I Do Not Recommend Riding Your Motorcycle to the Hospital When You are About to Become a Grandpa!

Me and My Daughters at Elsie's High School GraduationThis is not the typical article that you will find on my Biker and Motorcycle Lawyer Blog. Nonetheless I figured that I would write it before I go to sleep.

It is my pleasure to announce that my first Grandson Nathan Michaels was born last night/this morning. He is a healthy baby boy. Right now it is all a blur. I just got home, it’s about 3:00am PST and I am beat. Yes I am a Grandpa at 43.

I am not sure exactly what time he was born, I will find out later today after I get some shut eye.

As I sat there looking at my daughter before she was about to give birth, I remembered the exact moment when she was born. I realized that I wished I could have spent more time with her when she was growing up, and that she is a baby no more. The practice of law sure does take a toll on the family. I wondered if the sacrifice I put my family through was worth it.

It was a very emotional moment for me knowing that my daughter and my grandson were in the hands of the doctor on staff. It was much worse for me than when my daughter was born. I made sure that I handed him my business card before she was taken into delivery.

I had a chance to speak to my newly delivered grandson in private about 45 minutes after he was delivered. I wanted to make sure he heard my voice. I told him that the future is his and that he must go out and take it among other things.

It’s moments like this that make you realize what is most important in life; family, health, and happiness.

Now with respect to the lesson I learned last night. I do not recommend that you ever ride your motorcycle to the hospital when you are about to become a Grandpa or a Father. When I got the call at around 9pm telling me that my daughter was in labor what did I do? I grabbed a beanie helmet; jumped on my Harley in sweat pants, T-Shirt, and tennis shoes, and rode like a bat out of hell the 5 or so miles to the Hospital. I did not even bother to grab my eye protection, gloves, nothing. I completely disregarded my own advice on motorcycle safety and I was a fool for doing so.

It was by the grace of god that I did not end up killing myself riding my motorcycle to the hospital the way I did. I cannot explain what clicks in the mind of men in situations like this. Maybe it’s an ancient instinct to be the protector, I have no clue.

Learn from my experience last night. If your wife or daughter is at the hospital in labor, do yourself a favor and cage it!

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. , Copyright 2006

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  1. Michael Odom

    Congrats on the birth of Nathan!
    Good article that was written with compassion. Kind of gives me a spine rush. I wonder though, your final comment “learn from my experience”. This is so true. If we all were to read, see, live and learn from others experience, I think the world would be a better place.
    Your choice to bond with the little man at birth. That is great, he will remember your words and voice in life.
    I am happy for you, your daughter and grandson Nathan Michaels.

  2. John Cloonan

    Congratulations on the birth of your grandson!

    Your commentary on your experience riding to the hospital is secondary. Important, but secondary.


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