Biker Law Blog Software Upgrade Set For February 12, 2007

california personal injury lawyer norman gregory fernandez

I wanted to let our members, visitors, and everyone else know that on Monday, February 12, 2007, the software and database that drives the Biker Law Blog is going to be upgraded.


This upgrade is necessary to better improve the engine that the Biker Law Blog runs on. This upgrade may cause some intermittent outages throughout the day, and also may cause some minor problems with functionality.

If you experience any problems, or notice any problems after February 12, 2007, I would appreciate you reporting them by email to .

Thank You,
Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq.

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  1. Michael Odom

    Well, I wish had of thought of putting up a warning before I went through my changes : )
    Good luck on the upgrade. Are you switching or just upgrading?


  2. Scott Kimler

    Upgrade started.

    I’ve made a copy of your current DB and loaded the new v1.9.2 “Kyoto” software. I’m currently in the process of backing up your image data and will be installing on a parallel directory.

    They’ll be a few changes to the skin (to get everything working in good order) … then I’ll slide it into place … upgrading the CURRENT DB. You should not see any loss of data or comments.

    I’ll let you know when it’s done. Site should only be affected for about a half hour, if all goes according to Hoyle.


  3. Michael Odom

    Looking good! Nice work Scott. Software upgrades can be a nightmare. Iused to have a dedicated and it was too much on me. I went to managed and I am happier for it. It is enough just to do things like this, let alone taking care of the OS on your server…yikes.

  4. Anonymous

    The v1.9.2 version of b2evolution has now replaced your earlier version.

    There were some problems along the way (FTP issues, skin changes and a new version of CAPTCHA had be put into place).

    (Note: The new version protects your trackback adrresses as well).

    Have a look around and let me know if you see anything awry.



  5. Anonymous

    found the bloglist problem (was collateral damage from FTP files not transferring completely) … should be sorted now.

    There’s a couple problems in the back office, ATM (again, probably related to FTP) … should have those fixed soon.

    The skinnerguide is a guidebook for submitting custom skin designs to the b2evo site (making them available for others).

  6. Anonymous


    Backoffice complete.
    DB upgraded.
    I’ve even installed a spiffy new search highlighter for you. Courtesy of AstonishMe!

    (Search for “California motorcyle lawyer” and you’ll see it in action) 😉


  7. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    I should have put the warning up a couple of days ago!

    I am sticking with B2Evolution as the software engine of the Blog for many reasons including the ability to have separate Blogs on the same site! The open source programmers for B2evolution continue to make the software better and better. I do not see any reason to switch. It is awesome software.

    We are upgrading to B2evolution 1.92 stable which has tons of new features built into the software. Wait to you see some of the stuff I have planned for the Blog. It should be cool.

    I have all confidence in Scott who is doing the customizing to make sure the upgrade goes great!

    Take care man,


  8. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    The tabs for the various blogs are missing from the top is one thing that I noticed right away!!

    I will have to play to make sure everything is working. What is the skinnerguide skin?



  9. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    I see that you have fixed the tabs issue! Cool! What is the new Blog Colophorm? Is there a way to dump that or is that just for testing? I hope we are going to dump the skinnerguide from available skins too!

    I will contact you by private email once we know the upgrade is working solidly!!

    Do your thing my friend.

    By the way for everyone who is reading these comments. stk or Scott from Randsco, located at is the guru who is customizing the Biker Law Blog.

    I highly recommend him for anyone that wants a killer website designed. He is the man!


  10. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Mike that is why I use Scott’s company for the customizing! At least when you run your own site, you control everything.

    On the managed deals you never know what will happen!

    Wait to you see what Scott will be doing with the Blog very soon.



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