California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., Courtesy of the Riverside Press Enterprise Newspaper, and Jennifer Fraley of Sunshine Photography
Here it is January 25, 2011, and this really the first substantive article that I have written for 2011.
About a week before Christmas 2010, I was hit with a couple of health issues that all but ruined the holiday season for me.
I also disassociated myself from a motorcycle riding group that I was with for about 2 years or so. I have no resentments or hard feelings whatsoever against any of them, nor do I have anything bad to say about them. The issue for me was really about participation.
Thankfully, I will be moving on to be with a group of more serious motorcycle riders.
I wish my old group well as I move onto greener pastures so to say.
I look at one of my health issues as a godsend. It was a wake up call that has forced me to watch my diet and to start really working out again, which I have done. God willing, I will be here for quite a long time helping all of you with your cases, and writing good articles.
My goal is to get back to my optimal physical form in the next few months. This will involve a strict diet, cardio training, lifting weights, and doing my martial arts. Brother Vic will get me back to my Kenpo roots.
I would like to welcome all of my new clients who signed up during the holidays and this month, to our law firm family. There are quite a few of you, and I am happy to be here to help.
As a client of mine, and my firm, The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates, I will go to war for you to get you what you are entitled to in your case, or to help you win your case depending upon what area of the law we are representing you on.
Those who know me including opposing attorneys know I do not play games. I am a very aggressive attorney who loves to fight in the trenches.
Either give my clients what they are entitled to, or we will go to Court and get it. I do not run a settlement mill, we are a litigation law firm with the time, resources, and expertise to go to battle for our clients when the need arises.
To my many motorcycle accident clients, motorcycle passenger accident victims, car accident victims, slip and fall/ trip and fall clients, and other clients, you know we are here for you through thick and thin. Hang in there. Once we get you back on your feet and get your motorcycles and cars either repaired or replaced, and get you the money you deserve, you will be back in the saddle and invited to my annual ride/barbecue as are all of my past motorcycle accident clients. As usual, I will ride tail gunner. 🙂
My law firm is many times, the only way my clients who are victims of 3rd party negligence can get medical treatment, get back on their feet, get their lives back, and be compensated for their losses.
We know this, and we are here for you. I am truly blessed to be able to provide this kind of service to you.
This is not a money game for me, I from the bottom of my heart love to help people in their time of need. There is nothing that gets me off more than helping people in need. I think this is what sets me apart from the hoard of other attorneys out there.
I love going up against for profit insurance companies who do their dammdest to not pay you for your injuries, simply so that their profits remain high. I am the bain of their existence.
On to some personal issues, thank god my good friend and private investigator Scott Shaw of FinCIS Corporation is out of the hospital. He almost passed away on us during the holiday season.
Scott is a true brother and a close friend, of the type that would drive many miles in the middle of the night to be there to help you if you needed help. He is the kind of man who would stand by you, and back you, even if he is sick.
He was one of my best men at my wedding. Above all, he is a brother that can be trusted, and is an honorable man whom any organization would be, and should be proud to be associated with.
Scott we have many more rides ahead brother. Continue on your path to get your health back, and you will be back in the saddle again soon. We love you man.
I am truly blessed to have brothers like Scott, my partner Larry Moy, Len Chaitin, Motaz Gerges, Moe Mehrin, Allen of my San Francisco office, my brother Hollywood Bud, Grand Master Vic LeRoux, Senior Grand Master Chuck Sullivan, and many others who are my closest friends, brothers, partners, and confidants that are too numerous to mention here, in my life.
Happiness is not about how much money or possessions you have when you die; it is about your relationships with other human beings that matter most.
If you are an asshole, you will be treated like an asshole. If you are a nice guy, you will be treated as a nice guy. It is about Karma; treat others as you would like to be treated; and whatever comes around will most certainly go around.
Above all I would like to thank my wife Elizabeth. She has been with me for going on 10 years.
Our 1 year wedding anniversary is on January 30th of this month. We may not get along all of the time, but she is my main friend, associate, and partner.
Although just last night she told me that she did does not like the “Little Puppet” riding nickname I gave her 10 years ago.
She thinks it is condescending, although I gave her the nickname, because she used to have this little finger puppet that she messed with all of the time. It was not meant to be condescending.
Hell I have gave an ex who liked cats the nickname Kat. Many of you of you probably remember her from back in the day.
My wife likes dogs. I have told her that maybe we can call her “Mutt” or “Bark.” (It is an inside joke)
Although this year has started out tough and very busy, especially on my family, Scott, my injured clients, and I, this will still be a be a good year.
The glass is half full. I look forward to an exceptional year.
God be with you all.
By California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2011
This year (if you believe in astrology) is supposed to be a good year for us all. So many changes and things seemed to have happened to everyone I talked to in 2010- especially near the end. I, myself, lost a family friend on Christmas. So congratulations- and here’s to a half-full glass.