March 21, 2010, a Historic Day; Health Care Reform is Passed and will Soon Become Law.

Health Care Reform is now the law of the land.
****March 25, 2010 Update – Reconcilliation bill approved by Sentate with a few changes, sent back to House, and approved by House. This phase of health care reform is compete. – Healthcare reform was signed into law by President Obama, history has been made.

****March 23, 2010 Update

Whether you are for, or against health care reform, one thing is certain, health care reform will become law of the land.. The House of Representatives passed the Senate version of Health care reform last night, and President Obama is expected to sign this bill into law. The House also passed a bill which seeks to modify or fix the original bill, which if passed by a majority vote in the Senate, will also become part of the health care reform bill.

As you can see the country has not come crashing down, the sun has risen. (Except if there is bad weather in your part of the country) America is a great country, and we have just become even greater.

Many of you probably already have read my previous article on supporting health care reform here. You can also read the truth about the health care reform from the official government website here.

I am not going to go into the politics of this historic bill, I will just say this; it now appears that immediately children can no longer be denied health insurance due to pre-existing conditions, parents will now be able to keep their children on their health insurance plan to the age of 26, and senior citizens who need prescriptions will now be able to get medications which are presently not covered.

In 2014, the ban on denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions will take affect for all. Insurance companies will no longer we able to deny anyone from getting insurance just because they have a pre-existing condition. Furthermore, insurance companies will no longer be able to terminate someone’s insurance, just because they become sick and actually need to use their medical insurance. Furthermore, there is no more life time cap on insurance, 30 million uninsured American’s will now get medical insurance. On top of that, individuals and small business will be able to join pools of others to buy low cost insurance.

When a Senator who promised to kill health care reform was elected in Massachusetts, Anthem Blue Cross, the largest health care insurance company in the nation, told Californians with individual plans that their insurance rates would increase by 39% this year. I think this is what broke the camels back so to say. I thank Anthem Blue Cross and their greed for helping us to get health care reform.

Basically we have told the medical insurance companies to go screw themselves. They tried like hell to prevent this reform from passing. Hell there was a doomsday commercial message every commercial break on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX news for the past week. We even heard members of a certain political party claim that our nation was not good enough to ensure that all of us have health care, just like other industrialized nations in the west.

It does not matter if you are a Republican, a Democrat, and independent, or other, you or your family too will benefit from health care reform. Because you see the health care industry abuses that are happening right now do not care what political party you are from. When you are sick and shit out of luck with no insurance or no way to see a doctor, you political views, or voice don’t mean squat. All that matters is getting you or a family member better.

The reform bill is not perfect. I believe that there should be a public option as well. However, this will do for now.

In this economy where millions of Americans are out of work, or working in jobs that give them little or no health care, our nation is coming through. In a few years you will no longer have to look in the mirror and wonder how you are going to see a doctor if you get sick. Hallelujah.

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2010

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  1. gixxer

    Companies will be laying off even more now. Some will do it out of spite. imo I think he has just completely bankrupted the USA with this crap.

  2. Sandie [Member]

    Norm I hope you are this happy when you get income taxed to death. I also want to see another article when you are waiting 6 months or longer like the folks in Canada do at this time. Have you ever wondered why so many folks from Canada cross over to MN to go to the Doctor? The folks in England hate their socialized medicine.I also want to see another article when you are refused treatment or surgery due to your age. Think we have a shortage of Doctors now…..we will see a greater shortage in years to come. I have been a Registered Democrat since 1976 so my feeling are not on party lines. Today six local doctors have began calling Medicare patients and dropping them locally. This to me seems unconstitutional. I guess the caps on medical malpractice will drive down costs. That should also bring down attorney fees. We can only hope for the best. I am ready to hit my couch with a bag of Doritos and let the rich pay for my bills. I do not feel like this is Constitutional……history will tell the story after we are gone. By the way MA passed health care and it sucks and is considered to be a flop. More government intrusion on our lives. We are no longer land of the free.

  3. Henry Massingale

    I had to wait for this Bill to be passed in order to show the Republican Party and GOP and FRC Action that it is the voice of the people that guides the destiny of this Country.
    As predicted , the first stages of the Health Care Bill was passed. Why, you ask ? It is because people wish to be seen for their in put of a view and not unite. What is lost is respect with in a concept of { Freedom Of Choice } to be a part of this system or not, with in this Health Care Force Pay Matrix.
    What is offered by FASC Concepts is the Freedom Of Choice, because we feel it is unconstitutional to force pay into the failures of Health Care Insurance Companies and then Tax that money. As you can see our elected officials are paying little attention to the public. As I reach out to my computer and I knock , knock, knock on the screen, and I say is there any body out there?
    This Health Care issue keeps taking turns and twist that bewilder the mind in thoughts. This $100 trillion dollar system ,as it would seem, I am counting up to $ 8 trillion 682 billion Dollars so far. On guy emailed me and he is up to $27 Trillion dollars.
    You see when Harry Reid added a extra ….almost, $2 Trillion dollars in a tax forum, this through my numbers off with the 1 to 3 year spread of taxes.
    Lets show you this way seeing how I run out of fingers to count on and I do not feel like taking my shoes off…..
    to get a $4 Trillion dollar tax spread, it is based at a 0.25% up to 4 years.
    To be able to see the amount taxed in one year as a whole at 50% is around $8.2 Trillion to $8.8 Trillion, please remember according to Government Officials this is to be a spread tax, 3 to 10 years.. There is over 10 thousand companies I have not even got to yet. So lets take this $ 8 trillion 682 billion Dollars , reach into your mind and say ,1 to 3 to 10 years Tax against the Health Care System, then take this 10% tax against the almost $4 Trillion Dollars, your factor must be a multiplication. Then you will see this Tax factor as net value of that system. But of course Government Officials will not show the a net value of a system or that one company, this wold make it to easy for the People to follow the Tax Dollar.
    Remember this tax dollar does not include the split petition of the tax forum of increases in other areas, in the name of Health Care Reform. This tax forum I, or we can have very little effect against.
    As for theses hidden taxes, they are not hidden. They are built into a split petition. They are meant not to be seen, only revealed as the Progressive Capital Tax Forum works the system in order to not over burden the money system. What is lost is trust because Government Officials by considering the public slow witted and as for this Bill, I want to read the Law that is to represent the Bill. This is because one word has a directive and a code and a sentence can lead to a different truth in concept.
    So now it begins, the Civil Rights Law Suits and Constitutional Suits. We are not talking just a few law suits we are talking thousands will be filed because of the Freedom Of Choice is taken away and a Tax against money that is not Government Officials Rights to Tax, the Health Care Money for Coverage.
    Within our web site we suggested to build a Government Web Site that will show the People the monthly income of this Health Care Dollar and what the dollar is used for. But of Course this can not be allowed this would audit the IRS and Government System.

    So, what do you wish to do ? Sit back and complain or unite your voice as one and state that ,{ We believe in the Freedom Of Choice to be a Part Of this Health Care System or not. } We intend to give life to hope to where there is none.
    FASC Concepts in and for Pay It Forward. Join the trickle effect and email President Obama …..
    Our goal is to start a trickle effect and the goal is President Obama and this Bill to Law. To merge 250 million veiws for a honest Health Care reform. The trickle effect is , Email President Barack Obama
    Mar 20, 2009 … How to contact President Barack Obama and other White House Officials. – Cached – Similar
    and state we support FASC Concepts in part or in full, and share your views and be respectful in order to gain respect.
    Health Care within a moral value, is to ,
    Henry Massingale
    FASC Concepts in and for Pay It Forward on google. yahoo, and
    please take the time and visit all my new friends on the net and if you wish to post with FASC Concepts you will be most welcomed. So join us and share your ideas as one in one voice. Just type in the web address and you will see over Results 1 – 10 of about 6,730 for www fascmovement com and there is over 10,000 post that are 6 month old.

  4. Sandie [Member]

    Norm: Please comment on Eli Lilly stating today that they will move their operations out of the USA and shut down here in the States. Indianapolis will lose over 1000 jobs at that plant. That will mean more unemployed workers. Do I blame Eli Lilly …”NO”. Also, I have asked a friend who is a loan officer in a Bank in Canada to mail me her pay stub so you can see first hand what the Canadians pay out of their checks for socialized health care. You are not going to like it. She is 67 years old and has had the same job 37 years. She waits 6-8 months to see a doctor. There is a lottery in her town monthly to see who gets to go to the doctor. Also, Inez had to wait 23 months for a mammogram after discovering a lump in her breast. I just heard that 38 states are filing lawsuits claiming this Health Care bill is Unconstitutional. Norm, You went to law school. Where does it say in the Constitution that the government can force you buy anything and if you don’t buy the government can fine you or put you in jail. I missed that part or read it and did not understand what I read. I carry a copy in my purse of the Constitution. Let me know so I can read it again. Mid term elections will put a lot of folks who voted yes out of their elected jobs. As well it should too …because they are elected to do the will of the people and “all” polls show that the folks are against this bill. I will not vote for anyone who voted for bill. My Congressman Bill Posey voted No as it was the will of the folks who elected him. I am uninsured. Lost my insurance when Cobra ran out. Gixxar, you are correct..there will be lots more pink slips and our drug companies will move out of the USA. Nobody will want to go to medical school. I do not blame them. We are in a heck of a mess. I do think China is sick of lending us cash. This President just keeps printing cash…we in heading into hyperinflation. I am ready for a major house cleaning in Congress! My hats off to the democrats who voted no. I will send them money to insure they are elected back to their seat. They listened to the people. Repubs all voted no as well. Good for them. Nope…the world did not end. It is raining here at The Space Center on the Treasure Coast……we have more government intrusion in our lives. This is not what the writers of our Constitution had in mind….that I am sure. No drug companies, less doctors and more taxes for the well to do. I am near 50 so it will not affect me much…but I fear for our children. They will be taxed to death and have nothing to show for their labor. Are we the land of the “free” anymore??? I think not.

  5. Sandie [Member]

    “Chime In”!!! I love ya Norm!!! I want what is best for our country. All polls show that this bill was not wanted by the people. I love my country and want what is best. I hope things do work out well. Yes we are taxed to death. We will see even more taxes as the government grows with this health care bill. I just feel badly for the elderly and the young children. Our grandchildren are going to pay for this mess and their kids. Caps on malpractice are wrong!!! My leg has no price tag that would make me feel better if it was cut off by a doctor’s error. Caps are wrong, wrong, wrong!!! That is something that needs fixed badly. By the way Norm…..I always “chime in” on all your articles. This is my favorite blog site. I don’t visit an other!!! Besides, we agree more than we disagree.I a wait your response to where in the Constitution this is OK. 38 states have attorney generals who say it is not constitutional and they will exempt their states from participating.

  6. gixxer

    I can’t even find a job. I have been in the hospital twice in 34 years. Tonsils removed and sinus infection. Where is the incentitive for Doctors? As a driver I wouldn’t give as much if my pay was cut. I believe Dr’s go to school all those years either for the money or to help people. Maybe even both but probably for the profit potential.

    So can they fine the unemployed who are not drawing unemployment? Now trucking companies are saying DOT is passing a new bmi regulation. I was turned down Friday over the phone for a job because I’m 6’4 and 340lbs. No lie. I can’t find documentation to support this. I have since found 2 trucking companies asking height and weight on their application.

  7. gixxer

    Well I guess I’ll check his site out in case Norm blocks him. LOL I see many businesses being spiteful, I hope Florida is one of those states that declares it unconstitutional. I’ve heard before everyone in Canada had healthcare. I also heard it suxs. I wouldn’t be surprised if this doesn’t start a civil war. The firearm sales went up a long time ago. A few have even talked about denouncing their citizenship over this. Can it be done without being classified as traitor or treason? Obama promised “change”, and yet the only “change” I want is “decrease or eradication of the high unemployment rate and change of c-i-c”. How is he going to stop corps from pulling the plug?? I don’t think he can.

  8. Jenny

    I know this will benefit many people. This is what this country needed. Finally something that we will is benefiting us.

  9. Anonymous

    I guess people are tired of getting shafted by insurance companies. You get in an accident and they tell u they cancelled u yesterday.

    Let’s say this is current law, now. How am I suppose to pay for it? My bike is on e and I have 10 bucks to my name with no job. Or lets say u have the insurance then get laid off and lapse coverage.

  10. gixxer

    I’ve heard of life insurance excluding high risk people like skydivers, bike riders/ racers. Who’s to stop the health insurance companies from excluding motorcycle riders/ racers. I seriously doubt I could get medicaid. Look what the government has done with social security. I’ve paid social security for over 17 years and probably will never be able to use it. It will probably be depleted when I’m of age.

  11. Anonymous

    I think everyone will be required or face fine(s) is the case not “everyone will be able to get health insurance if they want it.”

  12. Sandie [Member]

    Vice President said , ” We will own the insurance companies”. Probably some truth to Gaffe Biden’s comment. We now own banks and car companies. The government controlling student loans under health care reform. Seems like more government intrusion in our private lives. Government ruined social security, they ruined Amtrak, they have ruined the USPS. Oh Boy….like I want them to control my health care? Show me where the Constitution says the government can make us buy anything just because I am alive or face jail or fines!! It has never happened before in the land of the free.

  13. walt martin

    Correct me if I’m wrong but I heard that the President, Congress and the Senate are exempt. Good enough for us but not them……………. Interesting.

  14. Anonymous

    I had heard that along time ago….that they were exempt. Between that and alot of it being secretive I knew I wanted no part of it.

  15. Sandie [Member]

    Gixxar I do not trust anything that is written by folks who have exempted themselves. I am pulling for the Attorney general of our State and 13 other states. We shall see if it is Constitutional to force us to buy something we do not want or can’t afford just because we are alive. I am confident this will go to the Supreme Court. Mid term elections are coming up and it is time to drain the swamp in Washington DC. The “Party of the People” has shoved this down our throats and did not follow the usual process…..the folks will remember the back room deals, bribes and the way it was done, come mid term elections, there will be a major house cleaning. Not one poll has showed good approval ratings for this bill. I predict we have a one term President…excuse me a one term teleprompter……who does what he wants and not the will of the people.

  16. Sandie [Member]

    Reconcilation was how the bill passed. It was not passed with 61 votes. That is not the usual way bills are passed. We shall see at mid term elections how much the people appreciate the passing of this bill. I predict the swamp will be drained. I predict the Democrats will lose control of the House.

  17. Sandie [Member]

    Norm the 5 is by the 6 on the keyboard. I will “learn” the hard way to proofread!! I honestly know that 51 is the majority of 100!! No place in the history of the USA have we ever been forced to buy a “good” or “service” because we live here. VA has a State Statue that prohibits the State of VA of making such law. It was law there before this was passed. Looks like things are a real mess in MA…they have socialized medical there. Not going well and costs are off the scale. I do not look forward to my name being drawn in a lottery to go to the doctor. Oh well….the people will vote come November. If they are happy with the health care bill the Democrats will not lose their seats. I will defer to what the outcome of the mid term election results. If the folks are “mad” and unhappy about the health care bill the swamp will be drained. The people decide no matter what by how they vote.

  18. Sandie [Member]

    I agree with everything you stated in your comment. We shall see come mid term elections if the people are happy. If they drain the swamp that will clarify that the folks are not happy. If the swamp is not drained that means the folks are happy with the health care bill and the way it came to be. Time will tell how this will work. Hopefully it will be good. If it is like Canada and Great Britain and the State of MA…we are in a heap of trouble. Some folks want to work and earn their way. Some folks do not want the government controlling their life and telling them what to do. Are we still the land of the free?? I think not these days.

  19. Sandie [Member]

    Again, I agree with every word you typed. It was unbelievable what happened in Cleveland, Ohio last election. Who the heck ever thought that a park bench could be an address!! The mailmen do not deliver there but it was a legal address for over 500. It was shameful what happened with Gore/Bush. We saw it happen. Who would have thought such a thing could and did happen in the USA!! The readers of your blog are sure commenting away on the economy and the health care bill. The discussions have been good and respectful of each other. I am thankful because we have had many guests. Amazing with so much unrest.

  20. Anonymous

    Are you sure this health care bill wasn’t written by microsoft? They are already releasing patches….LOL.

  21. Sandie [Member]

    Norm is right. I think we will see “socialized” medicine. FEDZILLA will just tax us and take it out of our checks like they do in Canada and Great Britian. We will not have private insurance companies anymore. The Insurance Companies will take the money they have stock piled for years by ripping us off and shut up shop. We will all be covered with government controlled insurance. I can see a major shortage on Doctors in the future, A radiologist is closing down and going to stay home and read xrays, MRI reports etc. for doctors in foreign countries. Me will make a good pay check and not have all the overhead or have to deal with the government. It will be odd not to be able to go to a doctor of your choice. It will really be odd to wait for MRI’s for over a year. It will be a big change hoping your name is drawn in a lottery to get a doctor appointment. See two major drug companies are closing and moving out of the USA!! I hate that because we used to have standards. Big changes are in store for us down the road.

  22. Derick Jones

    I was initially against the bill, thinking that taxes will go up further and ones paying it like us, will pay more. Others who don’t and throw away money, will benefit from our hard earned money. But now, I somehow see things differently. I do believe that eventually it will benefit us all.As it is, the taxes are high. At least there will be a life saving perk coming our way.

  23. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Now Ed don’t believe everything you hear. Trust me when I say that things are going to be OK and this bill will eventually benefit you. Maybe not now, but in the future.

    Our nation is a strong nation. Don’t believe the propaganda you have been hearing. If we can send a man to the moon, win WWI and WWII, develop the nuclear bomb and the Internet, fund the IRAN/IRAQ war, we sure the hell can deal with insuring our people.

    If what you hear comes to pass, I will admit I am wrong.


  24. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Sandie I knew you would chime in here. Let me tell you something, we already are taxed to death. We are taxed on income, we are taxed when we spend our paychecks, we are taxed when we make a profit on investments, and we are even taxed when we give our belongings away when we die. At least here we will get something back that we can actually see, medical care. It is better than wasting our money rebuilding Iraq who has enough money with their oil to do it just fine.

    The new bill will not change anything except leveling the playing field with the super sized insurance companies, on this point I am sure.

    This goes to my previous comment to you on this subject. The doctors are overpaid and charging too much for services. They are taking about 20% of our gross national product, and our nation can no longer afford to subsidize them. You see private insurance companies usually look at what Medicaid and Medicare are paying private doctors and adjust their rates to the same amount. The doctors never get what they bill, the whole system is messed up. The doctors are just going to have to take a pay cut or go into a different field. I am sure they will not go anywhere.

    With respect to tort reform and attorneys fees in malpractice cases, I wrote an article about it; it is a fiction. We have had $250k caps here in California on Medical Malpractice cases since the 70’s. Texas enacted Medical Malpractice reform about 5 years ago. It did not affect health care costs in either State. Tort reform is a fiction. Hell here in California, our attorneys fees are limited by Statute in Medical Malpractice cases.

    Open your eyes; one political party is looking out for big business and the rich, under the guise of less government. The only people who benefit with Tort reform is big business, and insurance companies. The guy who gets the wrong kidney taken out, or is accidentally maimed for life is the one who gets screwed.

    We can debate until we are blue in the face; health care reform has passed. Just like Social Security and Medicaid, this bill will be constitutional under the commerce clause of the constitution unless the Supreme Court overrules every precedent since Madison.

    Believe me when I say forget about politics. Do what you have to do to improve you and your families life. The democrats and republicans have been fighting since Jefferson and Adams got into it over the Constitution. The democrats and republicans got into it during the civil war and millions of Americans died. Political fighting has been very bad in our history. And this political fight will continue long after we are all dead and buried. All we should worry about now is doing what we can for each other and our families.

    This is why I support health care reform!


  25. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Sandie and Ed I wanted to give you both quick responses since I am running out right now. The health care reform act should be constitutional just like social security, medicaid, and a vast number of other federal laws, under the commerce clause of the United States Constitution.

    The only way it could be found to be unconstitutional would be for the Supreme Court to throw away 230 years of precedent in the Madison case. The stuff you are hearing from State attorney general’s from certain States is a bunch of fluff and propoganda. They know full well this bill is constitutional under the Commerce Clause and they are just riled up members of a certain political party, trying to scare members of another political party not to pass health care reform. Its all politics.

    The Health Care Reform bill has noting at all to do with socialized medicine. This too is a myth. Medicaid for the poor is being expanded, but the rest of us will be buying private insurance through our employers or puchasing pools. This is another myth being purpotrated by a certain policial party. Even with a public option, you would have the right to buy private insurance. With private insuance you have insurance hacks dooling out medical care decisions and rationing the same.

    Ed with respect to your situation; what happens if you get sick and go to the ER? Who pays if you do not have insurance? I do not understand why someone who is in your boat, would not want to have medical coverage through Medicaid until you get back on your feet. This bill will help you my friend.

    Guys I have to run. We can agree to disagree. But I can assure you of one thing; you will both be benefited by the bill, long before you will be harmed by it!


  26. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    The exclusions you are talking about Ed for life insurance, are happening from private insurers. Right now many people are denied health insurance for a multitude of reasons from private Health Insurers. I even have clients who are denied coverage from their so called private health insurance company because a 3rd party caused their injury. (a motorcycle accident caused by a car driver)

    Under the health reform that has been passed, everyone will be able to get health insurance if they want it.


  27. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Like i said previously Ed, I have heard many threats to sue. Under present Constitutional Law precedent, the health reform act will be Constitutional. Don’t you think this thing has been looked at by the best legal minds in the nation. If the health reform act is unconstitutional, than so is Social Security, Medicaid, Income Tax, etc., all of which force Americans to pay into something with no choice.

    To be frank, it is to be expected that someone would challenge this act. In the end we will see what happens.


  28. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Yup part of the bill is that if you don’t get the insurance, you pay a fine. Here in California if you do not get car insurance, you pay a large fine. Many states are the same.

    This is the one part of the bill that I think sucks. This is why I think that there should be a low cost public option. In the end, we will still be at the mercy of private for profit insurance companies. The low cost insurance pool is supposed to make the private insurance affordable, but I am skeptical.

    Either way, the public tax payer is stuck paying the bill for the uninsured who run to ERs right now. The present system basically sucks right now. Especially for people who get cut off from their private insurance company when they get sick, or who cannot get insurance for various reasons.

    At least someone took the bull by the balls and tried to help Americans here. This problem has been ignored for over 100 years.

    I am curious; what are the real reasons some people do not support health reform. Why do some people think that this bill will not personally benefit them? Why is it better to let private health insurance companies make the life choices like they do now? Is it because a paticular political party tells us its better or is there some other reason.


  29. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Could be Walt, then again, they get a hell of a lot better care and insurance than the rest of us do anyway.

    Hell the President gets to live in a big white mansion for free, and gets to take free limo rides, helicopter rides, and plane rides too. ~~~~~~~~~

    I just saw a TV program that said most members of congress from both parties are multi-millionaires. This fact makes it even more amazing that this bill was passed.

    Who would want to be exempt from having health insurance? If you are exempt, who pays if you get sick and have to go the ER; WE DO, hell we are paying for the uninsured right now!


  30. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Sandie I have to chime in here. Congress, the representatives of the people, each passed the bill by a majority of votes, and the President signed it. That is how laws are enacted in our country. All of the polls now show that a majority of people support the bill. The reason why a majority did not support the bill earlier, is because around 12% wanted the public option with the bill. They thought the bill did not go far enough.

    The AG lawsuits have no chance of winning, using Commerce Clause cases going back 100 years. Especially with a 2005 Supreme Court ruling by a 6-3 majority that gave the Federal Government the power to regulate medical marijuana “even when it is grown in your own home,” because it affects commerce.

    Basically the AG’s lawsuits are frivolous. It is funny, they are from the same party which claims that we attorney’s file frivolous lawsuits all of the time. If a private attorney were to file a frivolous lawsuit like this, they would probably be sanctioned and disciplined. The AG’s are exempt from their actions here. These lawsuits are basically for political reasons only.

    In the end, it will be the people that decide who gets elected and so forth. I try not to get too upset over politics, it will eat you alive and there is not a damm thing you can do about it. These kind of fights have been going on since the first Continental Congress, through the Civil War, and they will go on long after we are dead and buried.

    PS; don’t make me start talking about the scumbag things that were done under Bush 🙂


  31. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Sandie you don’t need 60 votes to pass a bill, you need 51 votes. You need 60 votes to break a filibuster. If the minority party (Republicans) decide to filibuster a bill, it takes 60 votes to stop the filibuster.

    Reconciliation is used when both the House and Senate in the congress pass a bill, a reconciliation bill can be done to modify the original bill by a simple majority with no filibuster allowed.

    The Republicans used this same process 72 times when they were in power to bypass the Democrats filibuster when they were the majority. Now they act as though they never heard about it.

    I wish that news programs and politicians were required by law to tell the truth to the American people, but that is not the case. I have heard some of the disinformation and propaganda from politicians and the news media, and it is alarming.

    I do not know if the Dems will lose control or not. I only know that our country almost went under during Bush. I don’t know if those same people that were in control for 8 years have the best interest of America on their minds. I don’t know if the Dems have the best interest of America on their minds.

    -I fear that each political party has only the interest of their own party on their minds, and not the American people. When political power is in of itself the means to an end, and not the American people, we are all screwed. Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., 2010-

    How do you like the new quote I made up?


  32. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Sandie, yes we have been forced to buy a good or service; Social Security is the most visible service that all Americans are forced to buy into, the second is medicare/medicaid. On top of that, we as Americans are forced to pay federal income taxes, force to pay federal taxes on certain good and services, we are told by the Feds that we cannot use or consume certain drugs, we are told by the Feds that we cannot have lead paint in our homes, the Feds control certain types of weapons that we can or not have notwithstanding the 2nd Amendment, the Feds control our monetary system.

    The Feds can even force men to be conscripted into the military against their will if they want, it is called the draft. We do not have it now, but it can happen again.

    All of the above has been upheld by the Supreme Court.

    I cannot speak to VA or MA. I do know this, medical costs are off the scale with or without health care reform. Hell Anthem/Blue Cross announced 39% premium increases in California THIS YEAR!

    Why would folks be mad about being granted the right to have health care? I don’t get it. I would not care what political party I was in, if someone just gave me the right to have health insurance no matter what, I would kiss them, not spurn them. I see the Tea Partiers protesting against being given a fundamental right, it blows my mind. What would these people do if they got laid off and got sick? It really blows my mind.

    To be frank, I cannot see any American voting to take away a fundamental right to health care that they were just given. I certainly would not vote for someone that would give my new rights away back to for profit insurance company hacks who could cut off my health care on a whim.

    Think about it; take away the political blinders for a minute and consider your family situation. Would you trust a company like Blue Cross, over a law that gives you a legal right to get health care? Hell, Blue Cross would not pay for my dad’s nursing home just a few months ago while he was in there. I had to go to an insurance bad faith attorney and make threats. It turned out that we did not have the right to sue for failure to provide coverage because my dad was in a group plan. This shit is real!

    The way I see it, one political party supports big business and big insurance, otherwise they would have fixed this mess when they were in power.

    Hell if we can fund two wars and fund the rebuilding of Iraq, I am quite certain that we can fund health care reform.

    This is not about Obama, it is about we the people as Americans. If we repeal the law, we go back 100 years. You see, every American President since Teddy Roosevelt has tried to get health care reform. Well we got it!


  33. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Another issue that I have not talked about on my blog is that I do not trust our election system. I think there is corruption and it is rigged to a certain extent. After the 2000 election, and after what the Supreme Court did in Gore v. Bush, I have lost faith in our election system. This is another topic.


  34. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Good one Ed. Actually there have only been a few bills passed in our nation’s history, where it did not have to go back and forth for revisions. Sometimes this process happens 10 or more times before the final version is agreed upon.

    I am sure in the future there will be many more changes, add-ons, etc. I am hoping for a public option. In my opinion that will be the only way to really smack the insurance companies in the ass and make them lower their rates to where they should be. Right now they are making tens of billions in profits per year while screwing millions. I am not against someone making a profit, but their profits are disproportionate high every year. It is killing our nation, literally. Who knows how many Americans die each year for lack of health care insurance, it is estimated to be 40,000. (58,000 died in Vietnam in over 10 years).


  35. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Sandie we are already being taxed to the hilt right now anyway. Who do you think pays for the uninsured that flock to the emergency rooms right now when they get sick? We do. It is 4 times more expensive for us than if they have normal health care. That is why insuring the uninsured will decrease the deficit.

    With respect to insurance companies, they are not going away, but with a public option, I don’t think they would get away with 40% rate increases per year. They would be forced to keep their prices and profits at a decent level.

    The way it is right now, we have the fox guarding the hen house. Really, I would like someone to explain to me why maintaining status quo is in anybody’s best interest?

    Who out there is never going to lose their job or insurance? Who out there will never have a major illness? Who out there will not be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions? Who out there does not give a crap if an insurance company raises your rates 30-40% every year. Who out there does not mind a for profit company determining if they will cover your health condition or not? Who out there trust there for profit insurance company to not terminate your coverage if you get real sick?

    If anybody out there can say never to any of the above, then my god, health care reform will not help you.

    Sandie, I strongly suggest that you check out other new sources other than FOX 🙂

    Love Ya Doll,


  36. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Well B I was just talking to a new client who could not go to the doctor because he did not have insurance. He said he was from Canada and before he moved here he took it for granted that he could just walk into a health clinic and get medical treatment.

    The reason why we have people dying at county hospitals right now is because they do not have health insurance. We are all getting screwed paying taxes for the people at County right now, so what is the difference.

    When you are the guy who is sick, and stuck with no health care insurance, you sure the hell will not care how the health care is obtained; only that you got it.



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