In the Wind News and Articles
The Legend Evel Knievel has Passed at the age of 69; Rest In Peace.
The legendary biker and daredevil Evel Knievel has died at the age of 69. I remember as a kid watching him jump his Harley Davidson motorcycle, and watching him crash as well. I remember his signature Star Spangled leather jump suits, and the impression he made on me....
Editors of the ABA Journal today announced they have selected The Biker Law Blog as one of the top 100 best websites by lawyers, for lawyers. The Biker Law Blog is authored by California Motorcycle Accident and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez. “Lawyers...
Harley Davidson King Tour Pak / Premium Luggage Rack / Lock Kit for Tour Pak / Detachable Tour Pak Bracket / Pillow Passenger Backrest Pad for Tour Pak, and more; Installation and Review!
Between July 13, 2007, and July 14, 2007, I finally got around to installing a Harley Davidson King Tour Pak with all the goodies, on my Electra Glide. The following is a review of the installation, some pictures, and my review. First off, I wanted to add a King Tour...
Happy Thanksgiving from the Biker Law Blog!
Well it is that time of year again; the holiday season. Thanksgiving is a time to get together with your family and friends to share a traditional Thanksgiving Turkey feast, and to give thanks for all that this great nation has given us. I would like to wish all of...
Imagine, a Brand New Street Legal Motorcycle for under $1,368.99!
*** 12/4/07 UPDATE SEE BELOW! I was going through the ads of the Sunday Paper and I came across what seemed like an unbelievable deal for a brand new street legal motorcycle. The motorcycle is called the Phoenix 250cc Street Motorcycle by Baja Motorsports. The actual...
The Fine Art of Lane Splitting While Riding Your Motorcycle in California. Commuting to Work safely!
Although I am a biker lawyer, I try to ride my motorcycle as much as possible when I do not have to be in Court, especially now that gas prices are through the roof. Bumper to bumper traffic here in Southern California is another incentive to commute on my Harley...
I am Blogging about Motorcycle Law, Motorcycle Safety, and Biker Stuff Again! It is about time Right?
Well as many of you probably already know, I have been on a bit of a hiatus with respect to posting articles on the Biker Law Blog. I can assure you that I wanted to keep posting Motorcycle and Biker related articles on a daily basis but sometimes circumstances...
Veterans Day 2008/ Remember the Vets!
Last year I wrote a Veterans Day salute which you can read by Clicking Here Now. I have recently read newspaper reports, and watched news programs that report 1 out of every 4 Veterans of the United States armed forces are homeless. If this is in fact true it is...
You Must Keep Yourself Hydrated while riding your motorcycle in This Hot Weather!
Even though it is almost the end of summer, it is scorching hot all over the country. The heat can lead to heat stroke or even death. The last thing you want to do is have a heat stroke while riding your motorcycle for obvious reasons. When you are riding your...
Certain towns in Southern California are starting to crack down on loud pipes!
It looks like the loud pipe crackdown is starting to spread across the nation. I have written articles about Malibu, California, and Denver, Colorado cracking down on loud pipes. I have now heard reports from people calling my office that certain cities in the Inland...