In the Wind News and Articles
Lucky to be alive after the Laughlin River Run 2010; however, we still had a good time!
See Videos Below Well the title says it all, my wife and I owe our lives to god after this years Laughlin River Run. I will explain below. If you did not know it, it is said that the Laughlin River Run is the largest motorcycle rally in the western United States, and...
The Yuma Prison Run 2010; a Great Time
*** 4/21/10 Update - See the Short Video Below! Living in Southern California we are blessed with year round riding. However, when April comes along there are several west coast biker rallies that take place every year. The Yuma Prison Run is one of those rallies....
Jesse James Charged with Vandalism in Long Beach
Today, Jessie James has been cited for vandalism by the Violent Crimes unit of the Long Beach Police Department after approaching and threatening a celebrity photographer parked across the street from the location of a West Coast Choppers Place press conference. The...
Another Woman Claims 3-year Affair Sandra Bullock’s husband Jesse James; I have coined a new phrase; Tiger Woods Syndrome.
**** 4/28/10 UPDATE - Sandra Bullock has filed for divorce. What would you do if you found out your spouse was sleeping with multiple partners? LOS ANGELES – California At least three women have come forward claiming to have had an affair with Sandra Bullock's husband...
4 Phoenix Arizona Motorcycle riders mowed down and killed After Being Rear Ended in a Horrible Crash.
PHOENIX — Arizona **** 3-29-10 Update: There was a big turnout of bikers to pay homage to the downed bikers who were killed and injured in the horrible accident. You can see a video by clicking here. **** 3-27-10 Update: 4th person died in this crash. I have modified...
Jesse James reaches out to his wife Sandra Bullock after Affair Allegations are Reported.
Jesse James has issued a public apology to his wife, academey award winning actress Sandra Bullock, and his three kids. He is taking full responsibility for their troubles. Sandra Bullock and Jesse James have been married for five years. They met on the set of Jesse...
Green Bay Packers Spencer Havner arrested following Motorcycle Accident
Green Bay Packers tight end Spencer Havner was arrested early Saturday morning after he was injured in a motorcycle accident in an unincorporated area of Nevada County in California. According to the California Highway Patrol, the former Nevada Union High School star...
New Security Measures for the Biker Law Blog; Sorry.
Well as you read here, the Biker Law Blog has been getting spammed by people who are seeking reverse links back to their websites, which they believe will increase their search engine ranking. They leave comments such as “I really enjoyed this article” etc., on...
Custom Motorcycle chopper sales crash in tough economy; now may be the time to get a deal if you can afford it.
Through the open door at Central Florida Choppers near downtown Orlando, Allen Dixon can hear the rumble and roar of motorcycles traveling up and down Interstate 4. It is, after all, Bike Week, and Dixon makes his living building motorcycles. But right now, he isn't...
Motorcycle Safety Message Appearing on Signs all over California.
Some of my readers have reported seeing motorcycle safety messages on signs all over California. This intrigued me so I looked into it. It appears that it is true; the California Highway Patrol has started a campaign to make motorists more aware of motorcycles. The...