In the Wind News and Articles
This Summer Riding Season is turning out to be a Real Meat Grinder!
I am always preaching about motorcycle safety to everyone I know. I have written many articles on motorcycle safety here on the Biker Law Blog. This summer is turning out to be the absolute worst motorcycle accident season that I have ever seen as a biker. I am...
I hear a rumor that a lawyer is challenging the Denver Noise Ordinance.
I have been reading articles all over the internet about a lawyer who is challenging the Denver noise ordinance on the basis that Police Motorcycles that are Harley Davidson’s do not meet Denver’s 80 decibel noise standard, therefore the law as enacted is arbitrary...
Hundreds of Motorcyclist Stop Traffic on July 14, 2007 to perform Dangerous Stunts on Major Southern California Freeways?
**** Update July 16, 2007, 2:55pm P.S.T. - We have Video of the Event! See Below. When I received word of the newspaper article I am referencing in this article, and read the article, I basically did not believe the story. There is a link to the article at the bottom...
Hollister Independence Day Motorcycle Rally, 2007; a Nightmare!
This is not your usual ride report from me. I was unable to ride to the newly revamped Hollister Motorcycle Rally this year; thank god. This ride report is a first hand account of the rally from a very good friend of mine who rode to the rally for the first time, with...
A Little Fun for the 4th of July!
When Rock and Roll used to be Rock and Roll~~ Turn up those speakers! Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq.
Ramblings from a California Biker Lawyer……
Many of you may have noticed a significant decrease in the articles I have been writing on the Biker Law Blog lately. This is due to many factors; work, motorcycle riding season, and other circumstances beyond my control. The reality is that my work has kind of really...
Is Honda Motor Corporation about to buy Harley Davidson?
I have been reading about the rumors that Honda Motor Corporation is going to be buying Harley Davidson for the past week. I have been reading the expected responses from die hard loyal Harley Davidson motorcycle riders that it will never happen, it is just a rumor,...
A “How To” Video Rental Site for Bikers and Motorcycles!
My friend from Blawg Review sent me an excellent link to a site called SmartFlix that rents “How To” videos for Motorcycles and many other subjects. At first glance I was very happy to see that I could rent videos on topics that I have never seen before! I checked out...
A Ride to Newcomb’s Ranch with Reverend Chuck and the Old Lady!
A friend and client of mine, Reverend Chuck and I talked during the week about taking a little motorcycle ride on Sunday, June 3, 2007. Rev. Chuck is always busy doing weddings and such so we had some time constraints on the ride (which I cannot stand, but what can...
My Take on the Andrew Speaker Tuberculosis Nightmare.
Many of you have probably heard about the recent story of a man with XDR Tuberculosis, getting on a jet plane and flying to Europe knowing that he could potentially spread this horrible disease to others. He then traveled back across the border into the United States...