Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq.Being a long-time motorcycle rider, I am often asked by non-motorcycle riders why I ride.

I explain to them that there is nothing like taking my motorcycle out on the open road and “getting in the wind.” I try to explain to them that for me it’s like a spiritual and meditative experience. When I get on the open road my senses become hyper-alert, yet my mind becomes totally calm. Riding a motorcycle on the open road is unlike any other type of motor vehicle experience. You can “smell the smells,” see the sights, and feel the road. Only someone that has actually ridden a motorcycle will understand what I’m trying to say.

Riding on city streets is not the same as riding on the freeway or the open road, however, it is pleasurable nonetheless.

The experience of riding a motorcycle is hard to explain in words. There is nothing like sitting on top of a powerful machine on two wheels riding through the Arizona desert at 75 mph, or riding through the twisties in the Angeles Crest National Forest. It’s almost as if you and the motorcycle become one. The motorcycle responds to your every movement. When riding, I sometimes feel like I am flying. Again, it’s something that you have to experience for yourself to understand.

Motorcycle riders of all types, experience a bond and comradery that cagers do not have. No matter what type of motorcycle you ride, you feel a kinship to other motorcycle riders that you see on the road, I guess because you know that their experiencing the same thing that you are. It’s a great feeling riding down the road and having every other motorcycle that passes by shoot you what is called “the biker wave.” Bikers and motorcycle riders for the most part are the most friendliest, and trustworthy people that I have ever met.

I will be posting may articles about my adventures and road trips in this section. Stay tuned!

This Article was written by Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. You can find his Biker Lawyer Website by Clicking Here. Copyright 2006.

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  1. Conrad

    This comment will stray away from the above subject matter. I currently do not own a motorcycle , My road trips previously were done on a bicycle non motorized . A few years my Doctor informed I should stop riding because of the damage I was doing to my testicles pounding around for miles a day . Weel I miss the feeling of the open atmosphere riding in the wind the feeling of freedom has no compare . You have explained that same feeling I had when I rode my bike . I am a beginner and want to start small , under 500cc . There is a question of in-line or v-twin at this displacement , Is there a performance difference , I am curious about excessive heat from v-twin cylinderheads or exhaust pipes , are there pros and cons , also which is more efficient air or water cooled engines , Can a air cooled engine safely ride a hundred miles without overheating ?

  2. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Well Conrad, I think your question would best be answered by you visiting different motorcycle dealerships, looking at the motorcycles in person, taking test rides, and doing reviews of the motorcycles you like on the Internet before purchasing.

    Your question is huge, and my recommendations would be biased towards what I like.

    You can look on the Internet until you are blue in the face, but until you see, sit on, and ride actual motorcycles, you will not know what fits you.

    I would say 500CC is probably too small if you are going to go for a Cruiser motorcycle. You may want to go 883cc or smaller. The only ones that I know of smaller than 500CC are 250CC and you will outgrow that in about a week!

    Do you research and let me know what you get!



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