by Norman Gregory Fernandez | Feb 11, 2010 | Articles, Biker and Motorcycle Law, Courts, Criminal Law, Editorial, Education, EPA, General Legal, Helmet Laws, Noise Laws, Other, Regulations
License Requirements A motorcycle license (M1 endorsement) is required for any rider who rides a motorcycle 150cc’s and above. If under age 18 you must be at least 16 years of age, have a permit for six months, have proof of driver ed. and driver training, and...
by Norman Gregory Fernandez | Jan 25, 2010 | Articles, Biker and Motorcycle Law, Biker Rights, Criminal Law, Editorial, General Legal, In The Wind, News, Regulations
Michael Murphy, of Riverside California, sometimes encounters a frustrating problem while riding his motorcycle. “I have many times been stuck at a left turn light controlled, I assume, by the circle cut in the pavement, by a weight sensor, that my motorcycle is...
by Norman Gregory Fernandez | Dec 31, 2009 | Articles, Biker and Motorcycle Law, Criminal Law, Editorial, Education, General Legal, News, Other, Regulations
Below is a summary of new laws for the State of California for 2010. Most will be going into effect on Friday morning. Remember you are deemed to know the law; ignorance of the law is no excuse for violating it. AB 9 (J. Perez) – Political Reform Act: FPPC...
by Norman Gregory Fernandez | Dec 20, 2009 | Articles, Biker and Motorcycle Law, Biker Rights, California Motorcycle Accident, Car Accidents, Courts, Editorial, Education, General Legal, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Other, Passenger Injuries, Personal Injury, Regulations
When you hear the term “Tort Reform” realize they what you are really hearing is a call to take away your legal right to get compensation when you are injured due to the negligence of another, to protect big business, the insurance companies, the big pharmaceutical...
by Norman Gregory Fernandez | Nov 3, 2009 | Articles, Editorial, Education, General Legal, Medical Treatment, Other, Regulations
****March 25, 2010 Update – Reconcilliation bill approved by Sentate with a few changes, sent back to House, and approved by House. This phase of health care reform is compete. ****March 23, 2010 Update – Healthcare reform was signed into law by President...
by Norman Gregory Fernandez | Oct 17, 2009 | Articles, Biker Rights, Criminal Law, Editorial, EPA, General Legal, In The Wind, News, Other, Regulations, Riding Attire
The following is directly from a press release from the Anaheim Police Department. It was not written by me. ### Beginning of Press Release. The Anaheim Police Department host a total of 6 Sobriety and Drivers License checkpoints, starting with one on Harbor Boulevard...