I would like to wish all of you a Happy Independence Day, 2017. As I sit here in beautiful Huntington Beach California, looking at the clear blue sky, and feeling the perfect weather, I think about our men and women in harm’s way throughout the world putting their asses on the line for our freedom.
Most of you are with your family today or simply enjoying a day off celebrating 4th July. Today is the day we celebrate our founding fathers declaring their independence from British tyrannical rule. From that day until now, many men and women have died so that we may be free. The fireworks that you see tonight, are a symbolization of the hard-fought battles that we have endured for our freedom.
Happy Independence Day.

Norm’s fiance, Teri M.
Now on a personal note, I am sure that you’ve seen I have written fewer and fewer articles lately. It’s been a tumultuous year to say the least. I have been super busy building my law firm and handling my client’s cases lately. Plus, I have founded injuredbikers.com which will eventually go nationwide.
I became engaged to a beautiful lady who you will become familiar with, and who will be my wife, Teri, among other things.
My mother passed away on May 5, 2017, which was utterly devastating for me. I have never felt such pain in my life. I am quite certain that those of you who have had their mothers pass away, and endure the type of pain that I am talking about, it is almost debilitating. Everything I do now, is in honor of my mother.
My fiancé Teri convinced me to switch from a Harley-Davidson Electra glide ultra-classic, to riding in Indian Roadmaster motorcycle. Presently, my Electra glide is for sale. Suffices to say the Indian is an awesome bike and I will be writing about it soon.
The Biker Law Blog is getting a minor makeover very soon to keep up with emerging technologies. This will make reading articles and visiting the blog on mobile devices much easier.
So again, let me wish you a happy Independence Day for the year 2017, and I look forward to writing many more articles soon.
By California motorcycle accident attorney and personal injury attorney Norman Gregory Fernandez, July 4, 2017