Are Our Motorcycles Causing Us Cancer?

Motorcycle Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez discusses Dale Chipkars Book on Motorcycles causing cancerI have read reports all over the internet about a book written by Dale Chipkar whose picture you can see on the left. As a matter of fact there are so many reports circulating around the Internet that I could not ignore it anymore and thought I would do a write up on the subject.

Mr. Chipkar claims in his book titled “Motorcycle Cancer, Are Motorcycles Killing Us With Cancers of the Prostate, Colon, Kidney, Bone, etc.,” that he has measured a surprisingly high amount of extremely low frequency radiation shooting up from our motorcycle seats. The radiation would in turn go directly into our bodies.

You can find Mr. Chipkar’s original press release and a link to purchase his book by clicking here.

He states that the radiation in question can be measured with an ELF/EMF Gauss Meter which he also sells on his website, but I am sure you can also purchase elsewhere.

Here is a direct quote from page 2 of his book; “Electromagnetic field radiation is an invisible phenomenon produced whenever there is current or electricity flow. A motorcycle engine involves a unique relationship with electrical systems and coils that generate anywhere from 10,000 to 70,000 volts of electricity during operation. Associated electric fields and EM waves are also discussed in my book. Throughout the electrical system, “oscillating currents” produce erratic, pulsing EMF radiation of varying frequencies. Most motorcycles have the battery, electrical components, modules, cables, etc. located directly under the seat of the rider! Extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) have ruthless penetrating magnetic field properties. As you read the web links below, keep in mind that ELF EMF sources can vary but the detrimental principles involved could remain the same. ELF EMF radiation at close exposure is unnatural and over time could have devastating biological consequences. Detection and protection is our best defense.”

Mr. Chipkar claims that the radiation could cause cancer of the prostate, testicles, colon, bladder, kidney, liver, pancreas and stomach, as well as infertility, “sexual dysfunction, erectile deficiency and loss of libido.”

Mr. Chipkar also goes onto to state “A motorcycle is the only place on earth where our vital organs are so close to possible electromagnetic radiation.”

My take on this issue is that I do not know enough about the subject to say one way or another whether this is some kind of scam, or if there is real validity to Mr. Chipkar’s claims. I do know this, if there is a measurable amount of radiation shooting up from our motorcycle seats than there is probably some validity to Mr. Chipkar’s claims, and probably a real reason for concern. I doubt that radiation going into our bodies from the seat of a motorcycle can be beneficial. I myself had a friend from High School who rode motorcycles for many years and who died from colon cancer at a very young age.

I am calling on the motorcycle industry and other technical people to immediately research this issue to determine if it is a valid problem and reason for concern. If it is, than I am calling on all motorcycle manufacturers, including motorcycle seat manufacturers to put appropriate electromagnetic radiation shielding in our seats to protects us from the EMF.

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2007

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  1. Steven

    And tell the cell phone industry to study it also. Maybe put those EMF shields into our cell phones. I don’t know of any other object where our brains are more close to an EMF source.

  2. Gary

    About 20 years ago, I was very heavily into ham radio. One thing of concern among some of us, was the electromagnetic radiation emitting from various electronic equipment and cancer because it was noted, hams had a higher than average death rate from cancers. I personally knew a commercial microwave technician and a ham both dying from leukemia. Even back a number of years, there was a fear of the handi-talkies hams used with that antenna right next to the head, especially those in the gigahertz frequency range. (just like cell phones today)

    Remember those older TV sets? they had a high voltage tube and picture tube that was known to emit x-rays and they used to warn not to sit too close, especially color TV’s because of the higher radiation.

    I am not in anyway a scientist, doctor, researcher or anything related and have no proof whatsoever but when something happens in what seems in higher than average numbers, you begin taking notice. My info just comes from just listening around a lot and overhearing many conversations among hams about who died today and from what etc.

    So, personally, I would say it’s very possible there’s a link between electromagnetic radiation and cancers.


  3. Ghost Rider

    If your motorcycle is pushing up to 500 mG of ELF EMF radiation into your groin then there is reason for health concern. Page 2 of the motorcyclecancer site presents facts that cannot be ignored. Riding is dangerous enough and we should not have to gamble with our health on this technical level also. Cancers are becoming an epidemic and ELF EMF radiation is emerging as a recognized carcinogen. To quote the site:

    Individual responsibility leads to content accountability. Science proves electromagnetic danger. Now that a type of motorcycle ELF EMF has been exposed, I hope denial is not going to be considered as a solution.

    Ultimately the choice is our own to become more educated about these EMF issues.

    As for governments and industry keeping people in the dark about emerging EMF health issues, I would like to quote the site again:

    Many experts believe existing government regulations are extremely inadequate concerning various EM close exposures and public safety. Unfortunately this can create a false sense of well being for different industries that claim compliance to government standards. Where does that leave the consumer?

    I feel that this Chipkar guy is bang on target and time will prove him correct.

  4. Randall Dale Chipkar

    Motorcycle Cancer

    We have more knowledge today than ever before concerning both ELF EMF and EMR health issues. This information can only enhance the motorcycle industry for a safer vehicle. We need to rely upon each other to expose further rider health correlations and ensure proper industry attention to this motorcycle issue.

    “Facts donÂ’t cease to exist just because they are ignored” — Aldous Huxley

    Randall Dale Chipkar

  5. Randall Dale Chipkar

    Motorcycle Cancer

    Regarding proof of electromagnetic harm, the updated motorcycle cancer website links provide a comprehensive accounting from experts and doctors worldwide. Many health professionals are coming forward to contest the complacency of antiquated views regarding various electromagnetic exposures and serious health effects.

    Concerning various types of ELF EMF radiations, we feel the best advice doctors are giving is prudent avoidance from exposure as with other potential carcinogens.

    We feel that The Motorcycle Cancer Book is all the evidence necessary to launch rider protection worldwide.

    Education holds the key to understanding this motorcycle cancer issue.

    Randall Dale Chipkar

  6. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    They know something is up. Read the manuals in the new cell phones these days. They tell you not to put the cell phone within a certain distance from the body. I think cell phones emit high frequency radiation. Either way it cannot be good either.

    You are right about an industry policing itself. I should have called for an outside watchdog group to check this story out.


  7. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Since I wrote this article, I believe that Chipkar was awarded a patent and massive press on his protective seat.

    I have no doubt that the external insult of constantly being exposed to electro magnetic radiation cannot be good for our bodies.

    I may look into getting a protective seat!


  8. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Heavy duty! I for one have always been suspicious of cell phones. I too have felt the burning or heating sensation from cell phones!



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