Biker and Motorcycle Law
“The Biker Lawyer” and “The Biker Law Blog” were featured in The San Fernando Valley Business Journal.
The Biker Law Blog and I were recently featured in the San Fernando Valley Business Journal, March 3-16, 2008 edition. (“SFVBJ”) The article written by James Hames discusses how lawyers are using the Internet and Wireless Technology in their law practice. The article...
Kill A Biker – Go To Jail!
Kill A Biker - Go To Jail. We in the biker and motorcycle community have heard this term many times. As a matter of fact we have also seen stickers with this term on it. Many of us advocate harsh punishment for negligent cagers who hit us or cut us off while we are...
Health Insurance Companies Are Discriminating Against Bikers; Maybe It Is Time for Universal Medical Insurance!
I have read and heard reports that some employer based health insurance plans, and individual health care plans are now refusing to cover bikers and motorcyclist because they are classifying us as hazardous recreational vehicle users. Under this classification, they...
Well Some Things Just Really Piss Me Off!
This article is an opinion editorial and rant piece. If you do not want to hear me rant about what I will call idiots against bikers then do not read this article. First off I will talk about a moronic woman named Melissa Arrington, age 27 who was sentenced to 10 and...
What Are Your Legal Options If you are Hit While Riding Your Motorcycle? Read This Even If you Have Not Had A Motorcycle Accident!
There are many articles here on the Biker Law Blog which discuss motorcycle accident scenarios. This article will attempt to lead you through the process of what you should do if you are in a motorcycle accident, and what your legal options are. This article will also...
My Thoughts on Selecting a Lawyer to Handle Your Motorcycle Accident Case.
I have noticed many regular personal injury lawyers pawning themselves off as biker and motorcycle accident lawyers lately, and to be frank it really kind of rubs me the wrong way. There is nothing worse than a poser! Most of these “regular” personal injury lawyers...
Cities and Counties in California Where I handle Motorcycle Accident and other Personal Injury Cases!
Well this is my last article for the year 2007. It has been one heck of a year. I was thinking about this past year and thinking to myself wow, what a year. I have written many articles in the past year, and I have done many motorcycle accident and personal injury...
Harley Davidson Loses a Trademark Lawsuit for the “Sportster” Name In Mexico.
My friend Ed from Blawg Review sent me a link to a story which was written by Steve from Steve has posted comments here on the Biker Law Blog in the past. He broke what I consider to be a major story. Apparently, Mexican Businessman Alberto Lenz...
Well here we go; State Legislatures are now going after Stunt Riding Sport Motorcycle Riders; The Problem is that all Bikers and Motorcyclist could be Dinged by New Laws!
The State of Florida has proposed a new law HB137 2008, which is geared specifically towards bikers and motorcyclist. I will call it the Florida Reckless Motorcycle Law. The gist of the new law is that if a law enforcement officer charges a person with reckless...
Editors of the ABA Journal today announced they have selected The Biker Law Blog as one of the top 100 best websites by lawyers, for lawyers. The Biker Law Blog is authored by California Motorcycle Accident and Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez. “Lawyers...