In the Wind News and Articles
A little motorcycle ride from Irvine, CA to Huntington Beach, CA
This little video shows me riding from Irvine, CA to Huntington Beach, CA by way of Pacific Coast Highway. I ride this way home every day. I go from Irvine, to Newport Beach, to Huntington Beach. Notice the cigar 🙂 The video cuts off just as I turn from PCH to Main...
A Story for CBS News and KCAL 9 News
For the past couple of weeks I have been talking to a news producer over at CBS News and KCAL 9 news about my being interviewed and doing some action shots on my motorcycle. The gist of the story involves my crashing into road debris which you can read about by...
The Big 50
Well today is my 50th birthday, and man has it gone by real fast. It seems like the years are just zooming by now. I understand why many moons ago someone told me that life is too short, because it is. You blink and you are now 50 years old. Unfortunately today finds...
What Goes Around Comes Around
The old saying what goes around comes around, is not just a saying, it is a fact. I have been a biker and a motorcyclist for many years. I can recall many times where I had a problem with my bike on the road, and a fellow biker stopped and helped me out. Bikers and...
The Laughlin River Run 2013, a Good Time for Most
I attended the Laughlin River Run 2013 this year as I do most years. The Laughlin River Run is billed as the largest motorcycle and biker rally on the west coast. This year’s motorcycle rally was different than most past years rallies because the turnout appeared to...
The Biker and Motorcycle Rally Season is upon us
The weather is warming up, it is April 2013, and it is time for that annual tradition that we all love otherwise known as Biker and Motorcycle Rallies. On April 24-28th, the biggest motorcycle rally in the Western US will take place in Laughlin, Nevada. This rally is...
Getting settled in to the O.C. lifestyle.
Here it is March 13, 2013, and it has been a while since I posted my last article here on the Biker Law Blog. I have moved to Huntington Beach. My phone number and fax number are the same, 800-816-1529. So whether your case originates in San Francisco, Eureka,...
Had a close call on the freeway with road debris yesterday
Yesterday, Sunday, January 13, 2013, I rode my motorcycle from Palmdale, CA to Huntington Beach, CA as the first part of my move to Huntington Beach, CA. Since I am moving this Sunday, January 20, 2013 to Huntington Beach a distance of approximately 100 miles, and I...
The Final leg of my Epic around the Nation RV Trip, From Greybull, WY to Yellowstone, to Salt Lake City, UT, to Las Vegas to Home. August 30, 2012 – September 6, 2012, 8600 miles total.
Although I am writing this article on December 19, 2012, I actually returned home from my epic around the nation RV trip on September 6, 2012. Being gone almost two months, driving approximately 8600 miles not including the hundreds of miles I rode on the motorcycle...
We almost died in Big Horn National Forest
** This article was written on August 30, 2012, 2012, but it is being published on December 18, 2012. There will be one final article to be published soon about the rest of my epic vacation. There will also be a post of many videos from the vacation. Again, this...