Biker and Motorcycle Law

What do you do with your motorcycle After an Accident?

You have been involved in a motorcycle accident; now what do you do with your motorcycle? Before discussing this subject, I want to discuss the subject of "Road Side Assistance Plans," such as AAA, and/or insurance company provided plans. I recommend that you always...

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Watch out for Traffic. Anticipate what the Cager will Do!

I have handled many motorcycle accident cases where Cagers (people in cars) cut right into a biker. (person on motorcycle) In this video courtesy of you will get a first hand look from the biker's point of view how fast an accident can happen. You will...

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California Helmet Law Ruled Unconstitutional! NOTICE THIS DECISION HAS BEEN OVERRULED!

******UPDATE 5/18/2007, THE BELOW CASE HAS BEEN OVERRULED BY THE STATE APPEALS COURT IN FAVOR OF THE CHP. YOU CAN READ MY NEW ARTICLE ABOUT THIS CASE BY CLICKING HERE! A Superior Court Judge for the County of Santa Cruz has ruled that California’s Helmet Law is...

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California Law requires that all persons involved in a motor vehicle accident to exchange drivers license, Vehicle Registration, and insurance information with each other at the scene of an accident. If you are physically able, you must also provide your drivers...

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What do you do if you are in a motorcycle Accident?

Being in a motorcycle accident can be one of the most traumatic experiences of your life, especially if you are seriously injured. Many people die each year in motorcycle accidents in the United States. If you are in any type of motorcycle accident, make sure you get...

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Special Problems Related to Motorcycle Accidents.

I have been a long time rider of motorcycles, and as such have intimate knowledge of the special issues and problems related to Motorcycle Accident cases. I understand from a "riders" point of view how motorcycle accidents normally happen and the catastrophic injuries...

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Time Limit to File a Lawsuit in California for a Motorcycle Accident

The present Statute of Limitations for filing a lawsuit for personal injuries related to your motorcycle accident in the State of California is two (2) years from the date of the accident. If you do not file a lawsuit within two (2) years, you lose your right to sue!...

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Biker Lawyer’s Random Images

If you have been in a Motorcycle Accident ANYWHERE in The State of California, call me now 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, for a free consultation at 800-816-1529), Extension 1.

Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez picture taken by the American Bar AssociationWelcome, my name is Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. I am a real biker, and a real California Biker and Motorcycle Lawyer. Click Here to find out more about me.

I created this site to provide information to the motorcycle and biker community, as well as general California Personal Injury, and Family Law Information to all.

On the Biker Law Blog you will find Biker and Motorcycle Legal Articles, News, Links, Safety Tips, Personal Injury, Family Law, and more.

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