In the Wind News and Articles
Blawg Review #110
Preface I'd like to thank the contributors and followers of Blawg Review for the honor of allowing me to lead this year's Memorial Day tribute. Memorial Day is a day that is set aside each year to honor those men and women who have lost their lives in the Service of...
Memorial Day 2007; Remembrance, and a Brief History.
This year Memorial Day is on May 30, 2007, with the observance being on May 28, 2007. As a proud veteran of the United States Air Force/ California Air National Guard, I wanted to remind all of my Blog readers that this upcoming weekend is Memorial Day weekend....
Hogtunes Speakers for Harley Davidson Baggers, Review.
** Update 5/22/07 See Below! ** Update 5/25/07 See Below! Well I finally took the plunge and installed my Hogtunes speakers today. These speakers are supposed to be vastly superior to the stock Harley Davidson speakers that come with the Harley Davidson Advanced Sound...
A Review of the Pro Pad Mini-Beast Air Horn; Thumbs Up!
*** June 8, 2009 update below the main article. Check it out! I just installed the Pro Pad Mini-Beast Air Horn on my Harley Davidson Electra Glide and all I can say is this little beast is truly LOUD! You can check out the Mini-Beast Air Horn at the Pro Pad website by...
Live By It; The Biker Lifestyle; A Video by Harley Davidson.
It is not too often that you see a video commercial that is literally perfect. This commercial by Harley Davidson, which is provided courtesy of is just that type of commercial. I have never seen a commercial that so captured the bikers way of thinking and...
1997 and Up, Mustang Plain Regal Ultra Touring Seat for Harley Davidson Electra Glide Review.
**** June 7, 2008 Update: I have now ridden 1000's of miles in this saddle, and I highly recommend it. Although it does move you up and forward a bit, the trade-off for sheer comfort is well worth it. My passenger and I have never had a sore or numb butt with this...
The Importance of applying a Sunscreen or Sunblock Lotion before Riding Your Motorcycle.
If any of you have ridden your motorcycle in the sun, without applying sunscreen lotion like I have, you may have learned the hard way at the end of the day that you have been fried to a crisp. There is nothing worse than having bad sunburn, especially on overnight or...
What Should You Do if a Car or Truck is Tailgating You While You Are Riding Your Motorcycle?
I have seen this question posed many time in various places. I recently read someone pose the question again. I was thinking about posting my article on this subject in the Safety Tips section of this Blog, however, I decided to post my article in the Biker Laws...
How to Select the right Motorcycle Helmet for You; Does Price Really Matter?
A Biker Law Blog visitor named Randy read my article titled “Helmets and Face Protection; You Decide!” He posted the following question; “I am looking for a full face DOT helmet. There are so many. How do you know if you are buying a good DOT helmet or one that is not...
A Motorcycle Road Song by Audioslave; Show Me How To Live!
I thought that I would lighten things up a bit on the Biker Law Blog by posting a Music Video by Audioslave. The song is called Show Me How To Live. The video is brought to us courtesy of Who says a Law Blog has to be boring! During my ride to the...