Reflecting on my life on my 46th Birthday; and Contemplating Beyond.

California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq.Well here I am again, another birthday, I am now 46 years old. I must admit, it seems like the birthdays come much faster now than they used to. I guess I can finally accept the fact that I am getting old.

I have heard the bullshit about how the new 40 is the old 30, and the new 50 is the old 40. I have also heard the bullshit about “you are as only old as how you feel.”

Bottom line, I ain’t what I used to be at 30, and there is no getting my youth back. I do feel great, but I am still getting older, and no bullshit saying is going to change that, so I am going to make the best of it, I have no choice right.

Hell, I am probably in much better shape than most 46 year old men. I am clean and sober. I gained some weight when I quit smoking over a year and a half ago, which I have since lost. I am now down to the same weight that I was when I played High School Football at Chatsworth High School. I work out six days a week and do 50 minutes of cardio each of the six days. On the seventh day of rest I still walk 30 minutes. I also practice martial arts and do Tai Chi as well. God willing, my body will hold up, and I will continue to be able to work out, because working out makes me feel great and is a great stress reliever.

Looking back at the past, I am not going to bullshit you; I would change a lot if I could. Many people say they would not change a thing in their past because it is what made them who they are today. I think they are BS’ing themselves. In the end there is no going back and changing your past. All you can do is try to learn from your past mistakes so that you do not repeat them, and move on.

I have had one hell of a life so far. I grew up much faster than most people. You can read a little about my past by reading what I wrote on my 45 birthday by clicking here.

This past year has been excellent. God has been real good to me. There have been some rough spots, but all in all it has been a good year. I know the economy sucks and many people are hurting. My business has suffered as well this year. Happiness is much more then just money, it is your relationships with people that count.

As I contemplate beyond today, all I can say is that the future looks good. I am going to try to make each day that I have on earth day count for something. What really gets me off is helping people; that is why I became an attorney in the first place. God willing, I hope to help many people this year.

It is now June 20, 2009. I was born at 9:21pm, 46 years ago tonight. Another birthday has come and gone. I am hoping to have one hell of a good ride tomorrow with friends.

By California Motorcycle Accident and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. © 2009

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  1. EdB

    Happy Birthday!

  2. Gixxer32404

    Happy birthday.

  3. Finnet

    Happy birthday!

    Just found your blog, and it is very interesting stuff. I will definitely be reading it from now on. Thank you!

    And what you said about relationships is true – it’s not the money or things we have that counts, it’s the people.

    Ride on!

  4. Sandie [MEMBER]

    Norm very nice thread!! You are a good writer. Yes as we get older birthdays seem to come quicker. My daughter had my first Grandson May 8th. It seems like yesterday I was driving this little girl to school with missing front teeth. Now that little girl is a mother. I too feel my age!!! Yes there are many things that I would do differently if I could. All we can do is move forward. Life is but a vapour and it passes us by quickly!!!

  5. Ken Baer

    Happy belated B-Day. I am 55 and ahead of you, but like you, I work out, stay fit, and dwell on the positives which are many. I ride approximately 8K motorcycle miles a year (recreational) and that is one activity, above all others, that keeps me thinking and feeling young. But … I read your posts frequently to keep me aware of the risks and the dangers of riding on the cage-crowded roads in NorCal. Keep up the great work and ride safe.

  6. Grumpy

    I can’t stand to hear you talk like this. Are you going soft on me, Storm?
    Say it isn’t so. You have been an inspiration for me, dude. Stop this and get on your bike and ride. If you keep this shit up I’m gonna hafta start calling you “Tropical depression,” OK. So stop it. I mean it. 😀


  7. Grumpy

    Listen, brother. Me an a work buddy are riding to the GC in AZ. We gonna do a solid six to eight days on the rough. Got tents,Zbags, and ponchos, man. Maybe throw in 2 hotel days between to wash proper like, and do lawndry; shit like that.

  8. Grumpy

    I lost my last cell fon and eor # with it. Send me a private E-mail with your shit, woun’t. I gather that you still have number, right?

  9. Grumpy

    Shit man!. We got to get together and have salzaparilla, or something. But I to speak with on other matters. It bugs me that I have lost touch with you, man.
    I need to speak with on other matters as well. I left a message on your 800 number.

  10. Grumpy

    You got any crazy videos on this thing?

  11. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Thanks Gixxer. Let’s see if we can get some new outstanding articles on the Biker Law Blog in the coming months!


  12. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Congratulations on the Grandchild Sandie. Mine is already on a tricycle.

    Indeed is a vapor, a short and precious vapor.


  13. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Good to hear from you brother Grumpy! Na I ain’t getting soft, just getting older. I went on a great ride last weekend. I will be in the saddle this weekend as well. We need to get together and ride bro.

    Give me a call,


  14. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Sounds great brother. I love that run. We are going to ride local this weekend and then do the Las Vegas Biker Fest the weekend after. Remember when we bros last rode to the Las Vegas Biker Fest? You and Loco got shit faced! Loco is an independent rider now, he got married, has a kid, and is still riding!


  15. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Indeed. I tried left a message at your number. This blog is a public system bro. Your best bet is to email me or call me privately.



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