You Must Keep Yourself Hydrated while riding your motorcycle in This Hot Weather!

California Motorcycle Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez discusses heat stroke while riding your motorcycleEven though it is almost the end of summer, it is scorching hot all over the country. The heat can lead to heat stroke or even death. The last thing you want to do is have a heat stroke while riding your motorcycle for obvious reasons.

When you are riding your motorcycle in very hot weather you dehydrate more than if you are in a car or just sitting around, lack of hydration and proper motorcycle riding attire in the heat can lead to you having a heat stroke.

You can read an article here about heat stroke and the symptoms to look out for.

It is very important to drink as much water as possible in this heat. I personally recommend a Gatorade type of drink if you are going to be riding your motorcycle in the heat. Force yourself to drink at every stop. If you feel like you are getting nauseous or dizzy, get off of the road and into an air conditioned environment as soon as possible.

Most people do not realize that wearing leathers in the heat can actually protect you against excessive loss of fluid in your body, and from the heat blast that you get while riding your motorcycle in hot weather.

It is deadly hot out there right now folks. Protect yourself!

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2007

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  1. ENV Bike

    Nice website, hey well not a lawyer but I play one on tv!

  2. Biker Betty

    You are so right about the heat. When my hubby and I were riding the outskirts of Denver, CO about a month ago – it was HOT!!! Luckily, we were on our way up into the mountains west of Denver. First stop up in the mountains and I was drinking lots of water. Riders have to be so careful with too much heat or cold. It can sneak up on us before we know it. Great article and hope all is going well your way.

    Biker Betty 🙂

  3. Annie

    What do you think about these Norman? We are considering buying one of these –

    These 50 cc motorcycles have DOT, EPA and CARB certification. Would love to have your opinion. Thanks!


  4. Shade Sail

    All great advice! I encounter problems with dehydration frequently in the desert heat of Arizona.

  5. orlando

    just a warning
    to people who like to ride in hot weather
    call me what you want
    i rode this weekend
    saturday 9/13/08
    temperature 101, heat index 12-14 degrees
    so you can imagine
    110 degrees plus
    in a full cover black helmet
    4 plus hours
    through traffic
    in the rio grande valley

    i always wear a full face helmet
    with collar tight closure
    to minimize noise and wind

    i did feel a bit of heat stroke
    on the way back
    i drank water at mid point
    in mission
    and rested for about 30 minutes
    not enough
    a black fully enclosed helmet
    can be dangerous in heat factors

    i always try to wear as much protection as possible

    i did not wish to accelerate
    past 45 mph

    well i am 52 years old
    rode a kz 1000 when i was young

    had to stop several times at stores
    for gatorade
    did not help
    so i know i was past dehydration

    made it home
    Gods blessings

    so take care in the heat

    i was blessed with bikers coming up behind me
    wandering why i was swerving

    and when i finally stopped 10 miles from home
    a biker came up to admire my bike
    it gave me a time to stop and rest for 30 plus minutes

    thank you bikers



    will ride again


  6. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    I am going to start posting more articles soon. I took a look at their website but not in detail. All I can say right now is that the gas mileage on some of the bikes is great. I will look more into these motorcycles and maybe write an article.



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