I Am Calling for All Los Angeles County, Orange County, Ventura County, San Bernardino County, and Riverside County Area Residents to Boycott the NFL; Screw Them!

california motorcycle accident attorney norman gregory fernandez calls for a boycott of the NFL

I was watching NFL football today when I realized it has been 14 years since the last NFL football game was played in the Los Angeles area. That is a decade plus 4 years. My childhood favorite team, the Los Angeles Rams betrayed me when they moved to St. Louis. Furthermore, the Los Angeles Raiders did the same thing.

I am fed up with the NFL and have had enough. Who the hell do they think they are leaving the largest most populace geographic market in the nation without a professional football team for 14 years?

Los Angeles County is by far the most populace county in the entire Untied States with over 10 million residents. This figure does not include the high populace surrounding counties of Orange, Ventura, San Bernardino, Ventura, etc.

We must be fools, watching teams that are based elsewhere for 14 years to support an organization like the NFL who has basically said “screw you” to us! Hell the San Francisco Bay Area has two teams, the 49ers and the Raiders just across the bay from each other. We are a by far larger market than the Bay Area. San Diego has its own team in a much smaller market. New York has two teams, what gives?

As a Biker and Motorcycle Accident Attorney in the State of California, I am now calling for all residents of Los Angeles County, Orange County, Ventura County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County and surrounding areas to completely and totally boycott the NFL, (National Football League) until they respect us enough to give us our own team. Enough is enough.

They have left us out to dry for too long with no good excuse. I venture to guess that if we all stop watching games wherein we have no interest in a local team or how a local team is doing, advertising revenues will go down for the networks that broadcast games, thus hurting the NFL in the pocketbook. If we all stop purchasing NFL memorabilia and merchandise it will directly hurt the NFL more than they could possibly know.

Therefore stop watching NFL football games, stop buying their merchandise, and write letters and emails to the NFL letting them know how we feel. Here is a link to the NFL corporate contact site where you can directly submit your comments to the NFL.

Maybe if we boycott these sons of bitches, they will give us our own football team. Hell NFL Commissioner and Owners give me a franchise and I will make it the most successful in the country.

You have left us Southern Californians without a team for too long. Let’s show the NFL how much we can make them hurt if they do not give us a team!

I am further asking all non Southern Californians to support us in getting our own football franchise out here. The more teams the better right!

By California Motorcycle Accident Attorney Norman Gregory Fernandez, © 2008

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  1. Motorcycle website marketing

    mate..it could be of other unavoidable reason that they moved..as far as i think and if its not that, then i think you might be doing what is needed as per the los angeles football lovers


  2. peterjazzusa

    Hi..Dude..i had seen all your posts each are really informative.All are really best.

  3. Da Bearss

    You want the NFL in L.A.? First, you’ll need a new stadium. You can’t build a local fan base without home games on TV. The Rams/Raiders were never able to fill the Coliseum because it sucks, resulting in home games being blacked out. You tell me where in L.A. County they could find enough land to build a stadium. The land alone would cost $1 billion and the stadium another billion. You are S.O.L., my friend.

  4. Bus

    They are talking about bringing a team back, but then again they’ve been talking about that since they originally left.


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