In the Wind News and Articles
I am Sick and Tired of Bait and Switch Rebate Scams!
The “In The Wind” section of this Blog has become kind of a catch all Blog for subjects that do not fit into the other Blogs on this site. I figured I would do a little Thursday morning rant since it is about to rain here in Southern California so I cannot ride my...
The Tragedy of Anna Nicole Smith; What are the Legal Issues Related to her Death?
We have all read about the untimely death of 39 year old Anna Nicole Smith. Ms. Smith, a former Playboy Playmate of the Year, had a tumultuous life to say the least. She was born and raised in a small town in Texas. She became a stripper in that small town. She met...
Update in the Billy Lane Drunk Driving Manslaughter Case.
My friend Mike Odom, a fellow biker, has been keeping a close watch on the Billy Lane Case on his Blog which you can find by clicking here. You can find some of his recent articles on the case by clicking here. It appears that Billy Lane has hired two criminal defense...
Spammers are ruining the Internet. Use Common Sense and Protect Yourself.
If you have been on the Internet for any length of time you have probably been the victim of Spam. Spam is unsolicited email. Some spammers are simply trying to pitch their product, while some spammers are trying to do other devious deeds to your computer by injecting...
Slow recovery from My Low Speed Accident!
Well I guess I am getting old. As you have probably read below, I was involved in a low speed crash on Saturday, January 6, 2007. A great way to start the New Year…….Not. It really is true that the older you get; the longer it takes to recover. I have been hobbling...
It Really Happened!
A friend of mine from the Blawg Review emailed me a story about a challenge to a fight by a defense attorney to an ex-biker during a trial, which could result in a mistrial. Apparently the defense attorney challenged the ex-biker to a fight during the trial, and an...
I Have Been out of Pocket as You can Probably Tell!
With the low speed motorcycle crash I had on Saturday, coupled with the amount and intensity of work I have at the office, you can probably tell that I have not been writing many articles lately. I hope to remedy this situation soon. Soon you will start seeing some...
I was involved in a Low Speed Crash on Saturday!
Well, it can happen to anyone, even a biker lawyer! I had just picked up my bike from the Harley dealership (It was in for the Easy Clutch install and other service) on Saturday, and was out cruising solo. I stopped at a Starbucks to get a cup of joe. I was riding out...
Finally Taking the Plunge; Installing an Easy Clutch
It has been a little over a week since my last article. I am sure most of you had a great holiday season. As for me, I had depositions the day after Christmas; just before New Years; just after New Years, and another one yesterday. I have a Court appearance on Friday...
The Dodge Answer to the Morelock Family Lawsuit in the Billy Lane Case!
Mike Odom went to great lengths and a 3 hour ride to get a copy of the Dodge Answer to the Morelock Family Negligent Entrustment Case, related to the Billy Lane case. You can see the full answer posted here on Mike Odom’s Blog. I cannot comment on Florida law because...