Biker and Motorcycle Law

What Should You Do if a Car or Truck is Tailgating You While You Are Riding Your Motorcycle?

I have seen this question posed many time in various places. I recently read someone pose the question again. I was thinking about posting my article on this subject in the Safety Tips section of this Blog, however, I decided to post my article in the Biker Laws...

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How to Select the right Motorcycle Helmet for You; Does Price Really Matter?

A Biker Law Blog visitor named Randy read my article titled “Helmets and Face Protection; You Decide!” He posted the following question; “I am looking for a full face DOT helmet. There are so many. How do you know if you are buying a good DOT helmet or one that is not...

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When a Personal Injury Exacerbates a Pre-Existing Medical Condition; The “Egg Shell Skull” Theory.

Many people live their lives with pre-existing medical conditions such as: Bad knees; degenerative conditions in the back, previous broken bones that have healed, etc. Are you entitled to recover for damages in a personal injury accident when a pre-existing medical...

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Motorcycle Injury Accidents; Why do Bikers and Motorcycle Riders Not Want to Protect their Rights?; Thoughts from a California Biker Lawyer!

As a biker lawyer, I handle many motorcycle injury accident cases. I also give many free consultations for bikers and motorcyclist who are injured in motorcycle accident cases. Bikers and Motorcycle Riders are a tough breed. This goes for the female bikers that I...

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You may have a Black Box Data Recorder in your Car and Not Even Know it.

I am sure that many of you have heard the term “Black Box” data recorders which are usually associated with airplanes and airplane accidents. Did you know that many manufacturers are now installing Black Box Data Recorders in Cars? probably not. Black Box data...

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My Thoughts on Mandatory Speed Regulators on Sport Motorcycles.

I have read several articles recently that governmental officials at the State and Federal level in the United States, and United Kingdom are contemplating laws that would require manufacturers of sport motorcycles otherwise known as “Crotch Rockets,” to install speed...

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Motorcycles riding in between lanes, otherwise known as Lane Splitting, is Legal in the State of California.

I recently watched a video report from a local TV news channel in San Diego, that you can see by clicking here, and then searching on lane splitting. It was surprising to me that most cagers (people in cars) did not realize that lane splitting is legal in the State of...

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Biker Lawyer’s Random Images

If you have been in a Motorcycle Accident ANYWHERE in The State of California, call me now 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, for a free consultation at 800-816-1529), Extension 1.

Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez picture taken by the American Bar AssociationWelcome, my name is Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. I am a real biker, and a real California Biker and Motorcycle Lawyer. Click Here to find out more about me.

I created this site to provide information to the motorcycle and biker community, as well as general California Personal Injury, and Family Law Information to all.

On the Biker Law Blog you will find Biker and Motorcycle Legal Articles, News, Links, Safety Tips, Personal Injury, Family Law, and more.

If you wish to contact me or submit articles, you may do so by clicking on the Contact Us button above, or by clicking here now.


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