Mayday, Mayday, This is the People of the State of California Calling, We Are Going Down, Mayday, Mayday………

California Motorcycle Accident Attorney Norman Gregory Fernandez discusses the economic crisis in the United States.When I declared a National Emergency because of the oil prices back on April 21, 2008, I predicted that the speculators and gougers would put us in a great depression. I hate to be right, but I was. Some would argue that we are not in a depression, I would say otherwise. We are real close to calamity.

I know I may just be a simple California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer and Biker Lawyer, but I studied business in College before going to law school. It did not take a rocket scientist to see what was going on.

Now here we are, a new year, a new President in office, and California is approaching 10% unemployment. Today Harley Davidson Motorcycles announced lay-off’s, Microsoft announced layoffs, and we have lost approximately 500,000 jobs in the past month. Every day more and more doom and gloom are announced on the news.

The State of California has a huge budget deficit which they have announced will force them to write IOU’s for tax refund checks, etc., because they have no more money. My fiancé went with a group of other union representatives to Sacramento yesterday to rally the government not to cut programs for the poorest Californians there are.

It is so bad that many counties including Los Angeles are going to lay off employees that work for social services, and who give out food stamps and provide emergency services for the poorest of the poor with children. Imagine, they are going to lay off the people who provide aid to people who are destitute with no food or shelter. This is as bad as it gets.

I am usually a positive guy, but I can see the writing on the wall. The State of California is going down, and the nation is going down. How far, god only knows.

I am going to try to break down the economic crisis the way I see it into simple terms that everyone can understand. International Corporations, Robber Barron Speculators, Gouging Oil producing nations and speculators, and lack of balls on the part of our government over the past 8 years has pretty much destroyed our government and country.

We learned a long time ago that unregulated capitalism leads to lack of real competition, and the rich ultimately taking advantage of the poor. The people who have been in power over the past eight years sold our nation to the devil. Communist China owns our ass.

What is money? Money is something that someone is willing to accept in return for goods and services. A US dollar is simply a piece of paper. It is printed by the US Government. A hundred dollar bill is only worth a hundred dollars if someone is willing to provide goods and services in return for it, otherwise it is a worthless piece of paper. Our money is fast becoming worthless on the world market.

Our nation is still the same nation that won WWII. We have vast resources, tremendous expertise, and one hell of a strong work force. None of that has changed. The only thing that has changed is that our government, International Corporations, Robber Barron Speculators, Gouging Oil producing nations and speculators have sold us a pile of shit for the past eight years.

To get us out of this mess we are going to have to approach this crisis like we did the Manhattan project in WWII, and WWII itself. Our nation’s survival hangs in the balance.

Folks we have to approach the economic crisis like it is an utter emergency because failure to do so is not palatable. We could lose our way of life, or worse, our nation.

I have some solutions in mind to fix our economic crisis. Many would think that they are radical. If there is someone out there who reads my mayday distress call and wants to hear my solutions, let me know. I sure would like to hear about yours.

By California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez, © 2009

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  1. Mat

    Sandy, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to law enforcement. I do not care about LE cutbacks in different parts of the U.S., so do not bring them up. If you hear about LE cutbacks in Clarksburg, WV, then you let me know.

  2. Gary

    Hi Norm, I completely agree.

    I’m no expert by any means in economic things but I will say this just from a feeling. When liars, thieves, the greedy, and immoral, control every aspect of government stuffing their own pockets and the hell with everybody else, we are heading towards a calamity like the world has not seen yet.

  3. bikerdude

    Here we go again, another one blaming the Bush administration…or THAT organization, OR, THAT person… haha….
    We have a HUGE GLOBAL problem on our hands, and its all BUSH”S FAULT…? LOL.. IT IS ALL THE USA’S FAULT???? yeah right……
    OH, so then I COULD say…..”ATTORNEYS (oh, wait, esq.) Frivolous lawsuits are more to blame than anything else……”

    Spread The WEALTH YOU SAY????
    That includes ME, YOU, THEY and THEM, everyone…
    From Local, State and Federal! Commissioners, Mayors, City Managers, Governors, Senators, Congress, The Hill.. Calling and, Sending snail mail, emails, PARTICIPATING ON A REGULAR BASIS IN OUR SYSTEM…. YOU MUST HOLD EACH AND EVERYONE MUCH MORE ACCOUNTABLE!
    basically, it is WE The People. WOKE up!!
    Live to Ride, Ride to Live

    (Ladies and Gentleman, Elvis, Has left the Building!!!)

  4. Mat

    I am glad that I am a policeman because there are always criminals running rampant therefore I do not need to worry about losing my job.

  5. Sandie [Member]

    To your blogger who is a policeman. Don;t be so sure….there are cutbacks going on and law enforcement has been cut in different parts of the USA. This economic mess has been coming for a long time and our downfall started before President Bush was elected. None of these elected people except John McCain and Mitch McConnell have asked what the current President plans to do if China refuses to buy our debt or worse, the Chinese call our loans in for payment. Their economy is not much better than our economy. We are headed for socialism. Call your Senator and Congressman and tell them not to vote for this next wave of bailouts. Burn up their phones. It is wrong. A prime example…..Citigroup buying a 50 million dollar private jet for 12 people with our money!!! This is so wrong. Sending borrowed dollars to foregn countries for abortions………what a crock!!!! I agree with you Norm. We are in the tank.

  6. Sandie [Member]

    Mat I would recommend you use your computer to check nationwide numbers on counties laying off their law enforcement and cutting back. Maybe not in your area and I am glad that you don’t have to worry but a lot of other people are getting laid off as budget cuts are getting bigger. Florida has laid off many across the state. WV has been the poorest state in the Union for years, more welfare etc. I think it is great if WV is doing well. I went to school in Point Pleasant. Went back for a visit and the town was boarded up. Very sad to see what is happening to the lovely river towns that were a big part of my life.

  7. stephen

    I think you are right. Here in Australia it is much the same story, although we are not as hard hit as the USA. One of your key points is unregulated capitalism. We have had much the same BS here, the govt on both sides have given in to big business and we always hear “the market will decide, the market is self correcting, blah blah blah”. Well what has de-regulation got us? Higher prices, consoladation of market share and big business running small business out of town. So now we only have two supermarket chains for the whole country…yes two. They own the market, they screw the farmers and the consumers so we have the highest rate of food inflation in the developed world and the govt “watch dog” finds everything is OK!

    And now the govt is bailing out the car companies, banks and who knows what else..with our tax money. The govt is giving our tax money to the very companies who ripped us off in the first place!

    So the problems are the same here as they are in CA and the US.

    Don’t even get me started on how the Japanese companies bought the government and screwed us so we can’t import any American custom bikes. The Jap companies got into the govt to the point that the motorcycle skill test is designed for a Honda CB 250. If you have a US bike it is almost impossible to get it through the cone test.

    Over to you. Keep up the good work.

  8. Cliff

    California Economy!!! My thoughts are lets cut the number of people in congress and assemblyman by 1/2 and slash their wages down to $90,000.00 a year this would be a cap on their jobs for 5 years and all those in government jobs and those who really want to keep their jobs would stay with those wages and of course the people that work other government jobs DMV, Postal,jails,Prison and other Gov Jobs 1/2 would work Monday thru Thursday and the other 1/2 Tuesday thru Fridays and weekends off except those in Prison and Jail Jobs and no overtime for weekend duty. 1/2 would work Tuesday thru Saturday and the other 1/2 would work Sunday thru Thursday. I think this would be a great way to help out the Tax payers across the board instead of Arnold raising taxes and car tags. If I were the Governor of California I wouldn’t be making to many friends but would make the tax payers and teachers smile I do believe this is something that could work….

  9. Kyuudousha

    You guys ought to have a look at what Matt Savanar has been saying for a long while now. Type LATOC into Google and you’ll come to the Peak Oil website to end all Peak Oil websites. It looks like the old system of Capitalism is being dismantled slowly but surely…

  10. gixxer32404

    I know I was laid off April 02, 2009.
    I still haven’t found work. I think Florida is next. Transportation and construction are the worst. It’s been slow for 2 years, here. I was driving a dump truck.

  11. Sandie [Member]

    Norm you are not writing. Hope that all is well.


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