Even Experienced Motorcycle Riders Need to Be Careful Riding!

  Well it has been 40 something years since that sunny summer day in the sixties when my dad first put me on a mini-bike in the fields behind the housing development where we lived at the time. I have ridden some form of motorcycle ever since. I will admit that from...

What do you do with your hands if you are stopped by the Police!

**** 5/16/10 Update: Officer found guilty in shooting of sitting biker, see below for link. **** 5/12/10 Update: See Video of shooting victim testifying in Court below. When you are stopped by the Police in your car, on your motorcycle, or other motor vehicle, it is...

What is Causing the recent Rise in Motorcycle Accident Deaths?

The U.S. Department of Transportation has recorded a 150 percent jump in motorcyclist fatalities in the past decade. This huge rise in motorcycle fatalities has researchers perplexed. Even though I do not want it to be so because I myself am a biker and motorcycle...

Motorcycle Safety Message Appearing on Signs all over California.

Some of my readers have reported seeing motorcycle safety messages on signs all over California. This intrigued me so I looked into it. It appears that it is true; the California Highway Patrol has started a campaign to make motorists more aware of motorcycles. The...

Let’s Talk Real No B.S. Motorcycle Riding Safety; The Two Most Important Safety Items.

First off let me start off by stating that I do not advocate mandatory helmet laws or anything like that. I feel that each motorcycle rider should have the right to wear whatever they want to wear while riding. The advice I am giving in this article is just that,...

This Luckiest Guy on Earth or is He Plain Dumb.

I am posting a video of a motorcycle accident that happened in Greece, below. It is amazing footage of an actual motorcycle accident. Based upon what I am seeing in this video, the guy is lucky to be alive. He could have suffered massive internal injuries, broken...

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