What’s Going On? Who is Responsible for the Fires in Southern California?

California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Norman G. Fernandez discusses the fires in Southern CaliforniaWell I am sitting here on a Saturday night watching the hills near where I live burn again. As I write this article I am listening to “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. You can hear it by clicking here.

The hills burned around my home burned about a month ago. It seems like they burn now everytime the Santa Ana winds blow. I have to ask myself what’s going on. A Motown artist named Marvin Gaye wrote a song called “What’s going on“. When it comes to the fires here in Southern California, it is an appropriate song. “You can hear it by clicking here.

I am a Southern California native. I was born in Hollywood, California, and have lived here most of my life except for the time I left for the Air Force, and a couple of times I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have never seen it this bad here before.

Yes we have had fires here from time to time, but it now looks very suspicious to me. The nature and the number of fires we are having everytime the Santa Ana winds blow seems like more than a coincidence to me. It seems like they are either being intentionally set, or we are just having the worst possible luck in my 45 year history living here. (I am 45 years old.) The former is probably more probable. I think the fires are being intentionally set.

Now as a Biker and Motorcycle Accident Attorney here in California, some would say that I am smart. I guess you could say that when it comes to practicing law. However, it does not take a rocket scientist to deduce that something is wrong with fires breaking out now everytime the winds blow!

I talked to my old lady and friends about the situation. I even contemplated not writing this article because I did not want to give whakos or terrorist any ideas. However, it must be said, some whako or whakos are probably setting these fires. I don’t think they would start on there own without human help.

I personally think that some sick individual who knows something about fires is running around setting the fires. My fiancé mentioned that it could be Arab terrorist or even building contractors setting the fires. I have to give it to my fiancé, she makes sense.

Could Arab terrorist be setting the fires? Could a building contractor be setting the fires? Who has the most to gain by setting the fires? How do we catch whoever is responsible for setting fires, if in fact they are being intentionally set? I say use our spy satellites to take images of the area during Santa Ana conditions. Maybe we will get lucky and catch the son(s) of a bitch who are starting the fires?

I know one thing is certain; we need to massively increase the criminal penalties for intentional arson. Enough is enough. As I speak tens of thousands of people are evacuated from their homes, and thousands have probably lost every possession that they own. God only knows if there are dead as a result of the recent fires.

I send my sincere condolences and prayers to all of the victims of the fires here in Southern California.

By California Biker and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer, Norman G. Fernandez, © 2008

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  1. Gary

    Totally agree Norm. When the blazes began *again*, my first thought was arson. Next thought was they need to start making arson a death penalty offense. I still remember the terrorists saying they will “get” America slowly from within.

  2. Ajlouny

    This is interesting that you think it’s arson. That area is a very dry area that is easy to catch on fire. One wrong move from a tossed cigarette and it’s just kicks up. I wonder if there is a stronger suspicion out there for arson. I was around San Francisco when the Oakland Hills went up in smoke and that was pure devastation. You would have to be pretty evil to do that intentionally.

  3. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    I am speculating as to arson. Having lived here my entire life the number and extent of fires that we are having every year now is unprecedented. The seem to be going off just where they will do the most damage.

    I would be on arson only because I am from here and it has never been this bad ever!



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