Biker and Motorcycle Law
Transporting a Gun on Your Motorcycle.
First off, I am not giving legal advice by this article. You should always check with a lawyer in your respective State on the issue of transporting a gun on a motorcycle or in another type of vehicle. If in doubt, call a lawyer! Generally Bikers and Motorcyclist are...
Michelin Announces Motorcycle Tire Recall / Check Your Tires!
Michelin has announced a recall of some motorcycle tires. Anybody who is using the below tires needs to get them replaced. If you are not sure what tires you are using on your motorcycle go inspect them now to make sure they are not the subject of the below recall....
An Email from a Biker Law Blog Reader about the Denver, Colorado Noise Ordinance Situation and How it Relates to Custom Motorcycles.
I received the following email from a Biker Law Blog Reader named Patrick. I will let the email speak for itself because it is self explanatory. I have not edited it and it is in Patrick’s own words. Here it is…….. I have some information for you. There is a letter...
NEWS FLASH: The City of Denver, Colorado, becomes the first Major U.S. City to basically Outlaw After Market Pipes on Motorcycles!
**** 6/10/07 Update: SEE BELOW *** 6/11/06 Update: SEE BELOW The City of Denver, Colorado has enacted a municipal ordinance that will require all motorcycles in the city to have a Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sound-certification label on the exhaust...
My Take on the Andrew Speaker Tuberculosis Nightmare.
Many of you have probably heard about the recent story of a man with XDR Tuberculosis, getting on a jet plane and flying to Europe knowing that he could potentially spread this horrible disease to others. He then traveled back across the border into the United States...
You were just involved in a Motorcycle Injury Accident; Now What?
I have written many articles in the Biker Law Blog about what you should do after a motorcycle injury accident, selecting a lawyer, selecting the right lawyer, etc. You can find all of my articles by using the search function on the upper right sidebar of the Blog,...
What Visual Cues Does Law Enforcement Look for in Determining Whether a Motorcycle Rider is Driving While Under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol (DWI – DUI).
Everyone that reads my Blog knows that I do not ever condone riding your motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Nonetheless there are bikers and motorcyclist who do in fact ride while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and/or are accused of...
How to Get Yourself Killed Speeding on A Motorcycle in a Curve.
I am posting the below video courtesy of This video clearly shows how quickly doing something stupid like speeding at speeds of 100 plus on a motorcycle, on Canyon Roads, can get you killed. The video clearly shows what a motorcyclist usually sees right...
A Review of the Pro Pad Mini-Beast Air Horn; Thumbs Up!
*** June 8, 2009 update below the main article. Check it out! I just installed the Pro Pad Mini-Beast Air Horn on my Harley Davidson Electra Glide and all I can say is this little beast is truly LOUD! You can check out the Mini-Beast Air Horn at the Pro Pad website by...
The California Court of Appeals Rules in Favor of the California Highway Patrol on Helmet Law Requirement!
I wrote an article about a California Superior Court ruling which found in favor of a man who has been challenging California’s mandatory helmet laws. You can read that article here. The case was appealed by the California Highway Patrol. The Court of Appeals of...