Biker and Motorcycle Law
More on the Billy Lane Case.
I recently wrote an article about the Billy Lane drunk driving manslaughter case. You can find that article by clicking here now. Since I wrote that article, much more information has become available about the case. I was contacted by a gentleman and fellow biker...
Civil Assault and Battery in Plain Language
I have heard many people throw the term of assault around to describe someone being physically abused. The purpose of this article is to describe what the civil tort of assault and the civil tort of battery are in plain language. The legal definition of civil Assault...
What is the Real Scoop with the new Environmental Protection Agency Motorcycle (EPA) Emission Regulations?
American iron magazine has on its website, various articles in Adobe PDF format about the new EPA Emission Guidlines. You can check out these articles by clicking here. The gist of the new regulations are that all motorcycles must meet certain emissions standards....
Basic Motorcycle Laws By State
If many of you like me, like to ride your motorcycle in different states, you would be surprised at the differences in the various laws of each state when it comes to riding your motorcycle. Obviously, you should at least know the basic laws pertaining to riding your...
Car and Motorcycle Insurance: Uninsured Motorist Coverage/Bodily Injury (UM/BI)
The name speaks for itself. This type of insurance coverage will cover you for your "non-property" related damages (Bodily Injury, Pain and Suffering, Loss of Enjoyment of Life, Emotional Distress) in a Car or Motorcycle injury accident, if the other motorist who is...
What is a Contingency Fee in a Personal Injury Case?
I have found that there is a general misconception by many people who call me as to what a contingency fee is in a personal injury case. This article will attempt to take away the misconceptions and explain in plain language what a contingency fee is in relationship...
Billy Lane, a Tragedy.
Many of you probably already know that Custom Motorcycle Builder Billy Lane was involved in a motorcycle accident which claimed the life of Gerry V. Morelock, a 56 year old man who was just out riding his "Street Legal" Yamaha Scooter. It has been alleged that Billy...
What is a Personal Injury Case? A Brief Overview.
It is very difficult for most lawyers to explain in plain language, the intricacies of cases and the law. The reason for this is there is nothing simple or easy about the law. Most of us lawyers spent either 3 or 4 years in law school learning the law, and were...
All About Motorcycle Pack Riding; Use Caution!
Oftentimes you may want a ride your motorcycle with your friends, clubs, or other motorcycle riders in a pack. Unless you know the person so you're riding with, and their habits, you must be very careful. Even if you do know your friends riding habits, you must be...
The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates Announces our New California Personal Injury Lawyer, Attorney, Blog.
The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates is a Southern California Law Firm that handles many types of legal matters including personal injury. We handle Personal Injury matters throughout the State of California. We are pleased to announce the...