My Take on Why we are in a Recession; and My Solution to get us Out of the Recession.

RecessionLet me start off by saying that although my major was business in college, I do not claim to be an all knowing holy grail when it comes to macro or micro economics. Further, I do not claim to be an expert on all things financial in our economy.

You may ask, what the hell is a California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Personal Injury Attorney doing writing about the recession and economy on a Biker Law Blog.

The answer is because I can 🙂  I sometimes write off topic articles that interest me, and that I think will interest my readers and cause debate.

Now let’s get to my simplified explanation for the recession and my solution.

The Problem

I firmly believe that the United States is in a deep recession because of the price of oil, bottom line.

You can read several articles I have written on the subject by clicking here, and by clicking here. At the time I wrote my articles, I predicted that the unprecedented and artificially high price of oil would destroy our economy. I was right.

I am not claiming that the outsourcing of jobs by traitorous American Corporations did not have anything to do with it, because it did.

You see the high price of oil, increased the price of everything in our economy because our entire economy is dependent on oil.

Once oil went up, we lost millions of jobs, people could not pay their mortgages, people lost their houses, etc. The bad loan situation was exacerbated by the fact that people lost their jobs.

Once the ball got rolling we had deflation in certain markets, especially home prices. (Deflation is the decrease in prices)

It all started with oil prices going up to an unprecedented level during the previous administration.

I say follow the oil money to find out what is really going on; this is the subject for another article.

The Solution

If you accept my premise that the artificially high price of oil caused our economy to take a dump, than it will be easy for you to accept my solution to the problem.

I am calling for every single building in the United States, including homes,  to be fitted with solar panels, and a solar charging system within 10 years. I am also calling for every new building to have solar panels and a solar system installed when it is built.

As part of my solution, none of the solar panels or solar systems can be manufactured in any other nation but the United States. This would include any and all components of said systems.

My solution would not only vastly decrease our dependence on foreign oil, it would also decrease demand, which would theoretically decrease the cost of oil exponentially if you believe that the market is free and driven by competition, which it is not.

My solution would put millions of American’s to work, help save our environment, and it would reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

If every building in the United States was fitted with a solar system, every building in the U.S. would be generating power for the grid.

My solution would have to be administered like Roosevelt’s new deal program, and the Manhattan project. We would have to approach this project like we did building the nuclear bomb.

There are many other green solutions that could be done to create jobs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and to decrease the cost of oil, such as ocean wind farms, land wind farms, ocean tidal generators, land solar thermal power plants, etc.

All it would take is a motivated people, and government, who are not taking kickbacks from big oil to NOT do such a project.

How will this be paid for? Well let’s see, how many billions of dollars have we spent in Iraq and Afghanistan to rebuild their countries? Most likely a hell of a lot more than it will cost us to implement my plan.

The cost can be privately paid with tax incentives, publically paid subject to low interest pay back from building owners, or publically paid for depending upon income levels of the owners of buildings. The public can be paid back for the investment by way of low monthly payments that are analogous to power payments to utilities.

The United States needs to start investing in its infrastructure, and its future to be economically competitive in the future. Why not start with my grand plan? Yes it will cost a bundle.

I wonder how many American jobs can be created by requiring solar systems on every building in the union. I wonder how much oil will be saved by requiring the same. I wonder how much cleaner our air and sky’s would be by requiring the same. I wonder how low oil prices would go, if within 10 years, our demand for oil was cut by 50-75%.

Hell a byproduct of my plan would be to require manufacturing here in the United States. Hell you never know, maybe we will learn to start making things again instead of outsourcing everything to China.

I hope that this article reaches the powers that be in this nation. Maybe just maybe, it will be implemented.

By California Motorcycle Accident Attorney, and Biker Lawyer, Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2010

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  1. Kit

    Well, so why is the price of oil exploding? The answer is, the prices are not artificially high, the value of the dollar is falling because the federal reserve is inflating (debasing) the currency. All commodities prices are rising as a hedge against this debasement. Look at gold and precious metals.

    Forget the New New Deal, without balanced budgets America is sunk. In order to get our house in order we need to bring home all of our troops, saving $1 trillion a year, do away with much of our social welfare and live within our means. We cannot afford to invest in infrastructure, we’re broke!

    If you want to learn about sound money and honest economics, I suggest as a good place to start. I also like

  2. Harvey Meyer

    Price of oil? No.

    The need for oil is so ubiquitous across all economic
    levels,that by default, an average value is maintained across the broader economic spectrum. One section of
    the economy, such as manufacturing, would have to be
    adversely targeted by a sudden spike in prices over
    an extended period of time in order to register a
    serious downturn.

    The source of the recession is money supply: we cannot afford Wall St. and hedge funds which exist
    only on margin buying and stock price-spread bets.
    None of these financial geniuses actually buy the
    stock at sale value and hang onto it for 48 hours.
    That’s for ordinary stupid people. These transactions, where no one is compelled to pay the full price for anything, represent billions of
    dollars moving back and forth in the blink of an eye;
    no money actually stays any where to support things.
    Money is always moving out, never in, Mr. Obama will
    not be able to fix it.

    Secondly, ordinary folks working, live life in
    increments of $10,000. This amount is required for
    two months to maintain an upper middle class lifestyle. If it is interrupted for longer than two
    months, that`s trouble. One cannot recover
    if our entire financial picture is debt repaying on
    installments. Mortgage is just another installment.
    The jobs that permit this arrangement are not being
    created and are not being brought on line. There is
    a very big chance they never will again.

    If I have a mortgage and I roll my $50,000 credit card debt into a second mortgage and still keep my $50,000
    credit limit, well I’m leaving nothing for my kids
    to inherit. I`m just paying and paying.

    Because of these kind of unregulated financial practices, cash flow at the bottom of the millionaire pile has evaporated. Swing to the left,
    swing to the right and there`s no room to manouevre.

    Oil is fine, that price will come down once OPEC wakes up and smells the coffee.


    Harvey Meyer



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