Bizarre times we are living in my friends, by Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez

Bizarre times we are living in my friends, by Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez

I am 57 years old and have ridden motorcycles since I was less than 10 years old. This means I have been riding motorcycles for over 40 years. I have been riding Street motorcycles since I was 16 years old, or 41 years. I remember as a kid getting a real bad flu in...
My review of the Russell Day Long, Custom Motorcycle Seat for Indian Roadmaster, by Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez

My review of the Russell Day Long, Custom Motorcycle Seat for Indian Roadmaster, by Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez

My wife and I purchased a new Indian Roadmaster in approximately June 2017. You can see the stock seat on the motorcycle in this picture. (click on any of the pictures to see large size) We rode for one year on the stock seat with no problems, plus the stock seat...
You have had a motorcycle accident; which attorney are you going to pick? By California motorcycle accident lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez

You have had a motorcycle accident; which attorney are you going to pick? By California motorcycle accident lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez

The worst possible scenario has happened. You are out with your friends having a great day riding your motorcycles, you are in a pack, next thing you know, some idiot in a car cuts into your lane and takes you out. Next thing you know you’re lying on the pavement, in...

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