This summer is turning out to be a real meat grinder

This summer is turning out to be a real meat grinder

As a personal injury attorney who is an expert in motorcycle accident cases, I get reports of motorcycle accident cases from all over the country on a daily basis. This particular summer, seems like the worst summer for fatal motorcycle accidents that I’ve ever seen....

A Ladies first ride on the back of a Harley Davidson

Last weekend I took a friend Yvonne for her first ride on the back of a Harley Davidson. As a matter of fact she has never ridden on the back of a motorcycle before. The lead up to the ride was classic. She was excited, and scared at the same time. We discussed the...

The Final leg of my Epic around the Nation RV Trip, From Greybull, WY to Yellowstone, to Salt Lake City, UT, to Las Vegas to Home. August 30, 2012 – September 6, 2012, 8600 miles total.

Although I am writing this article on December 19, 2012, I actually returned home from my epic around the nation RV trip on September 6, 2012. Being gone almost two months, driving approximately 8600 miles not including the hundreds of miles I rode on the motorcycle...

Techniques and Tips for New and Experienced Motorcycle Passengers

Riding on a motorcycle with a friend is one of the most fun things you can do. It could be a much more enjoyable experience if the passenger understands and follows quick and easy rules. To become the kind of passenger riders wish to ride with, try to remember the...

Common Factors Behind Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents can be tragic as well as upsetting events. The stats speak for themselves. Serious bodily harm as well as death is often the result of a motorcycle accident. Of the actual motorcycle accidents that do occur, roughly one out of every five...

Long Distance Motorcycle Riding; how do you Carry What You Need?

I have been a serious long distance motorcycle rider for many years now. You may ask what is a long distance motorcycle rider. To me a long distance motorcycle rider is someone who rides 800 or more miles on a motorcycle trip multiple times a year. So according to my...

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