Memorial Day 2008; Remember our Fallen Heroes.

California Biker Attorney Norman Gregory Fernandez on Memorial DaySo here we are again, observing another memorial day in the year 2008, a nation at war. As I write this observance, many men and women, our nation’s best, are in harms way in Iraq and Afghanistan. (approx. 200,000) Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. (approx. 4,500 in Iraq, approx. 1000 in Afghanistan) Tens of thousands have suffered horrendous injuries.

Last year I wrote a Memorial Day tribute called Blawg Review 110 which is chocked full of information about Memorial Day. I highly recommend that you read it. You can read it by clicking here now.

Over one million (1,000,000) men and women have given their lives in the service of our nation, The United States of America.

If you happen to find your way here to the Biker Law Blog on Memorial Day, or even after Memorial Day, I would ask you to do a simple thing. Remember those brave souls who gave their lives for your freedom. As you enjoy your family, maybe a movie, a kiss, a meal, or even the pleasant scents of the trees, remember the over one million brave souls who willingly gave their lives so that you can enjoy those simple things in life, which they can no longer have because of their sacrifice.

May God Bless America and May God Bless Our Fallen Heroes.

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2008

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  1. Marc

    Great post Norman,

    Kids and adults these days have no understanding of how much blood and tears it took to make this country. We give awards to celebrities every other day, but actual heroes are lucky to get any recognition.

    I constantly pray for all of our brave service members overseas and hope we can end the war in Iraq very soon. We have already lost 4000+ of our best and brightest….

    At the very least I can speak for my family and some of my friends when I say, “We sincerely pray for your safe return and immensely appreciate your sacrifice!”


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