Norman Gregory Fernandez

Pursuant to California State Law, (Proposition 213) you must have minimum liability insurance coverage of $10,000 Property Damage, $15,000 bodily injury per person, and $30,000 per incident while you are driving on California Roads.

If you do not have minimum liability insurance coverage, you will NOT BE ENTITLED TO GENERAL DAMAGES (pain & suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, etc.), and you may lose your drivers license, and a fine. Even if the accident was not your fault!

Most personal injury attorneys will not represent you on a contingency basis unless you had liability insurance at the time of accident, because the value of your case is limited to out of pocket losses only such as: Property Damage, Medical Expenses, Medication Expenses, Loss of Wages, etc.

Beware, recent changes in the law now require your insurance company to notify the Department of Motor Vehicles if your insurance is terminated. If your insurance is terminated your registration can be revoked, you can lose your drivers license, and face substantial fines.

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. , Copyright 2006

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  1. Jeff Herbst

    I am reading some of the things you have posted here. I have to disagree with you. I am an attorney in Cardif (San Diego) I know Cali law. You are way off base-Figures…you’re a fucking biker!

  2. sandie [ Member]

    OMG!!! JEFF HERBST was a rude and unprofessional comment. My money says Norm will chew you up and spit you out if you are a lawyer. Norm, I know that we have doctors that attend inferior colleges outside the USA because they are not intelligent enough to attend a US college. My question to you, are lawyers doing this as well?? It pays to be careful when you chose your lawyer. Look at Mr. HERBST…..would you want him to represent you in a court of law???? NOT ME.

  3. Jeff R Herbst

    Yeah, I’m really an attny (cal bar # 82518). I reviewed insurance claims again, I still disagree. Isn’t think you’re f@cked up on what you’re promoting here…oh yea, more biz for you! I’ve got a reward for you, if you can find a law that says a biker can’t be a lawyer.

  4. sandie [ Member]

    Good Grief Norm!! Is this Jeff a lawyer? Did you check? I don’t think he could pass any State Bar Exam. This guy doesn’t know what most of us learned in elementary school….the United States Constitution. The local Hog Group here has five lawyers that are members and they each specialize in a different filed of law. I appreciate your blog. You have good information. I enjoy reading about your road trips. I say 99.9999999999% of us appreciate the time, research and effort you put into this blog. Keep up the good work. Yes…Jeff’s comment makes him look like a dummy!!!!

  5. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Jeff if you are really a lawyer and purport to know California law, then you must be a terrible lawyer. Everything I posted in this article is accurate to a tee. I feel sorry for anyone that would retain you, you obviously do not know the law.

    I suggest you study up on the California Insurance Code and the California Vehicle Code and then come back on here and give us all a good lesson. This fucking biker lawyer would chew you apart in any trial whether it be a jury or bench trial.

    Do you even know what General Damages are?


  6. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Jeff I checked you out on the State Bar website before I allowed your first comment to be published. This is a moderated blog.

    There is no way to know for sure if you are the real lawyer from Cardif or not, therefore, I will not comment on your public record, which is available at the State Bar Website!

    I have not edited or changed any of your last comment. I will let it speak for itself. To be quite frank, your comment is not only unintelligible, but it speaks volumes with regards to your intellect and ability to write a coherent sentence!

    Rather than play games, why don’t your write a brief in opposition to my article, and submit it as a comment. You can disagree all you want, but I cited the law as it presently stands in the State of California. You can disagree until you are blue in the face, but the law is the law.

    With regard to your reward offer; why would I waste my time looking for a law that does not exist; that would be prohibited by the United States, and California Constitution, and that would be ridiculous if it did in fact exist?

    I could care less what your opinion is regarding what this Blog represents! Have you ever heard of the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution?


  7. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Yes there is a lawyer with his name and city registered with the California State Bar, but since this is the Internet there is no way to know for sure if the person who is actually posting comments is actually who he says he is.

    Thanks for your comments Sandie,



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