Happy new year, 2020, from the Biker Law Blog, by California Motorcycle Accident Attorney Norman Gregory Fernandez

I would like to wish all of my readers, fans, and motorcycle accident clients both past, and present, a very happy new year.

We are now in the roaring 20s again, the last time this happened was 100 years ago, a full century.

Back in those days there was prohibition in the United States, which made the manufacture, sale and consumption of alcohol illegal. Prohibition was actually a constitutional amendment that right wing conservative Christians got passed through, luckily, it was repealed.

Just like the Taliban in Afghanistan, our founding fathers did not intend for religious zealots to run our country. They did not want our country to be like Europe was.

In essence Europe was controlled by religion for about 2000 years, and everyone knows the horrors that occurred out of that. Hell, the pilgrims left Europe to come to America so that they could practice their religion how they wanted. Our founding fathers wrote into our Constitution that there shall be a separation of church and state for a reason. This is the subject for a different article.

Getting back on topic, the Biker Law Blog has now been a publication for 14 years. Who would’ve thought when I started writing this publication that I would still be doing it 14 years later. There are literally thousands of articles on here. It seems like I have written about every topic related to motorcycles, except for all the new types of motorcycles coming out.

Although the number of articles I have been cranking out has diminished over the past few years, because I have covered most of what needs to be covered with respect to the legal aspects of motorcycle accidents, and the safety aspects of riding motorcycles, I will continue to write articles, and through Google searches, and blog searches, you can find my articles related to motorcycle riding easily throughout the blog. I suggest doing the search at the blog itself for types of articles I have written. The search box is on the upper part of the blog below the header you can’t miss it.

Many of you have told me that you enjoy the random picture section of the blog that you will see in the top right sidebar of every page on the blog. I have decided to create a separate page under videos that will show the random pictures in a larger format.

There is no way in hell I’m going to edit the pictures to make them fit a larger format. The software that runs the random pictures will automatically stretch the pictures to make them bigger which could diminish the quality of bit, but you should still be able to see the pictures okay.

This change will be coming the first week of January 2020.

A lot of people have asked me to put descriptions on the random pictures of the display on the Biker Law Blog. The problem is the way the software works, the description would actually cover part of the picture, and that is not acceptable to me. I have a photographic memory and can tell you pretty much about every picture in the random slideshow.

Over the past 20+ years I have taken thousands of pictures during my rides, and so forth. There is absolutely no way for me to display all of those pictures it would take gigabytes of memory and tremendously slow down your browser when you come to the blog.

The pictures not only show the past 20 years of my biker life, and motorcycle club life, but they show that I am a real motorcycle rider and biker. I started doing motorcycle accident cases, because I am a real biker. Many of my competitors will show pictures as well, but it is usually only of them with their pop-up marketing booths at events which I despise. My pictures show me and my friends riding our asses off. Who do you think has more credibility as a motorcycle accident lawyer?

Suffices to say, at least for now I will display the pictures that you currently see, and more will be added selectively as my wife and I continue to ride and have a good time both on our own, with other riders, and with my club brothers.

What is funny is that my wife told me when we first met, that she almost did not come to my house, because she saw all the beautiful woman in the random picture section of the Biker Law Blog. She thought I might be a player. I told her the truth, it is just the biker lifestyle, and hell, when a man is single he will take ladies on rides 🙂 luckily for me my at the time my future wife decided to come to my house after all, and let me sweep her off her feet. Little Teri makes up many of the pictures you will see in the random picture section.

I have had multiple physical injury issues that came up in 2019. I tore a distal bicep tendon and had to have surgery. On the first day of Sturgis, August 1, 2019, while working out with dumbbells outside of my motorhome before taking a ride, I injured my right shoulder. The pain never really went away, and in approximately November 2019 I injured my shoulder worse at the gym, and at my weekly kung fu session.

I am going for injections on my shoulder the first week of January, and physical therapy on the shoulder for six weeks after that. If that doesn’t work, I may need a new surgery on my shoulder.

The pain of a shoulder injury is unbearable especially for a guy like me that likes to be physical and likes to ride my motorcycle. A shoulder injury makes it very difficult to ride a motorcycle.

The doctors told me that if after six weeks of physical therapy the pain remains the same, he might have to perform surgery.

So, 2020 for me is all about resolving my shoulder injury, in May I am going to have a total knee replacement, and then all should be good.

From the time I was young I have been a very physical man. I played tackle football, pop Warner football, track, basketball, and baseball growing up. In high school I played football, was on the wrestling team, and threw the shot put on the track team. I went into the military, and I have trained in martial arts for approximately 52 years. I have gone to the gym and worked out since I was a teenager. I have used my body and abused it my whole life. Now, I need to make repairs, just like an old car, I am now 56 years old.

With the repairs that I am making, and a change in diet and exercise, I’m looking forward to a long and healthy life.

I am not even going to go into what’s in store for my law practice this year. We have many cases, and we intend to get good results for our clients as usual. This year we will grow our law practice, expand into workers compensation law, and grow our family law practice. So, we will not only be providing California statewide personal injury services, we will also provide services in several Southern California counties for work-related injuries, and family law in Los Angeles and Orange county only.

Heading into the new year, I have many things on my plate. In order to ride a motorcycle safely, you need to be in decent shape, and have your head in the game. As I go through my personal trials and tribulations, I will report to all of you on how it’s going.

In retrospect looking back over the past 20 years, a tremendous number of people I have known nationwide have died in motorcycle accidents, and of natural causes. Many people I know have stopped riding motorcycles due to advanced age, personal choice, or health reasons.

The motorcycle scene has definitely changed in the past 20 years. In the year 2000, there was a huge yuppie motorcycle craze going on and it seemed like everybody was buying motorcycles. I personally also saw women starting to ride motorcycles for the first time. I know there were women motorcycle riders before the year 2000, but in 2000 is when they started showing up in numbers.

There were motorcycle shows all over TV such as American chopper, Biker Build Off, Jesse James West Coast Choppers, etc. Now that is all gone.

Motorcycle sales have been down now for many years in the United States. Apparently, the millennials would rather play on their cell phone, then get out into the world and ride motorcycles. The traditional bikers as we know them, are dying out. Many as they age, are getting trikes.

After a few non-starts, I have finally found a great motorcycle club that I will stay with for the rest of my life if they allow me. It is a great club, and a great group of brothers.

I remember the Los Angeles times wanted to do an article about me and other biker lawyers back in the 2000’s, but they insisted that they be allowed to take a picture of me with my motorcycle club patch on. I refused because my motorcycle club had nothing to do with my motorcycle personal injury practice. The Los Angeles times punished me by only giving me a sentence or two in the article and featuring a bunch of idiots who did not ride, and one guy who just started riding.

There are so many things that I could write about that have happened in the past 20 years I could actually write a book about it.

Before I end this article I wanted mention that a brother of mine in my club named Captain passed away just before Christmas and it has hit everyone in our club hard. Go with god brother, I will see you again one day hopefully a long time from now.

Now on to the new year.

I pray that God will give my family and I and all of you a great new year.

So happy new year to you and your family, God be with you in the coming year, and I wish you all well.

By California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez, January 1, 2020.

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1 Comment

  1. Grizzly Addams

    It’s a little late but Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year to Biker Law Blog.
    Thank you, again, to Biker Law Blog, and the many years of enjoyment, integrity, inspiration,
    and good information the website has unfailingly continued and will
    continue to provide. The founding fathers never had it so good.
    You will find as you dig deeper that their recollections of religious freedom
    become a litle bit sketchy as they traded that in for greed and the getting of beaver pelts.
    With winter coming in they tried to knit stuff to sell to the Indians that they didn’t want
    so “Fur and Frontier” by author Eric Dolan paints the real picture.

    As regards religious freedom I’ll stick with the late Robin Williams
    and the 10 top reasons for Being Episcopalian as submitted to
    David Letterman.

    Please give your doctors a fighting chance and don’t lift weights at Sturgis
    and surprise them with the results later for your 57th birthday.
    I’m glad Terri came to your house too when through this web portal pass the
    most beautiful girls in the world of Huntington Beach and onto Perverts row
    I don’t know why is it worth the drive please remember you have five stars as the sun goes down
    my God I thought being Canadian was difficult when no further explanations
    were available. As long as she thinks it’s fair, ok, remembering then if there
    is a motorcycle accident ( and we hope not,) no matter how good the lawyer,
    the woman has to look after everything. I’ve listened to it with guys lying
    in the next hospital bed in triage, unreal, but they’re still telling the doctor
    and blaming it on some motorcycle part. She’s plenty beautiful to have her
    own California website for whatever motorcycle association.

    Yes, God bless you too and give Him a fighitng chance to make the shoulders
    heal up In the water in Hawaii is a really good idea now
    I’m 62, everything hurts, skinny as a toothpick and have to throw around skids
    all day and stack them with twenty somethings who think they’re
    UFC fighters, haven’t found a lawyer yet to get them to shut up.

    You got it good, if you’re 56 you’re 56,
    Happy New Year to you too.


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