Biker and Motorcycle Law
Do not ride your Motorcycle in the State of California without having mandatory minimum Liability Insurance! Check your Insurance People, This is becoming Ridicules!
I have had a run of bikers who have had motorcycle accidents call me lately that do not even have basic liability insurance. I am not talking about the type of insurance that will cover your motorcycle in case of an accident for your own property damage....
The Fine Art of Lane Splitting While Riding Your Motorcycle in California. Commuting to Work safely!
Although I am a biker lawyer, I try to ride my motorcycle as much as possible when I do not have to be in Court, especially now that gas prices are through the roof. Bumper to bumper traffic here in Southern California is another incentive to commute on my Harley...
I am Blogging about Motorcycle Law, Motorcycle Safety, and Biker Stuff Again! It is about time Right?
Well as many of you probably already know, I have been on a bit of a hiatus with respect to posting articles on the Biker Law Blog. I can assure you that I wanted to keep posting Motorcycle and Biker related articles on a daily basis but sometimes circumstances...
It looks like Anaheim, California is the latest California City to go after Bikers for loud pipes!
It looks like Anaheim, California is the latest California City to go after Bikers for loud pipes! Well here we go again. Rather than using law enforcement resources to go after criminals, drunk drivers, and the like, another California City is instead going after...
Certain towns in Southern California are starting to crack down on loud pipes!
It looks like the loud pipe crackdown is starting to spread across the nation. I have written articles about Malibu, California, and Denver, Colorado cracking down on loud pipes. I have now heard reports from people calling my office that certain cities in the Inland...
This Summer Riding Season is turning out to be a Real Meat Grinder!
I am always preaching about motorcycle safety to everyone I know. I have written many articles on motorcycle safety here on the Biker Law Blog. This summer is turning out to be the absolute worst motorcycle accident season that I have ever seen as a biker. I am...
I hear a rumor that a lawyer is challenging the Denver Noise Ordinance.
I have been reading articles all over the internet about a lawyer who is challenging the Denver noise ordinance on the basis that Police Motorcycles that are Harley Davidson’s do not meet Denver’s 80 decibel noise standard, therefore the law as enacted is arbitrary...
Hundreds of Motorcyclist Stop Traffic on July 14, 2007 to perform Dangerous Stunts on Major Southern California Freeways?
**** Update July 16, 2007, 2:55pm P.S.T. - We have Video of the Event! See Below. When I received word of the newspaper article I am referencing in this article, and read the article, I basically did not believe the story. There is a link to the article at the bottom...
Hollister Independence Day Motorcycle Rally, 2007; a Nightmare!
This is not your usual ride report from me. I was unable to ride to the newly revamped Hollister Motorcycle Rally this year; thank god. This ride report is a first hand account of the rally from a very good friend of mine who rode to the rally for the first time, with...
Something for all of us to Remember this July 4, 2007, Independence Day; as our current Government Usurps our Liberty.
IN CONGRESS, July 4th, 1776 A DECLARATION By the REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, In GENERAL CONGRESS assembled. When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with...