Norman Gregory Fernandez at the Hollister Motorcycle Rally 2004

When I decided to start blogging about motorcycle, biker, and general personal injury information, I had no idea that my Blog would literally receive thousands of hits per month. I am grateful to all of you who visit my Blog to read my articles. Furthermore, I am grateful to all of you who have submitted comments and private emails on the various articles I’ve written.

The Biker and Motorcycle Lawyer Blog is actually five Blogs in one at the present time. When you go to the main page at you’ll see an aggregation of all articles written in the five separate Blogs that presently make up the Biker and Motorcycle Lawyer Blog.

You’ll notice on the top of the Blog 6 separate taps; each of these tabs will take you to each of the separate Blogs on this site. Presently I have the following Blogs on this website: Biker laws; Motorcycle Safety Tips; Link Blog; In the wind; and Injury Law. I am contemplating adding a Family Law Blog onto this website since my law firm also practices family law, and many bikers and motorcyclists deal with family law issues.

The easiest way to find various articles on this site is to simply search for a topic or area that you’re looking for using the search box on the right area of the Blog. Another way to find articles is to choose the various topic areas on the right area of the Blog. You may also simply browse the Blog by clicking the Main Page tab on the top of the Blog. By doing this you will see an aggregation of all the articles in all of the Blogs on this site. You can also look at the right column for various topics in all of the Blogs on this site.

You will also find various links to other sites on the right column.

I am presently in the process of customizing the Blog to make everything much simpler for you to read the various articles on the Blog.

It is very satisfying to me to know that I am making an impact in the biker and motorcycle community with some of my articles. It is also satisfying to know that non-bikers are visiting the site to read information on general personal injury. I have received lots of input on my recent Dog Bite article.

If I do decide to do a separate Family Law Blog to this site, I am sure that I will be able to throw out some throw out some valuable information to all of you on the California family law system, and issues related thereto.

I would appreciate any and all input that you may have regarding this Blog; I would also appreciate any input on how I can make the Blog better for you. You can contact me through the system by clicking the little email tab next to my name in the articles, or you can email me at

As some of you probably already know, I am a very busy lawyer. Due to my schedule it is sometimes impossible to Blog every day. However, I will attempt to put out as many articles as I can. Some of the visitors to this Blog have become my clients, many are posting great comments on my various articles, and some submit their input to me via e-mail. I hereby make a solemn commitment to all of you that I will do my very best to respond to all e-mails and comments, and to Blog as much as possible.

Thank you,
Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq.

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  1. Michael Odom

    Great Blog Norman and looking better all the time! Your articles are informative and enlightening to read. Keep up the great work my friend.

  2. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Thanks Mike, I really appreciate it. I am having some technical problems with the software right now. The registration function is on the blink. I will have to find a fix.
    Talk to you soon my friend.



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