Motorcycle Safety on the Road; They key is to be Seen and Use Common Sense!

I just read an outstanding article by Stan Henderson, Indiana State University associate professor of health and safety. He states among other things that: “Frequently, a vehicle will hit a motorcyclist because they don’t see them,” Henderson said. “This is partially...

What Should You Do if a Car or Truck is Tailgating You While You Are Riding Your Motorcycle?

I have seen this question posed many time in various places. I recently read someone pose the question again. I was thinking about posting my article on this subject in the Safety Tips section of this Blog, however, I decided to post my article in the Biker Laws...

Watch your Rear View Mirror When Coming to a Stop on Your Motorcycle; It Could Save Your Life.

I just read about a truly disgusting accident where a biker was killed after he made a full stop at a signal, and was rear ended by a Van. You can read about the accident by clicking here. The van driver not only killed this guy but he then ran away. He has turned...

Keep your Eyes and Your Ears Open; A Tub Might Hit Your Motorcycle!

You heard it right; a bathtub! I read an article which you can read by clicking here now, about a 72 year old motorcycle rider who was riding his Honda motorcycle on an interstate when he was hit by a bath tub that fell off of a truck. The motorcycle rider suffered...

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