In the Wind News and Articles
What a wicked week here in Southern California. Michael Jackson, Farrah Facett, and Ed McMahon have all died within the last couple of days.
Growing up here in Southern California, especially in the San Fernando Valley, and living many years in Hollywood, I could not help but being in the middle of the celebrity scene as a kid and as an adult. I am not going to sit here and talk about who I know, who I...
Reflecting on my life on my 46th Birthday; and Contemplating Beyond.
Well here I am again, another birthday, I am now 46 years old. I must admit, it seems like the birthdays come much faster now than they used to. I guess I can finally accept the fact that I am getting old. I have heard the bullshit about how the new 40 is the old 30,...
Billy Lane to Face 9 years in Jail as Part of Plea Bargain Deal
*** August 18, 2009 Update. Billy Lane got 6 years in prison and probation after he gets out. Look for a new article on the subject soon. *** June 17, 2009 Update. Billy Lane's plea of guilty to vehicular homicide was accepted by the Court last week. He will remain...
It Has Been One Hell of a Month.
To say that shit happens is an understatement. Sometimes an avalanche happens, which is what happened in my personal life this month. My father suffered a second stroke a few weeks ago, which not only devastated him, but has kind of taken over my personal life over...
Is Las Vegas, Nevada a Dying City?
*** 7/10/09 Update - I am going to insert a comment from a Biker Law Blog Reader named Sam below. I feel that his update is succient and to the point. Here it is: Comment from : sam [Visitor] i just wrapped up a trip that ended up in las vegas for a week recently. we...
My Fiance and I Were The Victims of a Road Rage Incident Today!
My fiancé and I had a great time riding with some of my club brothers and friends Sunday. It was a great Sunday. A friend and I decided to take off and ride to Angeles Crest from Marina Del Rey. We rode the 10 freeway, east, to the 110 north, to the 5 north, to the 2...
A Video Taken by Me While Riding my Harley Davidson Electra Glide Motorcycle on Pacific Coast Highway.
I went motorcycle riding yesterday with some of my brothers and a friend. My friend and I split off later and went to the Rock Store, and Neptune’s Net via a really nice twisty route that I know in the Santa Monica Mountains. I have this new nifty touch screen phone...
Best Buy is Getting Into the Motorcycle Business!
Best Buy may begin selling motorcycles at five West Coast stores this spring. According to a report in Greentech Media, the CE chain will carry a $12,000 electric motorcycle in select West Coast stores starting in May, with Geek Squad workers possibly providing repair...
Dirt Bikes (Motorcycles) and ATV Sales Intended for Children 12 and Under Are Now Illegal.
A new federal law bans the sale of off-road vehicles made for kids under 12, part of a broader measure aimed at preventing lead poisoning in children. This law, effective February 10, 2009, cracked down on the selling of those hazardous items. Retailers say the law is...
When You Have Not Ridden Your Motorcycle For a Few Months; Take It Easy!
It is winter time in the good old USA. In many parts of the country, many bikers and motorcyclist have their motorcycles in winter storage until the weather gets better. In other parts of the country, motorcycles have been sitting for weeks or months just waiting for...