*** January 29, 2010 Update – Tomorrow is the big day. My thoughts; Am I crazy for doing this? 🙂 stay tuned.
Well this is my first article of the year 2010. You may have been wondering why I have not posted anything lately; well it has been a hectic month, oh and by the way, I am getting married to my long time fiancé on January 30, 2010. (So long as she signs the 20 something page Prenuptial Agreement:))
First off this has been one hell of a busy month for me as soon as the New Year started.
My law firm handles many types of legal matters. I myself focus on Personal Injury and Family Law matters. My partners and associates handle other types of legal matters. Since the New Year the shit has hit the fan with work; I guess this is a good thing. I am preparing for a major motorcycle accident trial in Northern California, as I also help my other personal injury clients, and family law clients.
As fate would have it, all of this is happening on the month of my wedding. Geez Louise, I had no clue that getting married could be such a friggen nightmare with all of the planning and expenses. I will get to all of this below.
With respect to my bride to be Elizabeth, she is a real dang trooper I will tell you that. She stayed with me through probably one of the longest engagements in history, 9 years.
Heck, we have had our share of problems, and even broke up a few times, for some very short period’s time over the years. In the end, we just could not stay away from each other. We just had to be with each other. Don’t ask me to explain because I can’t.
How We Met
I met Elizabeth back in early 2001. I used to work out at Bally’s Gym in Chatsworth, CA many times per week. I was what you would call a serious gym rat. When I went to the gym I was very serious about my workouts, and tried to avoid talking to people, because it would interfere with my workouts. For this reason, I would go to the gym late at night about two hours before it closed at around 10:00pm during the week.
At the beginning of my weight lifting day workouts, I used to walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes in the cardio room 3 days per week. On my non weight lifting workout days, I would walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes per day 3 days per week.
While I was walking on the treadmill sometime in the year 2000 or 2001 one day, I noticed a good looking brunette in the mirror, sitting on a recumbent bike machine, peddling slowly, reading a magazine behind me. Since the treadmills were in front of the machine she was on, I saw her by looking at her through the mirror.

It seemed like every day that I went to the gym, I saw this good looking brunette gal sitting on the recumbent bike machine, peddling slowly, reading magazines. She was in my eye as the old saying goes. I noticed that she seemed to know everyone at the gym, many gals and guys would stop by her and talk to her.
I cannot explain it but one day while I was looking at her in the mirror, I knew that we would be together. Mind you, at this point I had never even talked to her, let alone said hello to her. I just knew we were going to be together. Talk about fate; anyway.
One day I got off of the treadmill, and said hello to her as I walked by her. This went on for sometime, day by day. We would just say hello to each other.
Eventually, we started having small conversations. Turns out she is a French Babe, etc. (for those that know me, it is an inside joke :)) I started to really like Elizabeth. At some point I could not wait to see her in the gym. I finally built up the nerve to ask her if she wanted to go out on a date. The rest is history.
Our First Date
When I asked Elizabeth to go out with me on a date, I told her that we would ride my motorcycle to a club in Hollywood. To my surprise she said yes. It takes a special kind of woman to get on the back of a motorcycle. I myself was always petrified to be a passenger on the back of a motorcycle. As it turns out, Elizabeth is a natural. Anyway, getting back to our first date………

When I picked her up for our first date, she looked very nice indeed. She had on some high heel boots, and a nice outfit. She jumped on the back of my motorcycle like she belonged there.
We rode my motorcycle from Chatsworth to Hollywood, CA. During the ride I accidentally brushed my hand up against her leg while she was sitting behind me on the motorcycle. (At least that is what I told her)
When we got to the Rainbow in Hollywood, we shared our first kiss pretty much right after she got off the motorcycle. (I always told her after that date that she was a wild woman!) We had one hell of a fun first date, but I must say that I took my time courting Elizabeth. I was a perfect gentleman with her. That is probably why we are still together after all of this time.
By the way, the day after our first date I discovered that Elizabeth had melted her boots on my brand new Cobra Slash Cut Pipes on the motorcycle. I was sick to my stomach. I spent hours trying get the melted rubber off of the chrome. It never came off.
As it turns out, she had spent hundreds of dollars on those new boots just for our first date. I guess she was looking forward to going out just as much as I was.

Elizabeth at the Grand Canyon
Elizabeth has stuck with me through hell and back over the past 9 years. As you can read in many articles on here, she has faithfully stayed by my side and on the back of my motorcycle when most women would say “hell no.” She has ridden on the back of my various motorcycles well over a couple of hundred thousand miles over the years. She has worn my property patch, and been right in the thick of the motorcycle club world even though she is a normie; a normie meaning no experience with the motorcycle world until she met me.
Heck, I remember one time; Elizabeth had some kind of surgery. She was in pain. My brothers were doing the “Halfway Run” up to Fresno, CA. She was supposed to ride in the chase van with one of my brothers, instead, at the first gas stop; she jumped out and got on the back of my motorcycle. She absolutely could not stand not being on the back of my motorcycle. She is that kind of woman. Loyal no matter what.
I have put her through her paces. I would estimate that hundreds if not thousands of bikers and motorcyclist over the past nine years have met Elizabeth as she rode with me to all types of events and biker social settings. Who can forget the time she panicked when we went up on the scissor crane at the Hollister Rally. (She literally freaked out)
When most of my brothers are riding by themselves because their old ladies wanted to stay home, Elizabeth was always behind me on my bike. Anyone who rides with me knows we ride as a team.

Elizabeth and Norman
She has ridden with me through freezing cold, rain, blistering heat, for thousands and thousands of miles. She is a true shotgun rider and a trooper.
She was even by my side one time when my club was surrounded by another club at the Las Vegas Biker Fest in 2004. She was smart enough to get out of the middle of the circle. The club that surrounded us ending up becoming good friends of mine and we had a late dinner right after the incident. (Luckily one of my brothers put his hand out for a handshake but this is a whole other story)
Elizabeth has been that diamond gal that every man hopes to meet in his life. She is the angel on my shoulder when I want to do something stupid. She gives me encouragement, advice, and pushes me to be my best. The least I can do is marry her right?
As I sit here typing this article, I can literally think of what seems like unlimited times she has been there for me. When I was sick she was there for me, when I had some internet stalkers and whacko’s threatening me, she was there for me, when I expanded my law practice she was there for me. What more can a man want?
Now she is in law school herself. I think we would make a good husband and wife attorney team!
The Pending Marriage
My friends, brothers, and family who know me know that I am not a flashy type of guy. I would be satisfied with a simple wedding in Las Vegas with a few close friends and family.
I do not know what has happened, but my wedding has turned into the Barnum and Bailey circus. Hell, we have the fancy ceremony and reception location, all of the dang planning involved in that. Invitations, photographers, DJ, Officiant, Dress, Tuxedos, cake, guest list, diamond rings, flowers, this and that, even a dam cake topper and serving set.

Elizabeth at Neptune's Net
This is going to probably be one of the fanciest dang weddings of 2010. Our guest list is huge.
Guess who has to pay for all of this?
Hell I told Elizabeth, “I could buy a new top of the line Harley Davidson Touring Motorcycle for cash with what this damm wedding is going to cost me.” “I should just get the Harley.”
Then again, looking at her pictures above, I think she is worth it 🙂
So what can I say in 16 days, 6 hours, and 52 minutes as of the writing of this article, I will tie the knot; Mazeltov.
By California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and California Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2010
Congratulations Norm! I’ll be honest, I don’t automatically congratulate people on getting married — I figure too many people have them be unhappy, you know? But you two have really put in the time getting to know and love each other and even in this stressful month, you still are proud to be in love — so CONGRATULATIONS!!
Hey man, Congratulations. You must be one of the luckiest guys in CA. Only Electra Glide Lawyers deserve such luck! May your union last to the end of your days. And keep the shiny side up!
Thanks Greg and Nils for your congrats.
Congratulations. I only started riding two years ago, and have already logged over 20K miles on my Kawi Vulcan. Wife likes ridin’ on the back too.
Suggestion: I’ve burned boots on hot pipes myself, and it was hard to get off the carbonized residue; until I tried Lacquer Thinner–Paint Thinner won’t do it.
That’s a great story. Best wishes!
Congrats! Wishing you many happy years and miles together.
Congrats Norm & Elizabeth. My your lives be filled with joy.
Awesome !
Congratulations Norm!! I wish you all the best! 20 pages of pre-nup?? I guess Elizabeth has her own lawyer taking a gander at that pre-nup! LOL!! Sounds like a lot of workto get married!! It will be nice and you will have a lot of memories!! Great story!!
Congrats…..20+ pages of prenup?? Dang. Sounds weird “we are getting married if she agrees to sign 20 page prenup”. You must be loaded moneywise,LOL. Good Luck.
Norm: I love you because you tell it like it is!! No whitewashing at Biker Law Blog!!! I have missed your regular commentaries. I agree that in this time we live in, one must protect what they have worked their butt off to accumulate. I agree with the Vegas thing. I went a friends house and got hitched the second time. The Big Blow Out Wedding was enough the first time. Anyway, I am happy for you. Be happy always. By the way, how is your Dad?
Norm!! What a lovely picture! Engagement picture?? That must be something right out of “Bride’s World”… I do not remember that one!! Anyway…my friend, Elizabeth is lovely!! I will say a prayer that God gives your Father the strength and health to be at your wedding. You have to much friggin work and most poor folks are starvin!! We must always count our blessings and be thankful. How do your grown daughters get along with the bride to be??? I have been told adult children are worse than ones still in the house!!
Thanks Norm. Was your Dad able to attend? I said a prayer in hopes that he would be there. Norm, when you retire from law you ought to consider writing a book. You are very talented at writing. I look forward to the pictures.
Norm I have been checking back for some wedding pictures!!
As I continue to read your updates I hope you are still as happy as it appears you are at this point. A loyal and supportive woman can make all the difference. Good luck.
I know what you mean Amy. I do family law! It took me a long time to agree to take the plunge. We both know the best and worst of each other and here we are still together after 9 years. The next 3.5 years of her being in law school will be interesting.
Ed brother, I have been swamped. We need to connect to do the upgrade. I will send you a private email later today.
Thanks Sandie. Yup 20 pages not including exhibits. In the State of California certain provisions are not enforceable unless the other party has their own attorney. So yes she has to have her own attorney.
As far as the work, it is friggen ridiculous. I would have preferred just taking off to Vegas.
Well Gixxer the prenup basically covers the what if factor. I feel that if your old lady loves you, than she is not marrying you for the money. It is not weird man, it is smart! Thanks for your well wishes.
Thanks Sandie. I am going to post a new pic we took on this past Sunday, an engagement picture. My dad is still hanging in there, he is much better, but he is still stuck in a nursing home.
Ya, Elizabeth has turned into “Bridezilla.” We got dressed up and went to Redondo Beach with a photographer as you can tell. It was raining that day. The pictures are unique to say the least. Thanks for the prayers we can never have too many of them. with respect to work, it is overwhelming, but I am not complaining, it could always be worse. My clients are all in need I will tell you that. I try to do my absolute best for them.
As far as my daughters, Liz gets along well with both of them. They are both going to be bridesmades of hers. I just want to get it over with…………..
Sandie we are waiting for the photographer to give us the pictures. She said 2-3 weeks from the 30th. As soon as I get them I will write a story about the wedding and add some photos.
She is loyal that’s for sure. There have been some bumps along the road in the 9 years that I have known her, but I guess that is normal.
Thanks for your comments Richard.
Nice story…and you two look a great pair..just made for each other. My best wishes!
Just found the site while searching the net to see what americans do for a wedding. sounds like a Great day!! congrats
Congrats dude!!
Wow, congrats! nice to see cool people happy together!
Congratulation!I Wish you many happy years and miles together.
I like to say congrats. I hope the road in front of you is as flat as the road you have travailed.
What a handsome couple, Congrats to you both Thanks for sharing this great post and happy news!