I could not safely ride with the flow of traffic, or speed ahead of dangerous tailgaters.

There are many valid arguments for not wanting vehicles capable of 200 miles per hour on our public roads, and there are many valid arguments for not putting speed regulators on motorcycles or cars.

We already have laws to deal with speeding and reckless drivers. A free nation is less free with more and more government regulation.

I say no speed regulators. What do you say?

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2007

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  1. sandie [ Member]

    I agree that the United States is becoming a police state more each day. Besides putting a speed regulation on crotch rockets, we now know that Homeland Security can pry into our personal phone calls and home computers to determine what kind of citizens we are and therefore taking away our freedom of speech. We had a case in Florida where some kid genius hacked into a government computer base. I would be for speed regulation if the government set gasoline prices and made the car companies develop cars that consumed less gasoline. We already have speed limits. Even the Nextel Cup Cars are forced to run NASCAR races with restrictor plates and Cup Cars now are using unleaded gasoline. Today gasoline is $2.69.9 a gallon in Sebastian, Florida.

  2. sandie [ Member]

    Guess all we can do is stand by and get raped by the gas companies, we have no choice and everything we do starts with gasoline. We are not exactly in a position to NOT buy gasoline. There indeed must be a better way. Yes, people, we must vote. Just so you know, Mitt Romley is suggesting hard in Florida that Jeb Bush is his pick to run for Vice President. We must also remember that Jeb is the Governor of Florida who gave the current President Bush his election win!!!!

  3. Steven

    Another angle on this to consider.

    It’s possible to create systems that not only limit a bike’s speed, but also monitor it remotely. We already have GPS tracking on our cell phones, and we already have red-light cameras set up at intersections.

    Imagine local police departments being able to send you speeding tickets automatically everytime you vehicle exceeds a speed-limit, or perhaps, 10mph above the speed limit.

    If you allow government into our engines, what’s the next logical step after that?

  4. John

    I don’t recall many — if any — 200 MPH motorcycle accidents in the Houston area. Most area accidents I’ve read about lately involve bike versus car collisions. An increasing number involve middle-aged guys like me losing control under normal riding conditions. I did see a couple of guys pulling a sport bike out of a ditch recently, but the rider was okay. Excessive speed wasn’t at fault in many of the accidents I’ve read about locally.

    With that said, I have on occasion had a sport bike blow by my Harley at least twice the posted highway speed. You can’t see them coming — any move into their lane would be deadly.

    On the big brother issue, the Houston tollway authority can track the speed of cars with EZ tags — they haven’t used it to cite speeders. Yet. And we have many new red-light cameras around town.

    We have enough regulations already. I’m not for requiring speed limiting devices on any vehicle.

  5. sandie [ Member]

    Most people that I see on crotch rockets are young. They sound like a swarm of bees when they blow us old guys off the road on our Harley’s. I do not know how the heck they are comfortable bent over and laying on their gas tanks. I think if they manufacture bikes that go over 200 MPH, it is kind of stupid. Where can one ride or drive that fast in the USA legally???? This is probably why insurance costs keep going up. I also think that in drivers education in high school they should teach new drivers to be aware of motorcycles. Most accidents with cagers are because the cager did not see the biker!!!!

  6. American Autobahn

    The ultimate goal of these insane laws is to do what England and parts of USA are already doing, tracking and tracing and taxing every car by the mile, turning all roads in private toll roads for foreign contractors to replace all police and traffic courts in USA. Robocops from Australia already run the traffic courts and get all profits from traffic tickets in many major cities in USA (read the fed class action lawsuit at In Germany, the Autobahn, which has no speed limit, has a lower death rate than when USA had the 55mph speed limit on Interstates. History Channel sent a video crew to Germany, and drove a LEGAL 212mph on a public highway, at night, in the rain, safer than you can drive 30mph in commuter traffic in USA (click the link to watch the video). In USA, driver licenses are only required for commercial drivers “for hire”, as proven by scooters and horses. We have a Constitutionally God-given Natural right to travel by any mode of transportation, whether foot, horse, bike, motorbike, car, boat or aircraft, including as driver. Ultralight pilots do not require a pilots license in USA in 2007. Search google video for “John Quade versus the New World Order” for a great lecture on this issue. Quade, a rocket scientist and engineer, was the biker gang leader in Mayor Clint Eastwood’s “Every Which Way But Loose” series of Hollywood movies. I won a traffic ticket trial pro se last year, using the cop’s own in-car video on computer disk, showing his speed on GPS, with him perping 5 criminal misdemeanors in 60 seconds, but did not show my alleged crime of driving safely at a top speed of 5mph (watch video and read my trial transcript at If drivers would just fight every traffic ticket in court, they would learn how easy it is to win those cases, and how crooked the cops really are, and there would be no more traffic tickets. Or do what we’re already doing and continue to be slaves.

  7. BikerGuy

    hey, this idea is not so bad. And the law will keep our life more safe I think.

  8. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Don’t feel bad. We are paying $3.20 a gallon for regular unleaded. Premium is at $3.50. I guess the oil companies will continue raping us as long as they can until someone steps up to the plate to stop them. We have to vote people into office that will represent the people and not big business.


  9. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Believe it or not many new cars have black boxes installed in them already. The are similar to black boxes that are on airplanes. If there is an accident they will show speed, direction, and all sorts of information. Most of the public did not even know this. Your prediction has already become somewhat reality!

    Check out this link, you will have to copy and paste the url into your browser:,2933,132056,00.html



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