California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez on his Electra Glide
The headline to this article says it all; it has been one year to the day since I quit smoking. You can read an article that I wrote when I started to quit smoking by clicking here.
I started smoking when I was 17 years old. I stopped smoking last year on December 4, 2007. I smoked 27 years non stop until last year. Has it been easy; hell no! Do I still have cravings and the urge to smoke; hell yes! Has it become easier not to smoke; hell yes!
What is the single most thing that has helped me not to smoke; sugarless gum, I chew it everyday, it has become my addiction!
What is the single most important thing I have done to get through the first year of non smoking; not picking up a cigarette no matter what!
Believe me, I am no quitting smoking guru or genius. I have many brothers that I ride motorcycles with who smoke, hell my mom smokes. Many of my brothers smoke Cigars. When they light their cigarettes or Cigars, it really bothers the hell out of me. I still get cravings to smoke and will probably have them the rest of my life. I am not going to pick up a Cigar because I absolutely know that it will lead me to smoking again. The cravings have substantially died down over the last year. I now know that if I just don’t pick up a cigarette that the cravings will go away eventually.
If you are quitting smoking, make sure you have plenty of sugarless gum available, and just don’t smoke, the cravings will pass.
One of the great benefits to not smoking, I can sit in Court now doing motorcycle accident cases as an attorney, and not have to run outside for a cigarette every time we have a recess. Another huge benefit is not having sore throats all of the time! A couple of the big things I miss about smoking; the after sex cigarette, and taking a smoke break while riding my motorcycle. It sure is nice to not smell like an ashtray. It sure is nice to have a new car that does not have cigarette smell, ashes, or burns in it either. I will tell you one thing, if I can quit smoking after 27 years, anyone can!
By California Motorcycle Accident and Biker Lawyer, Norman Gregory Fernandez, © 2008
Good for you…i quit too…cold turkey and haven’t fallen for about 5 years now. It’s feels great not to fall into that trap again. I always said that you don’t know how much pain your in until you quit.
Hey good going Norm! I can’t believe a year has gone by already, seems you were just talking about quitting yesterday.
You will especially be glad you quit smoking when your older say in your 60’s. (I wish I hadn’t smoked for 20 years now that I’m into cycling, I need as much air as I can get!)
I am really proud of you Norm!! What an accomplishment!! Did you gain any weight??
Congratulations. I smoked for a couple years and it was HARD for me to put down the smokes… Keep up the good work. It still is hard for me because smoking is my go-to mechanism when I get stressed out.
Thanks for your words Michael. It was and is hard but I am proof that it can be done!
Congratulations on your accomplishment! I know it is not easy. But it will add years to your life and your riding life.
Congratulations. That’s one huge favor you’ve done for yourself! Be strong and don’t touch those things again.
Congratulations Norm. I know it wasn’t easy and very glad you were able to do it.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Stopping smoking will definitely help to protect against wrongful death. Good job and congratulations. It took my years to quit.
Congratulations! Just had to say it. I’ve quit several times and its a difficult task that can play havic with emotions and every day life.
And by way, lucky you living in Cali! You can ride most every month out of the year.
Your story is very inspiring. That’s a tough habit to break after 27 years. Keep with it!
Norman…Good for you to quit smoking. I smoked two to three packs a day (work for casino and could smoke for free) for 22 years until a three week hospital trip gave me the start I needed to stop. I would never, never..no never in a million years smoke again. I have been smoke free 24 years now.
The real reason I am writing is to get some insight on adding rear speakers. I read, with interest, your earlier artical about changing the front ones and found it helpful…step by step. How about rear one for a 2004 FLHTCI? I have never had the seat off.
Congrats on quitting, my wife and I quite on July 5th 2001. I started smoking at 14 and smoked daily for 38 years. While it was difficult to quit it has been equally difficult to remain quit, with each day it does get easier. What I do like is the fact that I now no longer crave for a cigarette but I still find myself reaching for my shirt pocket at times. I like the fact that now I can smell things that I didn’t realize cigarette smoking tool away from my like the smell of fresh cut grass or the smell of bread baking in an oven. It is especially great waking on a spring morning and catching the smells of a spring morning. Once again Congrats and keep up the good health!
nice going norman! i quit on the first day of spring 10 years ago! best thing i ever did!! bought the Road King with the $$$ i saved, also bought a few more years i am sure. keep with it, you’ll be glad you did it!!
Thanks for your comments Gary. Yup it is one year. Time flies when you hit 40!
Thanks Sandie. Yes I gained some my brothers and friends have told me that I looked like I have bulked up muscle wise. I have actually gained some weight in my gut too. Thank god for good genetics. I am going to lose the weight soon!
Thanks Nick,
Thanks Jack,
Thanks Betty,
Thanks for your comments Tom. The not smoking is tough sometimes, especially around other people who are smoking.
With respect to your rear speakers, you are probably going to want to purchase an actual shop manual for your year bike to get precise instructions.
You will probably have to pull the tour pak to do the job right without damaging anything, but I could be wrong. You may also just want to pay an hour labor and have Harley Davidson do the work.
Good Luck,
Thanks for the words Roadster. I kind of sucks hearing that you are still reaching for the smokes even though you quit in 2001. I kind of figured that the urge never really leaves you. The choice is either to pick up or not pick up the smoke.
Many of my MC brother smoke. It kind of sucks sitting there at a gas pit stop, the place where I would get 2 or 3 smokes in before getting back on the bike, watching the bros smoke ciggs and cigars while I am waiting.
I am not smoking cigars either because I will probably start inhaling those and getting addicted to those too. It will probably lead me right back to smoking.
Anyway, hell I have some kind of cold/flu bug right now. Been sick for 6 days. Just sitting around being sick makes me want to smoke! Go figure!