An Open Challenge to Any California Attorney Advertising That They Handle Motorcycle Accident Cases!

Norman Gregory Fernandez at the 2nd to last official Hollister Motorcycle Rally

Norman Gregory Fernandez at the 2nd to last official Hollister Motorcycle Rally

*** 9/15/10 Update – I have heard from no other attorney in the State of California who advertises that they handle motorcycle accident cases, and who rides. I issued this challenge almost a month ago. I must conclude that there is some false and misleading advertising going on aimed at Bikers by other attorneys who claim that they are “lawyers who ride.”

If you have had a motorcycle accident in the State of California, and you are looking into hiring someone besides myself to handle your case, make sure you check them out. You are now on notice!

***9/2/10 Update – As expected not one California attorney has accepted my challenge to meet me on a motorcycle ride anywhere in the State of California. Stay tuned. I am going to push this issue. There are a whole bunch of shysters out there advertising that they are lawyers who ride trying to get your business in motorcycle accident cases. There must be at least one out there who really rides right?

I challenge any California Attorney who advertises that they handle motorcycle accident cases to join me on a real motorcycle ride. That’s right a real motorcycle ride.

I will meet you anywhere in the State of California for a motorcycle ride, and I will buy you lunch.

If you are in fact a California Attorney who advertises that you handle motorcycle accident cases, and you actually really ride motorcycles like me, I will mention you here on the Biker Law Blog.

The only caveat’s are that you must have had a valid motorcycle endorsement on your California driver’s license before the date of this challenge; if it is your firm, you cannot push out an associate who rides, it must be you; you cannot hire an associate who rides after the challenge; and your advertisements must have existed prior to this challenge.

In other words, you have to actually do and be what you say you are in your advertisements on the date of this challenge.

We get about a million hits per month here on the Biker Law Blog so imagine all of the free advertising you will get simply by proving that you actually ride motorcycles like you advertise that you do.

You see I am flat out sick and tired of seeing all of the false and misleading advertising aimed at bikers and motorcyclist.

There are some firms that advertise in major motorcycle rags claiming that they are attorney’s who really ride or that they are the original attorney’s who ride, bla bla bla.

I say proof talks, bullshit walks, and enough is enough.

You would not hire a dentist to perform knee surgery on you, and you should not be hiring an attorney who does not ride motorcycles to represent you in a motorcycle accident case.

It just does not make sense to hire someone who does not know the first thing about riding motorcycles, or the bias and prejudice we face as bikers and motorcyclist face in the courtroom, to handle your motorcycle accident case.

Don’t sell yourself short by hiring an attorney to handle your motorcycle accident case, simply because they might have a fancy ad proclaiming that they ride motorcycles. Make sure they really ride motorcycles like they say they do!

So there it is; are there are real attorney’s here in California that ride motorcycles, and who advertise that they ride motorcycles, besides me? I would be shocked if there were more than one that I know of!

By a Real California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Real Biker Lawyer, Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © August 2010

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  1. Tim Nelso

    I am curious, has anyone taken you up on your challenge?

  2. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Nope and I do not think that anyone will. That is the point of the challenge, to root out the false and misleading advertisers.


  3. Grumpy

    I swear, You should change your moniker to Doc Nukem. You got Balls of Steel, Bro! 😀


    • Norman Gregory Fernandez

      You know me brother Grumpy, I am the real deal man. By the way, not one pie faced attorney advertising that they are a biker lawyer took me up on the challenge. That is because they do not really ride. Talk about false and misleading advertising on a massive scale!


  4. Sandie {Member}

    It is a shame that lawyers advertise at all. I can remember the day when you never saw a lawyer advertising on television. Now you can’t watch anything without a few commercials with a 800 number lawyers there for you to sue for everything.
    Lawyers used to have class……..not these days.
    I will be surprised if there are any takers to your invitation.


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