You Should Always Keep an Emergency Information Form in Your Wallet at All Times (I.C.E. Card)

California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez

California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez

I always recommend keeping an Emergency Information Form, or I.C.E. card (In Case of Emergency) card in you, and your loved ones wallets, purses, or on your person at all times.

Why? Because you never know when you will have a life or death emergency.

Having an I.C.E. card can not only mean the difference between life and death for you or a loved one in an emergency, it will also allow emergency responders to contact your family or whoever you designate as your emergency contacts in case you are unable to communicate.

An Emergency Information Card is ideal for:

  • Children
  • Elderly persons
  • Motorcycle Riders
  • Participants of risky activities
  • Anyone with serious medical conditions or allergies

However, even if you are not in the above categories, an Emergency Information Card may god forbid help you one day. Everyone should carry one.

It is one of those things that you never think that you will need until you actually need it. It can save your life.

My law firm has created an Emergency Information Form that can be  filled in online and printed, a blank form can be printed and filled in by hand, it can be saved to your computer for later use, or you may even email it to your family and friends so that they can create their own Emergency Contact Form.

To go my law firm Emergency Information Form Click Here now. You may fill in the form on your computer, and then click the print button to print the form.

You may print in on one or two pages, or print the form two sided on one piece of paper. You may also use your printer or a copy machine to reduce the size of the printed form if you like.

Then simply fold it up and stick it in your wallet, purse, or somewhere where an emergency responder can find it.

I myself have one of these cards in my wallet, and I also keep an “In case of Emergency” contact in my cell phone. The problem with the cell phone is that if it is broken up on the side of the road, it is useless.

I am glad that I could provide this service for you. Hopefully like motorcycle or car insurance, you will never need it!

By California Personal Injury Attorney Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © September 2010

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  1. Mike

    I agree with you that we should keep an I.C.E. Card with us. This will help a lot. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.

  2. Jim

    I personally feel that everyone should have an I.C.E card. I something were to happen to a family member I would want to know right away. The time spent worrying about where a loved one is at can be the worst moments of a person’s life.

  3. SE

    I fully agree with the article. In fact i have faced the situation once when i got an accident.


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