Thoughts of a Biker Lawyer about to engage in Battle!

motorcycle lawyer norman gregory fernandez discusses jury trialsThis morning, May 5, 2008, I will be in trial in the San Francisco Bay Area. As I sit here, getting ready to fly up to San Francisco with my partner in a couple of hours, my thoughts are of adversarial conflict in a Court of Law, i.e. a jury trial, and making sure everything is ready.

Only a trial lawyer knows this feeling. It is the culmination of months or sometimes years of preparation. You think of the first time you met your client, you think of how they were injured, and then you do the best that you can to get them the most compensation possible. Conducting a jury trial takes years of expertise and experience.

There are some lawyers out there who advertise and sign up cases, yet they have never done a bench trial or jury trial. All they try to do is settle cases. If they cannot settle they either drop you or get you to find another lawyer. I cannot fathom that!

So here I am, looking at exhibit lists, evidence, witness lists, notes, deposition transcripts, discovery, jury instructions, subpoenas, demonstrative evidence, oppositions to motions in limine, and finally my trial brief and short statement of the case. I am ready for trial. If the opposing side has done their homework they will also be prepared.

Two lawyers are on the eve of battle; a jury trial. A battle of intellect, a battle of theories, and a battle of wills, all in attempt to get to the truth and win our case for our respective clients!

A trial is the most stressful experience a lawyer goes through in his or her practice, unless they don’t actually do trials.

Before I start a trial I look over at my client knowing that it is up to me to convince a Judge or Jury of the merit of their case, and that they should give my client a judgment.

So there it is; the thoughts of a biker lawyer about to engage in battle.

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2008

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  1. Sandie [Member]

    Put on your gloves and thinking cap for battle. Let us know the outcome.

  2. Sandie [Member]

    I just read on a elections blog an article with supporting documents that OBAMA has a brother who is filthy oil rich and Cindy McCain has oil investments as well. We see with our current President and Vice President what has happened the oil companies are very rich fat cats and out of control. Which is the lesser of two evils OBAMA or McCain?? It is a sad day when it costs #28.32 to top off a Fatboy with gasoline. Not too many people can even afford to fill up their cars to get to work if they have a job??

  3. Sandie [Member]

    Norm: When I read your post I remember HARRY W. Spisak Esquire for 50 years in Dade County, Florida [Miami]told me “IT IS CALLED THE DUMBING OF AMERICA”. I understand now what he was telling me. I think we need a regular person for President who knows what it is to go to work everyday and make a mortgage payment. I agree with you….why can’t we find better candidates? I would think a good President surrounds himself with people who knew more than he in specialty areas…after all nobody knows everything…..or do they?? I guess the best thing we can do in November is hope we voted for the lesser of two evils.

  4. Sandie [Member]

    Does you e-mail address work?? I have sent you two e-mails and they have come back.

  5. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Yes I must say that this Presidential election year I am truly sick to my stomach. I cannot believe that this nation cannot put forth better candidates, and that the American public is so dumbed down that they cannot see or comprehend what they are voting for.


  6. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Sandie I was at a motorcycle rally in Northern California from Friday through Sunday. It was reported to me that my websites and email were down off and on throughout the weekend. My email should be back up now.



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