Doctors rushing Personal Injury Victim into HospitalThe type and amount of medical treatment that you receive for an injury that resulted from the Negligence of another is an indication of the seriousness of your injuries in your personal injury case.

The client who receives $500.00 worth of medical treatment will not, as a general rule, receive the same settlement or judgement as a client with $5,000.00 in medical treatment.

Most insurance companies grade the seriousness of injuries as minimal, slight, moderate or severe. A minimal injury is one in which the client has $1,000.00 or less in medical treatment to cure the injury. A slightly injured client has over $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 in medical treatment. A client with medical treatment expenses over $3,000.00 to $5,000.00 is moderately injured. Medical expenses in excess of $5,000.00 shows severe injury. Use the following rules as a guide to your medical treatment in your personal injury case.

Follow the Doctors Advice
You should accept the type and amount of medical treatment the doctor recommends. Some types of treatment may appear not to help at first. Often the doctor may change the type of treatment for better results. Keep in mind that your doctor has been trained to treat your injuries. Any question as to whether you should continue medical treatment should be directed to the doctor.

Do not Understate Your Complaints
Each time you see your doctor tell the doctor: 1. The location of your pain; 2. The amount of pain (slight, moderate or severe); 3. What you can not do (disability); and, 4. What you do to relieve the pain. Do not tell the doctor you “feel fine” if you have pain. The doctor cannot help you if you do not tell the doctor your complaints. Do not expect the insurance company to pay for your pain if you say you “feel fine.”

Do something About your Pain
The insurance company has a very simple rule when rating personal injury cases. The rule is “If it is important enough for you to see a doctor for your complaint, is important enough for you to be compensated for the complaint.” In other words, the failure to treat with a medical doctor (according to the insurance companies) means that you must not be that hurt!

If you are in pain you must appear to be trying to get well (mitigating damages). That means going to the doctor for help. If the doctor releases you from therapy and you are still in pain return to the doctor. You know how you feel better than anyone else. Return to the doctor as soon as possible if you are still having pain.

If you wait a year to return back to the doctor, it will appear to the insurance companies that you “must have a new injury,” or you are trying to embellish your injuries. Use your common sense, if you are hurting from your injuries, see your doctor!

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. , Copyright 2006

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1 Comment

  1. Don

    I always find something new and interesting every time I come around here – thanks.


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