It is Almost That Time Again; May, Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month!

Last year around this time I wrote an article about May being motorcycle safety awareness month, which you can read by clicking here now. Although it is not quite May, 2008 yet, as my fiancé and I get ready to ride to Laughlin, Nevada for the Laughlin River Run ( you...

Make Motorcycle Riding Safety Your Top Priority!

Operating a motorcycle takes different skills than driving a car; however, the laws of the road apply to every driver just the same. A combination of consistent education, regard for traffic laws and basic common sense can go a long way in helping reduce the amount of...

Riding Season is Upon Us; Check Your Motorcycles and Take it Easy!

Although we ride our motorcycles all year here in California, in many parts of the country, riding season has begun with the coming of spring. Whether you are in California, or somewhere else in the Country or world, it is always a good idea to do a safety inspection...

Riding your Motorcycle in the Rain; Don’t do it unless You Must!

This is my first article of the New Year 2008. As I write this article California is enduring extraordinary rains which we are not accustomed to. I was out yesterday riding my cage in the rain, and I saw a guy riding his motorcycle with normal street clothes on,...

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