I have ridden motorcycles over 40 years in my life. I have dealt with all types of dealerships from all manufacturers, this includes motorcycles, and cars.
The absolute worst motorcycle dealership, or for that matter any dealership I have ever dealt with is Indian Motorcycle of Orange. I give them a “F” rating, and warn all my readers, and everyone, to do business there at your own risk.
To understand what has happened click here to go to my first review of the Indian motorcycle itself. Then click here to go to my first article about Indian Motorcycle of Orange.
Make sure you follow the links in that article to read the yelp reviews on Indian Motorcycle of Orange, which are strikingly similar to my own experience, and then come back here to read my final review of Indian motorcycle of Orange.
This will constitute my third article on the Indian motorcycle. This and a previous article are related to the horrible experience I had at Indian Motorcycle of Orange. My fourth and final article reviewing the entire Indian experience itself will be forthcoming soon.
Just in case you do not want to go back and read the previous articles, I will synopsis in a nutshell what has happened.
My fiancé and I went to Indian motorcycle of Orange in approximately June 2017 to look at the motorcycles. I was all set to buy a brand-new Harley-Davidson motorcycle when I went to the Indian dealership. We went to Indian motorcycle of Orange because it was the closest local dealership, and that’s where Harley-Davidson used to be before they moved to Huntington Beach.
We walked in and looked at the motorcycles. Their sales staff were busy helping other people with t-shirt merchandise. After about 15 minutes standing there like idiots, we mentioned to them that we were cash buyers looking for a motorcycle, and we would like somebody to come help us. They continued to Jack around helping the T-shirt buyers after we told that we came as cash buyers to purchase a motorcycle. We should have walked out at that point like some people on Yelp stated they did.
During the time my fiancé and I were standing there, I fell in love with the Indian just by looking at it. I pretty much decided that I was sick and tired of riding the same Harley-Davidson motorcycle year-after-year and wanted to try something new, a change.
By the time the sales staff came to help us 20 to 25 minutes had lapsed since we first walked in. Frankly, I was shocked that they cared more about helping somebody buying T-shirts and merchandise then selling motorcycles.
Their salespeople went through all the options and features on the Indian Roadmaster; I decided that I wanted to get one.
My fiancé who loves me dearly told me that she would buy the motorcycle, so long as I promised to only have her on the back of the motorcycle. I promised her.
We told the sales person and the general manager at Indian motorcycle of Orange, Leo, that we were cash buyers and we wanted to buy the motorcycle today, but we wanted the green and cream model. Leo told us that they did not have that color in stock, but that he could call around to his friends and find one for us quickly. I said okay, and we left.
The next day when I did not hear from Leo, I called Leo to see if he had found one yet, he told me that he had not found one yet, but that he would call me as soon as he did. I thought that was odd because there are not too many dealers in California. You can call every 1 of them in less than an hour to see if they had the motorcycle that I wanted.

Brian on left, Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez on right
On my own, I checked the inventory of all the dealers in California online, and within 15 minutes found that Spirit motorcycles of San Jose had the exact motorcycle I wanted in stock. It took me 15 minutes.
The next day, which was 2 days after I initially spoke to Leo, I called him back again to see if he had found the motorcycle I wanted, and still got the same runaround. You snooze, you lose.
You would think that a motorcycle dealership, especially an Indian motorcycle dealership who is just now trying to get their sea legs and market share with an up and coming brand, and with their competition with Harley-Davidson, that they would bend over backwards to sell you a new motorcycle, especially a new ,000 motorcycle. Well they did not. They set on their ass and lost the sale.
In comparison Harley Davidson of Huntington Beach, knew we were cash buyers and called us every day to get us to come in and buy a motorcycle. They were offering great discounts. We however, were already set on getting the Indian Roadmaster.
I decided that I was not going to screw around with Leo anymore, and I called Spirit motorcycles in San Jose. Martin, their owner jumped at the chance to sell us a motorcycle and he was Johnny on the spot to get the deal done. This is what a motorcycle or even a car dealership is supposed to do.
Within 48 hours I was on a plane to pick up the new motorcycle. Sometimes when you want something, you have to go get yourself.
I rode the motorcycle home from San Jose, along the way, I discovered that the cruise control did not work out the door, but I broke the motorcycle in riding in from San Jose to Huntington Beach California.
When I got back into town I called Indian Motorcycle of Orange to set up an appointment for the 500-mile service, to get a couple locks put on the lower compartments, and to have the cruise control issue resolved.
I was charged over 0 for the 500-mile service, (hundreds of dollars more than all other Indian dealerships that I called) and the installation of 2 locks. I’m not going to reiterate all the facts of what happened, you can read about them here in article two, which resulted in this dealership telling me that my motorcycle was no longer welcome at their dealership.
Imagine paying $35,000 for premium motorcycle and a five-year service contract and having a local prima donna dealership refusing to work on the motorcycle because you dared to ask questions.
Suffices to say being a motorcycle industry insider myself, there was no way I was going to let Indian Motorcycle of Orange get away with what they did to us without the world knowing.
I wrote the article which you can read here, I posted a Google review about them, and a yelp review about them. Within 24 to 48 hours, both reviews were removed from both sites. There are other people who have written negative reviews about Indian Motorcycles of Orange who also had their reviews taken down according to what they wrote. I believe what is happening is that Leo or whoever, is objecting to the reviews, and maybe Google or yelp are taking them down because of that.
Just for the heck of it, I went to yelp in approximately August 2018 to see if my review was back up, it wasn’t. I wrote another review which is up now, which you can read by clicking here. What prompted me to write this 2nd article about Indian Motorcycle of Orange was Leo’s response and later action or I should say inaction.
After I rewrote another yelp review, Leo had the nerve to respond to the review by saying “oh well if you had so much trouble, why did you wait this long to write a review.” I actually wrote the first review right after Indian Motorcycle of Orange screwed me around, and it was probably due to Leo himself that the first review was taken down. So, him questioning me writing the review a year later knowing full well that he most likely was responsible for getting them first review taken down, was a joke.
Furthermore, if you read some of the other negative reviews on yelp about Indian Motorcycle of Orange, it seems like I am not the only one getting the same shitty treatment and service from them.
It seems like people with Hispanic last names are the ones doing the most complaining, so it could be that this motorcycle dealership discriminates against Hispanic people. I don’t have evidence of this but it’s not hard to make a circumstantial case that they are. If you look at me, I look like a white dude, but I have a Hispanic last name. If they are in fact discriminating against Hispanics, they would be idiots because much of their market in Southern California would be Hispanic people. Why throw away good money because of ignorance and prejudice?
Anyway, Leo invited me to call him in response to my review. I was surprised, I thought that maybe Leo did not know what had previously happened, and genuinely wanted to try to resolve the issue. I even offered to him that if he made things right with me, that I would notate that on my review. Further, I changed the review, I mentioned that he had contacted me, and we were going to talk.
I called Leo and left a message, he returned my call and left a message, I called him back and we finally spoke. Pretty much as soon as we started speaking, I realized that this guy is in my opinion, is a friggin moron, and as dumb as they come. Let me explain.

Little Teri with the Indian We Purchased at Spirit Motorcycle in San Jose, CA
The main issue that I had with Indian Motorcycle of Orange to begin with was that their asshole service manager told me that my motorcycle was no longer welcome at their dealership, after I caught him lying about the status of a repair of my motorcycle being approved by Polaris and called him on it. See the second article. Further, the service manager upon telling me my bike was no longer welcome, after being asked by me whether talking to the general manager would help, he responded that Leo already knew and approved of his action.
However, Leo on the phone call recently where we, or at least I was trying to resolve the issue, tried to blame me and Spirit Motorcycle of San Jose for the issue, and not their lying service manager, or his own failure to call me back in the beginning after he said he would find me a motorcycle.
Leo claimed it was my fault that everything happened because I did not buy the motorcycle from Indian Motorcycle of Orange, because they give priority treatment to people who buy motorcycles from them.
He went on for a long time about how he looked for a motorcycle for me, but I went around his back and bought it from Spirit motorcycle, etc.
It’s all a bunch of bullshit, Leo had a cash buyer, my fiancé, and he sat on his ass and did not service the customer by calling us back for days. That is why we did not buy from them.
Leo also stated that if we had bought from them, there is no way the bike would have left their shop with a bad cruise control. Leo must think I am some kind of idiot. I have been riding motorcycles on the street since the late 1970’s, I ride in motorcycle clubs, I have been in the motorcycle scene my entire adult life. He expected me to believe that his shoddy crew would have tested the cruise control before delivery. How are they going to test a cruise control on a motorcycle he did not bother to find for me?
Leo is basically a poster child for the prophylactic. Let me ask you a question, if you are a salesman, or a general manager of a motorcycle dealership, and you are selling a $35,000 motorcycle, and somebody told you they were a cash buyer and wanted one as soon as possible, what would you do? Would you sit on your ass and not find one for the customer, or would you find one for the customer? If you are having trouble finding one for the customer, wouldn’t you at least call the customer to keep them advised as to what’s going on? If the customer in 15 minutes finds the motorcycle he wants from another dealer, when you had 2 days to find the motorcycle, do you think you deserve the sale?
Like I said earlier, Harley Davidson called me on a daily basis during this time to come in and pick up a motorcycle.
The reason we did not buy the motorcycle from Indian Motorcycle of Orange was because Leo sat on his ass for over 2 days, never called me back, and did not find the motorcycle I wanted until it was too late.
Rather than talk about the shoddy service Indian Motorcycle of Orange gave me when I took to bike in for the cruise control issue and their subsequent banning of my bike from their shop because I called out their service manager after he lied to me. Leo was all about my not buying the motorcycle from him.
After my conversation with Leo it became obvious that I was being punished because we did not buy the motorcycle at this dealership. Mind you my fiancé had just paid approximate $35,000 for motorcycle, with a five-year service contract, from Spirit Motorcycle another Indian Dealership, and Indian Motorcycle of Orange off the that tells me my motorcycle is not welcome there for service.
Do you think a Harley Davidson Dealership would ever act like this? Hello no.
I told Leo or at least tried to in our conversation in August 2018, that all I wanted is to be able to locally get my motorcycle serviced without any hassle. If we can work out our differences, I would notate my review, and of course for him he would gain another cash paying client on the service and accessory end of the sale. Most of these dealers make most of their money selling accessories and service anyway. What dealer does not want business or money?
Leo told me he would get back to me.
After a few days, Leo called me and told me that he does not believe we were a good fit and so they would not service my motorcycle.
Let me reiterate that, I have a pretty much brand-new top-of-the-line Indian Roadmaster motorcycle, we paid for a five-year service contract, and Indian Motorcycle of Orange tells me that my motorcycle is no longer welcome because we are not a good fit. What a douche bag.
In the history of retail and customer service, have you ever heard of such a thing? It appears to me that the people at Indian Motorcycle of Orange in my opinion are not only friggin morons, but they are idiots too. What kind of stupid son of a bitch would turn down a cash paying customer because we are Not a good fit! Hell, I was not trying to marry these people, I only wanted excellent customer service on our $35,000 motorcycle.
I guess Indian Motorcycle of Orange cares more about personality, than making money.
These people have a 3 rating on yelp, a 3 rating. The dealership I have been going to who I will not name here is head over heels much better than Indian Motorcycle of Orange. They bend over backwards to provide excellent customer service, because they are in business to make money. Unfortunately I do have to ride around 60 miles each way to get to this dealership. Indian is still building their dealership network and there are not too many dealer options in Southern California yet.
Now if you look at my experience, I am a nationally recognized biker lawyer, and I run a motorcycle news outlet
Leo and his crew at Indian Motorcycle of Orange have not only screwed me around, but they are screwing other Indian customers around based upon the Yelp reviews, and they are probably doing a lot of damage to the Indian Motorcycle brand by their clusterfuck operation.
What do you think may happen if go you there?
Who would anyone buy a motorcycle from a dealership who arbitrarily tells people that they are not a good fit for service?
It’s one thing to go to a liquor store and have a personality conflict with the clerk over a 2 or $3 item, it’s another thing to have a motorcycle dealership basically fuck you around after buying a ,000 with a five year service contract motorcycle, and then refuse to service it.
Based upon my experience, you will be lucky if Indian Motorcycle of Orange allows your motorcycle in for service. Like they themselves told me, “they do not have to service anyone’s motorcycle if they do not want to.”
If you do buy a motorcycle there, or if you do need service you may have to take it up the ass if God forbid they screw up, because if you complain it is your fault that they screwed it up. If you open your mouth and complain, you will no longer be welcome as well because you will not be a good fit for service there. This is what they did to me.
This appears to be the only motorcycle dealership in the nation that does not care about your money, they care that you are a good fit.
Stay as far away from this dealership as you possibly can. There are many more ethical dealers that will be happy to have your business. In my opinion, Indian Motorcycle of Orange does not deserve anybody’s business. They are a clusterfuck of a dealership.
By Biker Lawyer and injured bikers.com founder, Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., October 2018
We had a dealership like that in St. Paul, MN. Several of my associates stopped in with serious intentions, only to be either ignored and condescended to. When I called them the response was both unhelpful and rude. Fortunately, that staff is history, and we now have friendly and capable people there. It’s sad how a dealership will have to recover from this kind of reputation, but it seems just a matter of time before Indian Motorcycle of Orange will see new ownership and have a similar struggle. I hope corporate Indian will take a more active interest in how their fine products are represented.
I hope there is an ownership change!
Thanks for the information. I had a couple of poor service experiences there in the past, and found an outstanding mechanic (Nerfherder) to work on my Centennial Chief. Unfortunately, he is now retired. I was wondering if you or any of your readers knew of a good mechanic in orange county that will work on Indians? Any suggestion appreciated! Thank you.
David M.
David, I would check out Sideways cycles in Corona, CA. They work on Indians and are an independent shop. Tell them Norm, the biker lawyer sent you. I myself take my motorcycle to the Indian motorcycle in San Marcos because it is still on warranty.