California Motorcycle Attorney Norman Gregory Fernandez, Photo courtesy of the American Bar Association Journal, and photographer David Newhardt
*** July 23, 2012 Update – Had a great time riding in San Antonio yesterday, got back this evening at around 10pm, and had an ice cold O’Doul’s and a sweet cigar in the balmy warm San Antonio night. The parking situation around the Alamo was a nightmare but I managed. I got the feeling that the many tourist around the Alamo did not comprehend the true significance of what happened there. Had a great Tex Mex meal along side the River Walk. Most of all I really enjoyed getting on my Harley and riding around. Tomorrow or I should say later this morning, I will put the Electra Glide back on the trailer, strike camp, and head out. I suspect I may hit Louisiana by evening, we will see.
Here I sit in a luxury RV park in San Antonio, TX on day 5 of my grand tour of the USA; I love it.
The last time I was in San Antonio was when I flew in at age 17 for Air Force Basic Training in March of 1981, boy have things changed.
First off I must say that I love the great State of Texas, I have some fond memories of being stationed here many moons ago.
Two nights ago I stayed in a really nice RV park in El Paso, TX, after driving through some heavy thunder storms in New Mexico. Last night I stayed here in San Antonio, and I am staying on for a day of rest and touring.
The last couple of days have seen me driving through some of the most beautiful and wide open country on earth. I have driven approximately 1400 miles so far.
I am going to take a break today and ride my Harley around town, check out the Alamo, and generally have a good time.
Last night while driving in downtown San Antonio, I got lost and ended up driving right next to the Alamo. It was quite an experience with a 35 foot motorhome and a motorcycle trailer navigating amongst all of the tourist.
Anyway, I just unloaded my Harley off of the trailer, used spray on wax to clean her up, and I will be leaving shortly to tour around town.
I was going to go check out the world famous San Antonio gun show today but unfortunately it is too late in the afternoon.
I will post some pics and maybe some video in the next day or two. You have to understand, this trip is about having a good time; blogging about it is a bonus.
San Antonio awaits…….
By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., July 22, 2012