In the Wind News and Articles
I am going to start posting Biker and Motorcycle News on the Biker Law Blog!
I have heretofore refrained from posting stories about motorcycle accidents and other news items that I think Bikers and Motorcyclist would not want to read. However, I have changed my position. As a biker lawyer, a personal injury lawyer, and a lawyer who rides...
“The Biker Lawyer” and “The Biker Law Blog” were featured in The San Fernando Valley Business Journal.
The Biker Law Blog and I were recently featured in the San Fernando Valley Business Journal, March 3-16, 2008 edition. (“SFVBJ”) The article written by James Hames discusses how lawyers are using the Internet and Wireless Technology in their law practice. The article...
Legendary Custom Hot Rod Builder Boyd Coddington is Dead at the Age of 63.
Custom Hot Rod builder Boyd Coddington has died here in Southern California; he was 63 years old. Many people might wonder why I am writing about this on the Biker Law Blog, well I have admired Boyd’s work for many years, and he built great cars. Many people recently...
Britney Spears; What is Up With This Gal?
OK, OK, I am hereby succumbing to multiple requests from Biker Law Blog readers to discuss the legal ramifications related to the multiple 72 hour psychiatric holds on Singer Britney Spears. First off this is a Motorcycle Law Blog among other things. I do not normally...
Well Some Things Just Really Piss Me Off!
This article is an opinion editorial and rant piece. If you do not want to hear me rant about what I will call idiots against bikers then do not read this article. First off I will talk about a moronic woman named Melissa Arrington, age 27 who was sentenced to 10 and...
Check It Out; The Worlds Fastest Production Motorcycle; 340 Miles Per Hour!
My friend Ed from Blawg Review sends me interesting motorcycle related links from time to time, something that I really appreciate. He sent me a link to an article about the motorcycle that you see pictured here. The motorcycle is an Acabion GTBO, which has a turbo...
I Wish to Send You and Yours Happy Holidays for the Year 2007.
On behalf of myself, my family, and the Biker Law Blog, I would like to thank you all for a great year. Furthermore, I am wishing you all a Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. This is the time of year that we all get together with friends and family...
Harley Davidson Loses a Trademark Lawsuit for the “Sportster” Name In Mexico.
My friend Ed from Blawg Review sent me a link to a story which was written by Steve from Steve has posted comments here on the Biker Law Blog in the past. He broke what I consider to be a major story. Apparently, Mexican Businessman Alberto Lenz...
After 27 Years, I have finally Quit Smoking Cigarettes!
** March 9, 2009 Update: 1 year 4 months; No Smokie! I did gain some weight after quitting smoking. It seems that smoking is a stimulant, so your metabolism goes slows down after quitting smoking, plus you tend to substitute smoking for food. After being disgusted...
I Mounted a Portable Garmin GPS on my Motorcycle and in my Car; Here is a review!
** 4/28/2010 Update - I switched to a Garmin 755t from the Nuvi 350 about 6 months ago. The 755t has a wide screen, and wireless FM transmitter which allows me to tune the music in without having to use a cable into my auxiliary. There are many more features on this...