California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez sitting in a Helicopter on the Flight Line at Sheppard Air Force Base, June 1981
Each year I wish all of my fellow veterans, both past and present a Happy Veterans Day.
You can read my many articles by typing in Veterans Day on the search box on the upper right.
This year is a special veterans day. President Obama has announced that we will officially be out of Iraq by year’s end which is great news. We lost a lot of men there, and many tens of thousands more were severely injured and/or have suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result.
Our men are still fighting Taliban and insurgents from Pakistan in Afghanistan as I write this article.
Further, this year we finally got the asshole Osama Bin Laden and dumped his ass into the ocean where he belongs. We also got the asshole Anwar al-Awlaki and a whole bunch more of those Al Qaeda assholes.
With our help and the help of NATO, Libya’s Kaddafi is no more.
However, our nation is facing some major challenges in the upcoming years. The U.N. has finally acknowledged that Iran has been lying about its nuclear program, and in fact is trying to develop a nuclear weapon, which may mean we might have to take out Iran, and Communist China is building its military and space capabilities with our money.
In the end there may be more wars in store for our nation.
At least for now there are many veterans who are coming home to find that they cannot get jobs, and their benefits are being cut and/or are non-existent. This to me is a travesty.
There are many other veterans who are homeless on our streets, and who have become addicted to drugs and alcohol as a result of having to deal with the nightmares they went through on our countries behalf.
There are many others that have suffered horrible injuries that will haunt them for the rest of their lives.
It’s time for us as a people to step up and do more for our veterans than wish them a happy veterans day, it is time to actually help them out and show them that we love them and honor their service.
I am asking all of you to donate money to a reputable veteran organization this day.
Happy Veterans Day!
By U.S. Air Force Veteran, and California Motorcycle Accident Attorney, and Biker Lawyer, Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 11/11/11
Is that a cigarret you’re holding while sitting in a helo sitting on the tarmat?????
Hell no, with all of the fuel on the flightline they would have put me in the brig!
Just checking.