California Motorcycle Attorney Norman Gregory Fernandez, Photo courtesy of the American Bar Association Journal, and photographer David Newhardt
Who says bikers are not represented in the legal community?
I was interviewed months ago by Rachel M. Zahorsky, a reporter with the American Bar Association Journal.
The article that she wrote about me is in the February 2011 issue of the American Bar Association Journal. You can read the article by clicking here now.
For those of you who do not know, the American Bar Association is the premier attorney organization in the United States. The American Bar Association Journal is a monthly magazine that is published by the American Bar Association for its attorney members.
When Ms. Zahorsky requested an interview from me I was honored to oblige her and the American Bar Association Journal.
In the grand scheme of things very few attorneys ever make the pages of the American Bar Association Journal, so when the magazine published an article about me, and a picture of me with my Harley Davidson Electra Glide, it was a thrill to see and read.
You see bikers and motorcyclists are often times underdogs both on the road and in the legal system.
Those of us who actually ride motorcycles understand more than anybody the dangers we face when riding our motorcycles on the road. We have to be very vigilant to ensure our safety on the road.
Often times, in car v. motorcycle accidents, potential jurors are prejudiced against motorcycle riders because they feel that we are engaged in a dangerous activity, or potential jury members may not like the way we dress.
In my experience, bikers and motorcyclists are in general, the most charitable and big hearted people I have ever met. We literally put on 100’s of events all over the United States every year for charity and to help others.
Unlike standard motorists, bikers and motorcyclists will go out of their way to help each other when in need. If any of you have ever broken down on your motorcycle on the side of the road, you know exactly what I am talking about.
One time on the way to the now defunct Hollister Rally, I ran out of gas. No less than 10 motorcycles stopped to help my then fiancé and me. I gave one guy some money and he went and bought a gas can and came back to us with gas. He could have just taken the money and went down the road. I have had many similar experiences in my time.
So I say good for the American Bar Association Journal to recognize my efforts, and to bring attention to bikers and motorcyclists.
On a side note the picture of me on the upper left and in the magazine, was taken by photographer David Newhardt who was tasked by the A.B.A. Journal with photographing me. I met him off of Pearblossum Highway on my Harley, and he followed me to the San Andreas Fault where the picture was taken.
This photograph marked the first time in my many years of riding, that I have ever ridden a motorcycle in a full suit. I must have looked very funny while riding. My suit pants where blown by the wind up to my knees so my very white legs were exposed.
As usual the ride was awesome.
By Biker Lawyer and California Motorcycle Accident Attorney Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2011
Hey Norm:
I got a real kick out of seeing your ABA article this morning when I came in, then instantly checked out your website. We have a lot in common. Intentionally shaving my non-balding head, sporting a beard, and driving a supercharged Triumph Rocket III, quickly sets me apart as a bit of a misfit when sitting in the conference room with the other attorneys. Add in the fact that I’m Patent Attorney with a penchant for all things geeky and the fact that you are more likely to find me “modding” or riding my bike on the weekends than sipping cocktails, and … well … suffice it to say that I am pleased to hear that other misfits exist in this field and have found success.
Congratulations on the article and in your return to solo practice doing what you love.
The very best,
Geek Law
Thanks for your comments Geek_Law. If you are ever in the neighborhood and want to take a ride, give me a call.
Congrats Norman, That’s really a great achievement and also an inspiration for new bike riders.
I have one question Norm…how did you keep the suit and hair so nice riding down the highway? Or did you dress behind a rock?? My husband was like…does he ride to work dressed like that??
Looking at this picture I think of ZZ TOPS song Best Dressed man.
You are a handsome hunk of man in that going to court suit!! LOL!
The article is great. You have cause to be proud of your hard work & reap the rewards and be recognized.
I brushed my hair once we got to the site, and I put my tie on. If he had done a close-up you probably would have seen that my suit was a bit frazzled. 🙂
Thanks for the kind words Sandie!!
There’s no apostrophe in “say’s” — as in “who says bikers are not represented in the legal community?” There should also be a question mark at the end of that sentence.
Thanks for the corrections Sam. Sometimes Dragon Dictate gets it wrong and the article gets published before the error is noticed.