Personal Injury, Car Accident, Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez

The statistics are amazing. 9 out every 10 persons who drive a car will eventually be involved in a car accident in their lifetimes. 3 out of every 9 persons will be in a car, motorcycle or other motor vehicle accident that involves alcohol.

You can see an article about what to do if you are involved in a car accident or other motor vehicle accident on my personal injury website by clicking here now.

You can see an article about what to do if you are involved in a motorcycle accident on my motorcycle accident lawyer website by clicking here now.

Many car, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle accidents involve someone in the car being injured and some do not. Most personal injury lawyers will not represent you on a contingency basis (no money out of your pocket unless there is a recovery) unless there are injuries involved in an accident. Some firms including mine can provide representation on a fixed fee or hourly basis to help you recover for out of pocket losses when you are in an accident with no injuries.

My firm will represent you on a contingency basis (no money out of your pocket unless there is a recovery) if you have an injury case that we accept.

You will see in the articles that I posted links to above, that it is critical to try to retain an attorney within the first 24-48 hours after an accident to get the prosecution of your case started.

There are many people that come to with me their cases after first going at it alone with the insurance company, only to realize that they are getting no where. Even I as a personal injury lawyer would not represent myself in a personal injury case. A good analogy is that trying to prosecute your own case is like trying to perform a medical operation on yourself. Only a fool has himself for a client!

For those of you who to try to go at it alone, anything you say to the insurance company, including recorded statements can be used against you in your case. It is important to let your attorney speak for you. Once you retain me on your case, we will do all of the work for you. Obviously you will need to keep us up to date on your medical treatment, and if litigation is commenced you will need to cooperate with us to take the case to trial if a trial is necessary.

You must realize that the insurance companies are in business to make money. They will do everything they can to either not pay you, or not pay you what you are entitled to. Do not expect an insurance company adjuster to voluntarily tell you what you are entitled to, or offer it to you. They would probably lose their jobs if they did!

If you have a car, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle accident, in California, and retain my firm; The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates, we will send our investigator out to you usually within 24 hours or less to gather the information about your case, get the necessary forms for us to represent you signed, take pictures, etc. Many other personal injury lawyers require you to come into their offices to retain them. We understand that if you are injured this can be a real hassle. We can even email you the necessary forms to sign up with our firm on your case.

The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates does everything possible to make the process of signing up, and obtaining a settlement or judgment as convenient as possible for you.

For those of you that do not have medical insurance; our firm can refer you to doctor’s who will take your case on a lien basis so that you can get medical treatment.

Once you retain my firm, our professional pre-litigation staff, litigation staff, and trial attorneys will do everything necessary to get you the maximum settlement or judgment possible.

Beware of any lawyer that makes a guarantee as to the outcome of your case. It is not only unethical to make a guarantee as to the outcome of your case, it is impossible to guarantee the outcome of a case. No lawyer is clairvoyant!

If my firm does take your case, it is because we believe that there is a substantial likelihood of being able to get a recovery for you. We put our money where our mouth is!

If you have a car, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle in the State of California, you may call my office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a free consultation at 818-584-8831 extension 1. If it is after hours our automated system will attempt to connect you to a lawyer to speak to you about a case. You may also submit your case through the Internet for a free case evaluation by clicking here now.

I have done consultations at 5:00am on Saturday mornings and try to make myself available to my clients after hours and on the weekends when necessary. Injury accidents do not ordinarily fit the normal 8:00-5:00pm Monday through Friday schedule. You should not sign up with a personal injury lawyer unless they are willing to accommodate your schedule and injuries.

You can check out my personal injury website by clicking here or by going to

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. , © 2007

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  1. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    I am going to allow this comment because it does give a good link to used car dealers which could be helpful to someone who had their car totalled in a car accident. I just did a search on this site in my area and found 1620 used car dealers.

    Thanks for the link,



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