Passengers in motorcycle accident and other types of motor vehicle accident cases usually have more rights than the actual driver of each vehicle. This is due to the fact that a passenger has a right to recover irregardless of who is at fault. For instance, if you’re riding on the back of a motorcycle, and the person who is operating the motorcycle is at fault, you can make a claim against that person. This lets say a car hits the motorcycle, you can make a claim against the car that hit the motorcycle.
In most cases passengers injured in motorcycle accidents or other types of motor vehicle accidents will file a claim against the drivers of all vehicles involved in the accident, and let the chips fall when they may. 99.99% of the time a passenger in a motorcycle or other motor vehicle accident is an innocent victim and has no fault whatsoever in the accident.
Often times passengers injured in motorcycle and other types of motor vehicle accidents are related to, and/or are friends of the persons they are riding with. This sometimes presents special problems because the passenger feels guilty for filing a claim against their relative or friend.
You should not feel guilty. This is what insurance is for. If you’ve suffered an injury while riding on a motorcycle or other motor vehicle as a passenger, you have a right to recover for your injuries. It was not your fault that the accident happened. That is why the operators of the motorcycle and/or other motor vehicle purchase insurance, are required by law to have liability insurance on their vehicles. Furthermore, a true friend and/or family member would want you to be able to recover for your injuries if they were at fault in the accident. If they were not at fault in the accident, than the person or persons who are at fault in the accident will have to cover your damages.
You should be concerned about yourself and recovering from your injuries if you have been injured while riding on a motorcycle or in another type of motor vehicle as a passenger.
I handle cases for Motorcycle Riders and their passengers. You can go to my Motorcycle Law Website by Clicking Here Now.
By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. , Copyright 2006